Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 28, 2012

This celebrity is probably C list. However she is A+ when it comes to name recognition. She is also about doing anything she can do to become as famous as she possibly can. It is not about money. She has had offers from men who have been willing to pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to sleep with her. She is young and attractive, and she certainly draws a very wealthy crowd, but she does not not want the money, she wants the fame. She craves fame. She loves when people recognize her and loves being the center of attention. She also likes to pretend she is above it. But she isn't. Now, she has used some of these powerful men in the past. She keeps getting on television for one simple reason. She is willing to use what she has but not with producers. Nope. She goes for network heads and the presidents of development companies. She is one of the few people who can get access and she knows how to use her charms. She learned from a master. She does have a downfall. She can't seem to stay away from guys who are really good looking, but dumb as rocks. She can't take them out in public so usually just stays in when she wants to be with them, but she is always worried they will tell the world how she likes to be spanked or her secret love for a very special kind of porn. She tried out that porn in person once or twice and loved it, but that is something she doesn't allow herself in person. She thinks it will mess up her chances for fame. She will say anything about anyone to get ahead and will throw anyone under a bus to get there. Apparently she is in the process of getting something a C lister in her position could only hope for and would never actually get. It is why she was on her best behavior the other night and actually said hello to regular people. Oh, how she hated that. She wants the fame and adoration from fans, but not the interaction.

Farrah Abraham


  1. "She is one of the few people who can get access and she knows how to use her charms." How does that trick have access?

    "She learned from a master" Who is the master?

    "She tried out that porn in person once or twice and loved it, but that is something she doesn't allow herself in person." The hell does this mean?

    Sorry, just making this interesting to me.

    1. Jinx on the master comment!

      And I think what she "allows" herself is the anal. If you ever saw her porno 5 minutes into it she's already running down the stairs saying "I'm gonna get my lube so we can do anal." LOL

  2. Who was the master she learned from? my brain is on hibernate...

    1. The master she learned from is her mother...I think

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    She has access to network heads? I don't buy that at all.
    Looks like her love of backdoor action isn't a secret she was able to keep. What a trashy skank

  4. Hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to fuck her camel face?? Really?? Ugh. That's border line beastiality.

    Wait. So who is the "master" she learned from? Other than looking up to Kim KarTrashian.

    And am I expected to believe she fucked the execs at whoever runs the MTV network? Which, I wouldn't put past her...but still. Ugh.

    Her ass is like a gaping pizza. Her quote of the day will forever be, "we got 8 fingers up in this!" True gem.

  5. Ow! That hurt to read!

    A for name recognition? Really?!

  6. I have never heard of her before, so I googled to see a picture of her. She is good looking but her looks are a dime a dozen in LA.

  7. Seriously this answer was a let down. I expected someone a) beautiful that men would pay money to be with and b) NOT a reality whore. Wow talk about overinflating her abilities and looks here. I'll buy the ambition for fame and snotty attitude but the rest of this is shite. Oh and newsflash? She's the stupid one.

  8. are we just inserting random names into blinds now?..Farrah Abram doesnt seem to fit the blind.

  9. are we just inserting random names into blinds now?..Farrah Abram doesnt seem to fit the blind.

  10. are we just inserting random names into blinds now?..Farrah Abram doesnt seem to fit the blind.

  11. Haha, Sherry. Burn.

    La Descarada, of course its anal and the master must be that other porn kitten, Kim. I STILL haven't seen Farrah's porn. :-(
    That leaves that lie that she has access to network heads but i've seriously already spent too much time on this.

  12. Special kind of porn has to be S&M or trannies. Anal ain't keeping anyone from anything. Girl/girl would only enhance her fame. Only other possibility is interracial, but I think the Master comment leands toward S&M.

    1. Can't see her doing S&M as she would whine the entire time plus god forbid she throws in one of her horrible crying faces.

      As for girl on girl I think she's already been rumored to have done one of those videos which if anything would rake in more money, sadly.

      As for tranny I can't see her doing that but I wouldn't put it past her seeking out a double penetration. Oh yeah. That I could totally see her doing.

  13. Exactly @Sherry!
    @Sugar You're not missing much. It's just ass fucking for EVER. And a bunch of "Oh BABY" Boring.

  14. Anonymous10:00 AM

    There is nothing "attractive" about this girl. Her face is ugly, her body is ugly. And she wouldn't know charm if it hit her over the head. She's a rude, overbearing, obnoxious, tactless, uneducated, self centered idiot.

