Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 21, 2012

What former B+ list pop singer who has not sung in years is now more famous for fashion and reality television could not speak for almost a week because her doctor went overboard plumping up her lips. She had to eat all her food with a straw for a week which she actually loved because she had nothing but milkshakes. Even now, she starts drooling sometimes because she can't get her mouth open enough.

Jessica Simpson


  1. I think she's beautiful without all that crap. Wish these women had real friends that would tell them that looking like a swollen catfish is not attractive. Stop with the lip injections!!!

  2. Funny, I had an bad reaction to a spider bite yesterday, and the same thing happened to me, minus the drooling. Also, it is not a good idea to mix a horses dose of Benadryl with booze...even in the form of a milkshake.

    1. Yowch V. Hope you're okay!

    2. Oh, V you must have a whopper of a Benadryl hangover today!

      Every time I see one of these lip plumped celebs, it reminds of that scene in Hitch where Will Smith eats shellfish and turns into the elephant man.

    3. Thanks Ladies, feeling much better! Essentially slept it off at my pool. There are worse ways to spend a Sunday :-)

      @MadamChef - I was thinking Hitch all day!! And Goldie Hawn in First Wives Club.

  3. I love how the people with the most money are the ones that get the crappiest doctors. Fillers and Botox look fantastic when not overdone..

  4. This was listed under 'easy, easy' in original blind and guessed immediately.

  5. She was former B+ list and Amanda Bynes was on the cusp of A list? Hogwash!

  6. Jessica Simpson is at her most beautiful when she's not all done up.

  7. Sounds like a scene out of Christmas With The Kranks. I agree that Jessica is beautiful with no need for "enhancements". She's a great singer too.

  8. As a singer, yes, JS only rates as former B+.

  9. The ratings are getting more confusing with all the different ENTIES I guess.

  10. Lip fillers like that are the worst!

  11. My brother dated a girl who worked in a plastic surgery office and denied getting her lips plumped.

    It was hilarious the pics he sent me because from the side they are HUGE and from straight on they have none of the ridges normal lips have because they are so bloated from filler.

    People really lose perspective sometimes.

  12. Anonymous11:33 AM

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  13. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Lip fillers and cheek fillers are so f'ing HIDEOUS! Lady's stop doing that to yourselves! You don't look young, fresh, sexy and applecheeked, you look like you've got a bad case of L.A Face. that hideous chipmunk cheeked, trout pout. Makes women look desperately insecure about aging. I'm going to dye my grays away when I age, and I may have an eyelid cut and paste (sorry, I know, gross) because my Mom had it done in her late forties and it made her go from looking like she just woke up all the time ( sleep -swollen upper eye lids), to looking rested and ten years younger. That's the only thing she ever had done, ever. So I can see maybe a teeny bit of plastic surgery like that, but enough is enough. I think these women try it a little, and then think well if a little's good then alot will be even better! I can't imagine looking in the mirror every day and seeing myself disfigured like MJ or Jackie Stallone. Surely looking old is preferable to having a case of LA Face and looking like some horrifying plumped doll.

  14. @Anna my dad had that done also, not for cosmetic but because his lids were drooping and it was affecting his vision. But seriously he looked great after. I would definitely do the same if I get droopy or swollen lids. The cosmetic look is just the bonus.

    Duck lips has to be an LA thing. I don't see much of it in NYC or other states to the extreme of LA. Women just be you!

  15. She is so naturally pretty, but used to really overdo stuff like that and makeup too.

  16. I'm fairly certain the drooling is caused by stupidity not surgery.

  17. Sounds like she had an allergic reaction. She is still drooling due to this? That's fucked up.

    I think she looks like a plastic Barbie doll whether her lips are plumped or not.

  18. A coworker had the area below his brows I guess the creases? tightened. He's young but they were droopy enough that they were affecting his vision. It's not a Norma Desmond, I'm ready for my close up, look, but it just pulled it up a little. He always looked scowly before.

  19. Dah...I had thought it was Gwen stefani
