Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 11, 2012

This actress continues to get more strange everyday. She used to be on the cusp of A list then started going all Sean Young on the world. She is still a B lister, but barely. She never works anymore. It all started with one celebrity boyfriend who would make her try a variety of drugs and then confess her sins. Yes, well he also calls himself God. Anyway, she says that when in one of the drug hazes, she saw back in time and saw herself being molested repeatedly by strangers while her parents looked on. Since that time, and the collapse of her hit show, she has gone from relationship to relationship without any permanency. She doesn't trust anyone and thinks everyone is always cheating on her. She finds guys to hook up with because she says she feels wanted and if she only sees them once or twice she doesn't have to worry about trust issues. One of her friends says our actress had 10 different guys over ten different nights who could not believe their luck in picking up and then having sex with her within a few hours. She never sees them again though. She only sees people more than once if she doesn't have sex with them.

Amanda Bynes **NOTE** I have met her parents and they are extremely nice, and I have no doubts that nothing Amanda said about molesting happened, at least that her parents watched or would have condoned. It is just another, in a litany of crazy things Amanda has said while stoned.


  1. Who's the boyfriend that did this?

  2. I wish something could be done for this poor girl.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is just sad. I'm all for ripping on lohag because she deserves it but this girl and these stories just make me want to take her and her crazy wigs and give her a hug.

  5. Maybe Amanda believes this about her parents which is why she won't have anything to do with them.
    Let's get Amanda's wig on the case.

    1. I second this. Come out and help us, Amanda's wig. You're her only hope!

  6. YES Adrienne M. you took the words right off of my keyboard. Looking at photos of child molesters you would never know by looking at them. In many cases the mothers are unaware or make themselves not want to believe it is possible the men they are living with are monsters.

  7. Oh Sugar, I love your avatar pic. <3

  8. There have been documented cases of people being permanently and severely screwed up from a bad drug trip. LSD is one that is used for mind control and can trigger chronic psychosis. It would explain Amanda's rapid downward spiral. What an asshole boyfriend.

  9. Listen to Cudi's song Intergalatic and you will see that she probably had a bad trip with him. I don't think he's to blame for this and she clearly has her own issues and he's just a symptom.

    I am a big fan of his and from what I know about him, he's changed and gotten the help he desperately needed. I can't say the same for Amanda.

  10. If she dated Kid Cudi she was already crazy and a ticking timebomb.

  11. There is nothing wrong w/ Miss Mandy. She is a young woman w/ enough money to not have a care in the world, and lives her life as such.

    I have met a shit ton of people who have taken a shit ton of lsd. The only times I've heard bad trip stories were from people I believe to be bullshitting and control freaks who tried to fight the trip. I even had a buddy who thought he bought beat acid so he took all ten hits. No bad trip freak out, he just tripped for around 18 hours.

    Now boat/sherm sticks on the other hand, I don't think I met someone who partook that didn't have a bad trip on it. That stuff was like the bath salts of my generation.

    1. Yeah. I did acid pretty much every weekend through all of high school, and I graduated with great marks and a good attitude. It helped me deal with all the shit that would have stayed with me for years - what do I think about religion, society, me and my place in it. Got it figured out and still agree with it today. LSD isn't what Dragnet and Go Ask Alice told you. Honest!

    2. Yeah. I did acid pretty much every weekend through all of high school, and I graduated with great marks and a good attitude. It helped me deal with all the shit that would have stayed with me for years - what do I think about religion, society, me and my place in it. Got it figured out and still agree with it today. LSD isn't what Dragnet and Go Ask Alice told you. Honest!

    3. Dude...she has schizophrenia.

  12. Count, if you're already extremely screwed up you CAN have a bad trip on LSD.

  13. Oh! What is a boat/sherm stick? You don't mean just regular shrooms, do you?

    1. A cigarette or a joint dipped in embalming fluid. It is one of the few drugs that I have never tried.

  14. The craziest people hide it very well. Just because the parents appear to you, enty, to be perfectly nice people doesn't mean they're not hiding something like turning away from abuse.

    I know someone who is extremely emotionally abusive and manipulative but many people think she's the sweetest person on earth.

  15. Anonymous11:19 AM

    sherm sticks are bath salts essentially in what they do to you, from what I've read. cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid? bad bad bad. Perhaps Amanda has an underlying, borderline mental disorder and using alot of drugs has pushed her in to a borderline mentally ill state. I've heard of that happening after people get in to hard drucks like crack or meth. The line between sanity and madness gets erased. I really like Kid Cudi's music, it's well put together and haunting. Could be huge radio hits ( like if structured a little more and differently a little poppier, like Kendrick Lamar), imho. I don't know what's up with Amanda, alot of times I think that we're all insane, just in different ways. I imagine that she was raised to be what she is/was, a hollywood starlet/comedian, not neccesarily a normal, sane, boring, stable person who knows not to drop bongs out of windows and don't overprocess your hair to the point of it needing to be shaved, whatever she is, she needs some supervision and help, she seems like she's alone and adrift all the time.