    1. Exactly Molls and we're to believe loads of men would pay loads of money to be with her? Oh hail nah. This is bullshit through and through. Fuck the possibility of using network heads. You'd need to possess some molotov cocktail of smarts AND charm and that just isn't here.

  15. I gotta agree with Sherry. I am actually kind of shocked that she has this much influence. I know I am not a male, but I have found women attractive enough before that I would ... um ... consider it, and she wouldn't even come remotely close.

  16. Agree with Count but still wonder if master in blind is just a reference to s&m or a real person.

  17. I call bullshit on this because it refers to her as attractive. I can't wait to watch this girl crash and burn. She's such a waste. She probably likes horse porn. From the chatter about her ass, she can probably accommodate a stallion too.

  18. Seriously? How is she A+ list in name recognition? This is BS.

  19. Pop out a kid in your teens, MTV calls and puts you on TV. Because these days it stands for Motherf*cking terrible vile crap (the c is silent).

    I can almost see the name rec, only because of Farrah Fawcett. Other than that, nothing.

  20. Was going to say something about the 'A+' name recognition rating but thought maybe It was just me. I doubt many non-gossip site readers would guess it which shouldn't mean A+.

  21. I'm calling BS on the A+ name recognition too. If it wasn't for this site I would have absolutely no clue who she is. And frankly, there is NOBODY lining up to pay that skank hundreds of thousands to sleep with her.

  22. She's A+ name recognition?? I only know her name from this site.

    She draws a wealthy crowd??

    She is one of the few who has access to network heads??

    Yeah, I think this was someone else who actually IS A+, but they threatened to sue, and with all their wealthy network-head friends, Enty caved and threw this gal in instead. It has to be someone more powerful than a drunk porn star from Omaha.

    I still think it's Bristol Palin.

  23. A+ name recognition? Farrah Abraham?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

  24. Agree - this one is BS or as Topper Madison says, it's Palin

  25. A+... If I didn't read this blog I'd have no effin clue who this trick is.

  26. I didn't know who she was until she made the tape HOWEVER I knew who Jenelle Evans was. (Her Tv co-star if you don't know her)

  27. Did Longoria's people get to you, Enty? Farrah Abraham? Please.

  28. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I don't think Farrah has A list name recognition either, I barely know who she is and only because I come on here. list debating aside, who'd she learn from? And what's her fetish? hmmmmm, what could it be... pegging? the girl is hideous, how in the heck is she bending the ears of captains of industry? bony as hell, with a paper bag head and blow up doll tits, Lawd help us.

  29. I, too, was surprised by this reveal. Planted by Farrah's people??? I reread it with Bristol Palin in mind...makes way more sense.

  30. GTFO of here Farrah has A+ name recognition. In what fucking world? Does Jennelle and Audrina and all the other garbage from mtv have A+ name recognition too? Explain to me how Farrah Abraham has A+ name recognition, yet Kristen Dunst and Cameron Diaz are reveal as just A list.

    Absolute junk.

  31. Farrah , beautiful? hell no!!!

  32. Hates saying hello to regular people, ha that trick is full of shit

  33. I don't even know who she is, so not A list.

  34. A) she does NOT have access to network heads. Hell, she can't get on lots.

    B) was it really necessary to write a BI that long about Farrah? No, no it was not.

  35. Just a note: she is a whore, not a trick. The trick would be the one paying for sex with her. If he knoked her up, the ofgspring should be referred to as a trick baby. If she were to have an emotional breakdown after achieving orgasm w/ a trick, it is called a whorgasm. This happens due to the confliction involved.

    Knowing is half the battle.

    1. Thank you Count! My knowledge in this area in next to nil, the education is appreciated. ��

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. There's no way Farrah Abraham is or ever has been A+ when it comes to name recognition. I'd bet most people that don't read gossip sites have ever even heard of the girl. Up until a month or so ago I'd never even heard of her.

  38. I call BS on this one too. It just doesn't fit.

  39. Sounds like crapola to me. It was so juicy then bam just kidding, it is Farah. Yuck. No way A list, no way any of it.

  40. If you have to resort to doing a sex tape to get noticed, then you do not have powerful studio connections.

  41. 1: Make up random blind item.
    2: Choose celebrity who later fits even slightly.
    3: ???
    4: Profit!

  42. Anonymous2:46 PM

    what hot guysssss????
    that porno guy shes been seen with?

    thats only man thats ever been associated with her
    mayb at the time



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