Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dina Lohan Prays For Amanda Bynes - Believes 95% Of What She Reads Even Though She Doesn't Know Her

When it comes to Lindsay Lohan, her exploiting mother, Dina Lohan rarely believes anything that is written about Lindsay. She chooses to say it is all lies and Dina keeps her head in the sand of coke in front of her for anything else she does not want to know. Apparently though she is quite willing to believe everything that is written about Amanda Bynes. Well, 95%. On VH-1 yesterday Dina said, "And you know I believe, you know, 95 percent of what I read, possibly, out of a hundred. I don't know her, honestly, so I just pray she's okay."

Uh oh. Prayers from Dina. You just know she is out there praying for Lindsay and look how that turned out. Run for your life Amanda. Or you could just call Dina ugly. I'm pretty sure that would work the same too. Turns her back into Satan aka a man in a mesh shirt.


  1. "And you know I believe, you know, 95 percent of what I read, possibly, out of a hundred."

    Thanks for clarifying that it is 95% out of a hundred. Sad indictment on our society that she still has airtime.

  2. She's handing Amanda her virtual business card. Dina can smell ANY money in precarious places.

  3. Dina Lohan is a loathsome parasite who'll say or do anything she thinks will get her name in the news.

    1. Oh robert, you've quite a way with words!! I agree!

  4. Looks like she's floating. I wish I could float.

  5. I wish Dina Lohan would OD and die already. Can't someone mix her up a hotshot speed ball? I mean besides providing Middle Eastern men with mother/daughter 3sums, does she have a purpose in life?

  6. But everything written about LINDSAY is a lie?

    This woman is such a piece of shit.

  7. I'm waiting for Amanda royalty rip into her like she has everyone else.

  8. does dina not see how ...oh forget it

  9. oh God, I just agreed with Count Jerkula. What's happened????

  10. Dina probably wants to adopt Amanda, because Amanda has been taking the spotlight away from Lindsey, while she's been away. Dina will do anything for attention, good or bad...preferably bad's more shocking.

  11. I agree with libby.

  12. I hate this idea that claiming to pray and believe in a Christian god is supposed to mean you are a good person. Eurgh. Life choices make you a good person. Having Dina Lohan say she's praying for you is such an insult; so condescending and self-righteous. How about you stop 'praying' for things in life to get better, Dina, and start being a loving parent. Arsehole.
    BTW, I consider myself a loving parent and a big part of that is calling my children out on their unacceptable behaviour, not pretending it isn't happening so that I can lamely attempt to perpetuate the notion of their perfection.
