Friday, June 28, 2013

Hilaria Thomas Tweets About Anniversary Presents While At James Gandolfini Funeral

There are not many places today where people don't drag out their phones and text or e-mail or even Tweet, but Alec Baldwin's wife may have crossed the imaginary line and then rubbed out that line and made a new one for herself. The funeral of James Gandolfini started at 10 a.m., and Hilaria decided that she was bored out of her mind at the funeral and showed she has no class at all, which is not surprising considering the things she has done since she got married to Alec, and Tweeted at 9:53, 10:17, and 11:06. What was so important that she needed to Tweet during the funeral?

She wanted her followers to suggest some great wedding anniversary presents. Oh, wait, it gets better. She also promoted her upcoming visit to the Rachael Ray show. See, before Hilaria hooked up with Alec, no one had ever heard of her except those people who take her yoga classes. The yoga instructor now suddenly finds herself getting hosting gigs on television shows and appearing on Rachael Ray and you can tell those kinds of things are way more important than some funeral.

A rep for Hilaria says she left early because she was feeling faint. Uh huh. No she didn't. and even if she did, I guess she was feeling well enough to Tweet about all those other things. No one will ever let her live this down.

Alec did his best to be his usual calm self by calling the first reporter who mentioned the Tweets a queen and said he would stick his foot up the reporter's butt, but that the reporter would probably like it too much. Great guy that Alec. Hilaria has since disabled her Twitter.


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