Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 8, 2012

This A list actress spent most a recent evening at a party crying in a corner. When asked what was wrong, she said it was the first time she had ever been to a party where no men had hit on her and that no one seems to care about her. The actress just downed one drink after the other collecting a pile of shot glasses until at the end of the night she was helped out to a waiting car. All alone.

Cameron Diaz


  1. Somehow she will survive.

  2. Why the hell didn't she just stay home? LOL

  3. Age is the great equalizer.

  4. I thought you were going to say it was that froggygurl from yesterday!

    If it was so bad, why didn't she just leave? She must have been at a party with a bunch of younger people who don't remember her hotness or don't get her new Miley hair. She's in her 40s, I believe, well past the time when you think to judge your merits by the number of guys who hit on you.

  5. At least she got the memo relatively young. There is nothing more pathetic than a woman in her 40's playing coy and hard-to-get.

  6. Well, she's not aging that well. It's hard going from young and hot to middle aged and passed over.

  7. I like Cameron but have you seen her without makeup- bad skin.

  8. Ha! I remember the last time I visited my home town, NTC, and passed construction site after construction and didn't get one wolf whistle! Altho it hit me like a ton of bricks that I was bow older, I was also amused since I used to hate that.

  9. I think the most dramatic description of lost youth I've ever read came from Paulina Poritzkova:

    "When you have used your beauty to get around, it's like having extra cash in your back pocket. I was so used to walking down the street and having the young guys passing by at least give me a flicker of a look. But once you're over 40, you become invisible. You're a brick in the building and it's sad. It just feels like the sun went down a little bit. It got a little cloudy outside."

  10. It probably wasn't a nice time but no need to cry about it. Get over yourself.

  11. I have never understood the appeal of this woman at all. Aside from the severe acne, I never found her funny, attractive or a very good actor.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Getting drunk probably wasn't the answer. Go laugh with the girls.

  14. Ha ha ha ha ha. Poor Cam. *eye roll*

    I guess she is rethinking her take on marriage, huh? Shoulda latched onto a decent dude years ago, instead of star fucking douches like A-Roid.

  15. @B.Profane: +111111111111111

  16. She seems like a sad person. When GOOP is your life coach you know you have issues!

    Speaking of issues.....Madam Chef you were on fire last night! Love ya!

    1. justaregularbetch, I was? Now I have to go back and find out where I was on fire. Way to inflate my ego so I have to go on a wild goose chase to find the air you're pumping! :-b

      I didn't know Goop was her "life coach." Damn, if Goop was my life coach, my hair would be spun flaxen and I'd be nomming on a goose egg omelette (I do make a fine goose egg omelette, but the eggs are $4 each, so I get the duck eggs at $1. Duck egg omelettes are amazing).

  17. MadamChef?

    More like MadamGenius!

  18. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What everyone else said. It's so sad to see a woman aging less than gracefully. I don't think her looks have really changed all that much, and her body hasn't, but the way that she used to carry herself, her zest, her joi de vivre, her happiness and bubbliness I guess was all based on if men were checking her out, wanting her, pursuing her for sex. It doesn't last forever, and when it's' gone, you'd better have something else to fall back on. The It girl doesn't stay that way for more than ten years, she should have been smart enough to know the clock never stops ticking and to make the most of her looks while she could. Remember when she was with Justin Timberlake? He wanted to marry her and she cheated on him? Bragged about flying all over the world for casual dick at a moments notice? Now he's on to someone younger, while no one is interested in her anymore. If she'd married JT she would have the lifestyle, she wouldn't need to worry about aging and getting work, she'd have a couple of kids to love and spend her time looking after, she could meet up with him on tour in beautiful exotic locations, and she'd have real, satisfying, long lasting, unconditional love. But she thought that all the attention and rich,young bachelors would always be fawning over her, wrong Cami, you're on the clearance rack now, and don't fit in to that category of hot, fresh, new, in demand starlets. She needs to snap out of it and get some self esteem other than attention from male genitalia, there's a whole other, deeper, more meaningful life out there.

  19. Yet Jared Leto is still very very hot.

    I've never found her attractive or a good actress but I can see what men *saw* in her.

    I like her, but without makeup she's worse than me and that somehow makes me feel better.

  20. For fuck's sake, @Anna!!!








    1. Who cares? Are u entys new grammar police? Chill baby baby chill

    2. YES A thousand times, YES

    3. @rosie: it ain't about grammar, it is about common courtesy.

  21. Maybe it was the fact that she was downing shots and crying that put the guys off.
    Its not like she looks like she was set on fire and put out with a shovel but a middle aged, snotty, whiny ass woman isn't gonnaen you don't have attract anyone.
    I like Cameron but I don't like attention seekers. Shake your ass on the dance floor, laugh and have fun with your friends. Then you don't have to worry about guys.

  22. Anna, I word of advice, more people will read what you post if you are more concise. I usually skip right over your posts because I know they are way too long and generally don't have a point.

