Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 8, 2012

What celebrity on Dancing With The Stars is the subject of  a $10,000 bet between three of the contestants/pros. First one to sleep with a celebrity on the show wins the pot. Photo must be provided of her at least topless to prove it. One of the bettors already has a topless photo of the celebrity, just not after sex.

Bristol Palin (Apparently someone took it of her while she was changing, but I have never seen it. I wonder if it will ever see the light of day and if anyone has seen it.)


  1. A picture taken while changing clothes, hmm. Wtf? If it was taken without her knowledge or consent, whoever took it should go to jail.

    Reminds me of a pic I saw I Brit Brit years ago. It looked like she was on the toilet when some pap bust in the door to snap it.

  2. I guess no one won.

  3. Not having to sleep with Bristol Palin counts as a win, right?

    Imagine getting her pregnant. Sarah Palin is your mother in law. Might as well get out the vacuum sealer, your nuts are goners.

  4. Is there a market for topless Bristol? That just sounds so beyond reason.
    I agree Nemesis, pics like that sound like the guys who go to jail for having secret bathroom cameras set up.

  5. Yup. It's one thing to snap a consensual topless photo after sex. It's quite another to snap an icky, possibly illegal photo when someone's changing clothes and assumes they're not being watched. I never thought I'd say this, but I feel bad for Bristol Palin.

  6. Sounds pretty lame. Topless pic of her changing - gimmee a break! Not a juicy blind.

  7. It's all fun and games until there is a law suit.

  8. At least the photo hasn't been leaked to the press and this was a while ago so it probably won't be.

    That's super lame though and not fair - pics while changing? Not cool.

  9. Keep this picture way under wraps please?

  10. Who are the charming gentlemen who made this bet? This isn't a blind about Palin, but about THEM.

  11. Yeah, I'd like to know who the guys are too, because that's pretty awful.

  12. That's screwed up if someone took a photo of her without her consent. That shouldn't happen to anyone.

  13. I imagine they have to change in and out of their dancing with the stars outfits backstage.

    There's naked pictures of like every model ever from the same circumstances.

    Stupid bet, stupid blind, stupid Palins.

  14. I'm guessing the three were Derek, Mark, and Maks. I think all have a history of boning contestants....

  15. Reveal the men in this please. Taking her picture without her consent like that is a form of assault. It is not okay, and this site should not be so cavalier reporting it.

  16. FS, I don't know about you but I assume at least half of what's reported as blinds here are complete BS. Bristol Palin, tool that she is, is good fodder for a blind like this because she's young and the daughter of a politician. Everyday sexism is exactly right.

  17. Stupid slut and her mother is a stupid cunt

  18. I don't like Sarah OR Bristol, but I hesitate to say she's a slut. She got pregnant and had a baby young. Probably partially because her own mother thought sex education was "dirty" and had no place in schools, but hey, that's just me.

  19. Please don't leak this picture. I don't want to see any of the Palins even with their clothes on. I sure as hell don't want to see any of them with their clothes off.

  20. Anonymous2:01 PM

    that's not cool.

  21. Ig isnt cool, anon is right, as usual

  22. Absolutely correct about the problem being with the men.

  23. So, there are guys over the age of 17 who would do this???

  24. What a bunch of sexist jerks.

  25. What jerks. Misogyny takes many forms.