  16. I just told my friend yesterday I might be Amanda Bynes for Halloween this year. Seems like an easy, fun and very recognizable costume.

    Then again, I live in NYC so if she runs into me I might get sued. :o

  17. With the shit that runs Hollywood it wouldn't be a total shock if her parents allowed her to be raped by the powers who be in order for her to get ahead

    1. Odd, how dead on RIGHT, you were way back in 2012 about all of this, (and sad too),Sandybrook!

  18. I have learned over the years that a lot of people put on a good front when they are out in public, but what goes on behind closed doors is the stuff that nightmares and soap operas are made from. I have yet met a man who would openly lay claim to sexually abusing his children to someone they just met. No one ever confesses during their morning commute that they beat the crap out of their spouse because she didn't make the coffee right. Women don't turn to the person behind them in line in a store and lay claim to locking their children in the basement for some minor infractions. These people walk, work and socialize amongst us every single day and no one is the don't go painting a pretty picture of Amanda Bynes' home life based on a meeting with her parents,unless you lived under their roof and know 100% that they are stand up people.

  19. The point is we can't point fingers at the parents - oh yeah people are very different behind closed doors buti it's also possible that this was a trip with a hallucination instead of memory.

  20. I like Kid Cudi's music too, and he has seemed to change his life for the better, so good on him. I do think Amanda's issues go much deeper than a bad trip (though this could have been a trigger) and with all of the shit we've heard about Nick, Dan Schnieder, and such, I would not be surprised if she was sexually tormented. And lest not forget her implement with Room 23...

  21. Implement = involvement

  22. I think something happened to her, maybe she blames her parents for not protecting her and that is how she sees her molestation. It's Hollywood and she was a child actor. Somebody got to her. Her parents aren't Hollywood savvy. I feel like they trusted the wrong person that exploited her sexually.

  23. I thought when Jamie Lynn Spears announced she was pregnant there was the blind that kicked off the whole Dan Schneider pedo scandal that was all but revealed to be Amanda. She supposedly had gotten pregnant by him and there was a big payoff and abortion. I thought it was mentioned her parents brushed it under the rug. Perhaps she's bitter at the way that was handled.

  24. I was thinking it was Dan Schneider too. :(

  25. Yeah, because you have any fucking idea if her parents looked on or not...stop fooling yourself.

  26. Just because they're nice to Enty doesn't mean shit. One of my most favorite lines from Addams' Family is when Wednesday tells someone she's already dressed for Halloween, as a psychopath, in her regular clothes, because they look just like everybody else. It's funny, but it's also true.

    It's true about child molesters too. Nobody believes kids because they(the molesters) hide their perversity so damn well. And, say things like, jeez, those kids, they're just crazy, or on drugs, or hell they wear fucking muppet wigs. Right? Riiiight.

    So, I of all people will give Amanda the benefit of the doubt about the molestation BUT she can STFU about all that calling folks ugly, and the racist BS and get some damn help.(and some nicer hair)

    Sorry for the long post, um..I have issues.

  27. My brother had a bad experience on LSD, hallucinated bugs crawling up the walls.

    Hope Amanda gets help & agree with all the posters stating you don't know what goes on in private.

  28. Boat/sherm sticks refer to PCP.

    One of the potential therapeutic uses for LSD is to open up repressed memories. However, because it is a psychedelic you can't assume what you think you remember is really what happened.

    I agree that she may blame her parents for bad things that happened to her as a child actress.

  29. Oh, Enty... you do not know much about the MK-Ultra, do u?
    Poor, young woman.

  30. Oh this whole Amanda thing makes me sad.. It doesn't matter if she has money, is a brat, brought things onto herself, did copious amounts of drugs, or whatever someone might say about her what her life and what she has seemingly become is sad and tragic.

  31. "Ya want to get ahead? Ya got to give head" 1st step to stardom, the Casting swivel chair.

  32. actually all of this makes sense if you are familiar with monarch programming/mk ultra. just because parents may seem "extremely nice", doesn't mean enty knows them intimately, or what the hell might have gone on behind closed doors

  33. Dude....she's schizophrenic. It's genetic and possibly triggered later in life when most schizophrenics begin to suffer symptoms. The girl needs serious meds to get her mental health under control.

  34. Strange that as early as 3 years after this was written (early 2016) Enty & CDaN did a complete 180°and was claiming to believe Amanda and that she was molested/raped by many people and believed that her parents were evil, complicit, abusers themselves! 🤨