    Here's an article you might find helpful

    *public service announcement brought to you TFOCDANR
    (the friends of CDaN readers)

    1. Why would anna care if u people read her posts or not? Who gives a shit if she doesnt use paragraphs? someone needs ta go get u some weekend love, you all wouldnt be so uptight. Chop chop the day's wasting ladies .
      Sex-it does a mind good-

    2. Why would anna care if u people read her posts or not? Who gives a shit if she doesnt use paragraphs? someone needs ta go get u some weekend love, you all wouldnt be so uptight. Chop chop the day's wasting ladies .
      Sex-it does a mind good-

    3. Thanks Rosie but I got mine about 2 hours ago :)

      I assumed Anna posts because she has something to say, and wants others to read. I was just kindly pointing out more people would read what she had to say if she was more concise.

      @Cee Kay, it has nothing to do with reading skills, it has to do with Anna's comprehension skills. A lot of the commenters on this site read on tablets and phones. It's hard to read long posts with no paragraph breaks on a phone, it's even harder to read them when they are so pointless they give you a headache trying to find the point within.

      Carry on, I'm going to get on with my day. Happy Saturday all!

    4. Rosie, you're awesome!

  23. Eh. If you have been getting by on your looks and your looks start to fade you have nothing. For some reason I can't picture Meryl Streep crying in the corner at a party.

  24. Dang, Anna, thought about this much???

  25. *isn't gonna attract anyone*

    Excuse my crazy ass keyboard.

  26. She was really gorgeous at one point but had a reputation for being a real bitch towards women who she found threatening.

    Remember the stories about her getting chicks thrown out of places when she thought Justin's eye was wandering towards them too much?

    As much as I dislike women who act that way, I still feel sorry for her. She has NOT aged well.

    Yet every time I look at her, "Karma" is all I can think.

    1. Exactly! I think of karma just really kicking her ass, too.

  27. What's sadder than anything is that for men, they typically get better looking after 40.....& want waaaaay younger women.

  28. Anonymous10:57 AM

    It's not the looks, its the nasty attitude

  29. I will guess that this is after the chipmunk cheek implant surgery that turned her once nice looking face into a replica of the old puppet Madame. I know she was probably following some advice given to her by her besties, Goopy and Madge, but one look at the mess that Madonna made of her face should have been enough to make Cameron run in the opposite direction from plastic surgery.

  30. True BI or not, it's a reminder to all of us who were even remotely pretty when younger, or rocked a remotely hot body.

    You'd better have a career or loved ones (and preferably both) when you tackle the final 40.

  31. She looks like Cloris Leachman playing Frau Breuler *neigh!* without the lovely personality to go along with it.

  32. Back off of Anna. She has something insightful to say, not just a sound bite. Wow. To bash someone for having a brain in their head, just because some of you aren't capable of reading past a third-grade level...

  33. Hmm, maybe she could get back with Matt Dillon now. He still looks pretty good, and he has to be close to 50 at this point.

    1. Thought you quit commenting on this site?

  34. Why do u ladies always have to bitch @ eachother? Jesus! Who the fuck cares. That's why I don't come on the site after 5pm. Total buzzkill.

    I'm hungover, I'm tired & I'm crabby too! Killer headache & dumb shit like that makes it worse. Damn girls, get over it. Just gossip & have fun.

    1. WareCat, I'm laughing that you're posting about a hangover on the post where the celeb got wasted!

      I think the person was saying please use paragraphs and it just escalated. Misspellings annoy the shit out of me but paragraph breaks are a pain for everyone, look at the "Four for Friday" posts. They're like Reader's Digest Unabridged (and poorly edited) Novels.

      Hope your head feels better! Gatorade G2 red is my hangover killer. I googled hangover cures once and the first 20 or so pages were saying the key to curing a hangover is to not get one, with tips like drink water between drinks, take an ibuprofen before bed, etc. Um, thanks, but who googles how to PREVENT a hangover? I want a CURE!!!!!

  35. I'm worried this is going to happen to my daughter. She is gorgeous, knows it, and is relying way too much on her looks.

  36. Cameron is what, 40? Thats not old! And looking for validation in a bottle or from some guy will never make u happy.

  37. WTF about "aging gracefully" Anna? What does that mean? Does it mean putting up with a society where you all but disappear after 40? (What Paulina Poritzkova said, in spades for me. The cars used to at least slow down a little, now they freaking speed up!).
    And was the "meaningful life" supposed to be latching on to Justin Timberlake, of all things? I'm guessing you meant more by a meaningful life than that.
    In any case, although I don't plan to act desperate, to hell with "aging gracefully". That sounds like "knowing your place."

  38. Coconut water is a miracle for hangovers.

    Cammie now looks ridiculous! I'm noticing those that don't use fillers and facial implants are looking better than the ps addled 40 YO's!

  39. Yeah, she just turned 40 a couple months before this.

    She still looks great, but if she's gonna give off a 'my shelf life expired' vibe it doesn't matter what she looks like.

