Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Halle Berry Wants Bill Protecting Kids From Paps

I think there should be limits on what paps can do when they are taking photos of celebrity kids, but I just don't know how you will ever be able to enforce anything. Here is Halle Berry spending ten minutes discussing it. (Thanks April)


  1. Lol god i feel bad for her kids... "mom, shut up!!!!" will be a constant cry in that household.

  2. We need a bill protecting us from Halle.

  3. So in other words, Halle wants to make it illegal for pictures to be taken of her daughter very happy with her daddy and miserable with her?

    (Kidding, I agree with this. Leave the kids out of it.)

  4. This is the greatest example of white whine I have ever seen. She could have tlked about AIDS, her diabetes, human trafficking....there are just much more pressing topics out here Halle.

    1. She doesn't really care about paps, she wants to move to France because of Gabriel. Can't even be sincere.

  5. Completely agree with Halle. She's just a mom who is seeing her child suffer and she's protecting her, like a good mom would. These kids may be children of celebs, but they are just as innocent and vulnerable as any other child.

  6. Maybe I'm being overly sceptical, but my first reaction was that's she's using this to set the groundwork in that custody battle with Aubrey and move to France.

    She couldn't possibly be that calculating. Right?

  7. Don't worry Olivier doesn't want her in would put a cramp in his style...

  8. Hate Halle, but no paps should be sitting outside any celebrity kid's school to take pictures. I bet at least one of those guys is registered sex offender. It would be a great cover.

    Kind of like the guy who took pictures of Pink changing her kid's diaper. Why would you take that shot? Who would buy it?

    1. +1 that guy was absolutely disgusting. Was he hoping to get a picture of the baby's privates? He deserved every punch

  9. I don't like the paps stalking the kids' schools.

  10. Her motives are clear but this would still be a great law.

  11. I'd be more inclilned to give credence to her cause if she didn't participate in the whole calling of paps and selling photos game. Sorry Halle, once you dip your toe into that pool, your argument becomes moot.

  12. I agree, the paps should leave the kids alone.

  13. Is there anything we can do about celebrities taking photos of non-celebrity babies and distributing/selling them? The Kardashian thing where she's taking shots of the babies that aren't hers and selling them to TMZ is really pretty damn disturbing.

  14. Oh yeah, my ol' buddy Darrell Steinberg will totally fast-track that bill....

    Any pap-protection bill with meaningful limitations will be struck down on constitutional grounds.

  15. Make the news organizations criminally liable for any harm done by the paps. Require bonding from any freelance paps before they can sell their photos. Make the whole enterprise financially prohibitive. I've never understood the thrill of seeing movie stars in the wild. Jack Nicholson on the front row of a Lakers game is the same Jack available on dozens of streaming/DVD movies on Netflix.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. She lost all credibility in her whole anti-pap crusade after those photos of her smiling for them in Paris were published. So her "fear" of the paparazzi is directly connected to how much she needs them to make her look good at the moment?

  18. This is already law in the UK - no child can be photographed or made the subject of a story if the only reason is the parent's fame. You enforce it by levying heavy fines on any publication that publishes pics or story. A few £5,000,000 fines here and there soon have the shareholders upset.

    You do see pics of kids of course, but they tend to be from the US paps where the law doesn't apply.

    I fully agree with it, no kid should have their privacy invaded just because mummy or daddy is famous. It's outrageous and to be honest I don't get why it even happens - I don't have any interest whatsoever in anyone's children and I don't click on any stories about them therefor I don't drive up the ad revenue. I also don't think I know anyone else who gives a flying fuck about celeb kids.

    1. I think they should do something like that here in the US. I would think it would be easier to enforce the websites and publications rather than the individual photographers themselves- And if they don't have anybody buying the photos they aren't going to take them.

      But this cause doesn't need Halle as thr face of it, she's a mess.

  19. Ja'ime I agree. We all know that Halle Scary has called the paps herself. Be careful what you wish for!

  20. She should probably stop calling the paps to get shots with her and the kids then. Hypocrite.

  21. In Spain the children's faces are blurred when in magazines and such.

    It's really stupid because all babies are the same. It makes more sense when they are teens and such.
    The worse is that they sell exclusives in order to show the kid to the world and you can only see some blurried face, unless the parents are paid a lot, that the law doesn't work there and the child is shown. Other times, the paps can't photo the baby, but the idiot parents show the pic on twitter (Shakira, I'm looking at you). As mags can't show the pic, they tell the people to search the celebrity's twitter.

  22. The problem is no such law would be viewed as Constitutional because it can be argued that it's an infringement of freedom of the press. I don't think it's a bad idea in theory though. Wasn't there a story about how Ben Affleck had to stop a pap from going up to his kids because one made his daughter cry?

  23. Kels, are you retarded? Halle is not white so how about you leave your anti-white racist bullshit out of it? What shade of turd brown or piss yellow are you to hate whitey enough to drag race into this? Hell, even I know better sometimes.

  24. Oh forgot to say, fuck these a-holes and their brats. They don't like being photographed, go flip burgers in Tennessee and shut up. Or better yet, quit calling the paps then crying about how you have no privacy.

  25. 1. Someone needs to give Halle an explanation of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

    2. Halle needs to stop calling the paps telling them when she brings the kid to school or somewhere else, just so she can have the kid cry on cue!

  26. OMG - shout out from Enty!

  27. Halle is just pissed because all those pap photos show Nahla looking very happy with her father.

    Halle is a whiner.

  28. Wow Halle's eyes look cray cray when video is paused....