    It is interesting that she's going to play Miss Hannigan. Maybe she has snapped out of it.

  40. Haha madamchef! I've done that same google search on numerous occasions with the same results :-/

  41. Haha madamchef! I've done that same google search on numerous occasions with the same results :-/

  42. Thanks for the tips! Powerade Zero mixed berry is my drink of choice. There was a time just like now where I woke up & found my friend's haterade in the fridge. Downed that shit, but dude spiked it so I ended up just hurling all over the kitchen.

  43. My hangover cure is Alka Seltzer. It usually takes care of business. That and some of the ganja.

  44. I tend to agree with what Anna said. I think when she said "aging gracefully", she meant that Cameron should adjust her perspective to something other than looking hot and getting noticed.

    What I don't agree with is the idea that she could have gotten that with any of the guys she has seen in the past. These guys continue to look for shallow relationships, and they wouldn't have been happy with marriage. She wouldn't have been happy married to someone who cheats, either.

    I do get the impression, as Anna seems to, that JT would have been a good match, but I don't think he's the only one. The right guy is still out there, but Cameron probably just needs to fix her own perspective before she finds him.

  45. Cam should listen to Diana Krall's version of "The Girl From Ipanema".

  46. I think she just needs to learn to love herself and not worry about men. A fairytale romance isn't the endgame for everyone and it's childish to think so.

  47. BC powder and a coca cola to kill the pains me then hydrate, hydrate!!

  48. I haven't read comments in a while, but in this comment set, Anna was perfectly correct in paragraphing. Any English major knows that paragraphs are used to introduce a new idea.

    AnonyMousE, I suggest you back away from your computer and go read some real literature. You will note that Dickens' paragraphs are MUCH longer than the one you complained about. :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ?? I didn't remove my comment.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. There is your clue to STOP FUCKING WITH YOUR FACE, Cameron.

  51. Aaaaaw, guess those implants didn't work huh? Don't worry Cameron, I'll still buttfuck you with no rubber.

  52. That's not true. I know for a fact she's been to a party where she was hitting on men and got nothing in return.

    1. You always have me wanting more with your stories!!!

  53. I know people that have met her. It's not her looks at all. She's just ANNOYING. She tries way to hard to get people to notice her. Her Laugh - oh my god - loudest, most annoying laugh you've ever heard. She's like a female Richard Simmons. She just needs to just tone it down a little. Lucy Liu knows how to be sexy in her 40's.

  54. It's so true that once women reach a certain age they become invisible to men. I was thrilled recently when some guy missing a fee teeth called me "darlin'". I put it down to my winning personality and an acceptance of self. Perhaps she should give that a try.

  55. Hey, you're not 28 anymore. So what?! There's much more to fullfilling living than serial dating.

  56. Who the hell ever thought she was gorgeous to start with? Shes not even plain, shes downright ugly. This cant be news. Never understood why she was ever famous.

  57. Oh my gosh - it's like I'm reading about my older sister...blind and the comments...crazy.

  58. Surprised it was the first time. Maybe the first time she noticed....

  59. @MadameChef, comments are being monitored. If for any reason, one of the interns found your post offensive, they will delete it. I suspect the Enty as of late is a woman who is premenstrual.

  60. Uhh, Cammy was always a butterface. Hot body, but her face...

    Now she's no longer young, she's been in the sun a LOT, hit the sauce a LOT, dabbled the druggies, done too many surgeries/fillers/whathaveyous, and she looks fucked up.

    Her body's still tight, but this is gonna hit her harder because she was never an actress-actress, she was always just a fun-time party girl who's in movies sometimes.

  61. For real? This is a gossip site, ppl, not a classroom. Come here to have a laugh, I dont correct others speech, grammar, spelling, etc. Who really cares? Go, Anna. I will happily read, anything you write.
    It used to be fun and lighthearted, here.
    We liked each other, and were nice
    Now, its unwelcoming. The cliques that have formed, seem to be hostile and way to into themselves.
    When you have a mayor of a fricking gossip sites comment section, and some sort of unwritten hierachy.
    It creates issues.
    No wonder Enty, has to police the comments.

  62. Wow... To borrow the Count's terminology, seems a little like shark week in here! (Who knew it would come in handy so soon?). Everybody who hasnt already done so and feels they need to should have a Xanax and take it down a notch.... There. Feel better?

    On to Cami... She was never a stunning beauty from the neck up, her skin is so bad she looks like Danny Trejo without 1/4" of pancake. But obviously she was at the wrong party because in ANY group of hetero men there is at least one who will put his sheenis in anything. Either that or she was just being a bitch and not considering all of her options.

  63. I remember seeing party pictures of Cameron Diaz right after There's Something About Mary came out. I almost didn't recognize her. Is her body really that freckly/spotty? Her skin was not cute, nothing at all like I would've expected, especially after how lush she looked in The Mask.
