Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 22, 2012

#3 - This former almost A list actress who is still B and always has been all movies is back on the bottle again and got hammered at a club out of the country the other night. Took off her shirt and bra and wandered around the club topless. Her boyfriend was so hammered, he didn't care at all.

Kirsten Dunst


  1. This wouldn't be a big deal if people weren't so hung up on goddamn mammary glands! I wish we could do this without worry of being fined, arrested and harassed.

    Sorry...this irks the shit out of me. Men can go topless but women can't. I've seen plenty of men who could wear my bras!

    1. Be careful what you wish for Meanie. I've been to nude beaches and it seems like the Murphy's LAW of nudity comes into play. First person to take off their clothes is the last one you wanna see naked.

  2. She got some droopers, no?

    Sad she is a mess, can't blame this one on Nick/Disney. I think she jumped the shark w/ the remake of Turning Japanese.

    1. I don't remember her having nice boobs...or even being attractive at all.

      Garrett Hudlund needs me in his life.

  3. Meanie Reese, ain't that the truth! A lovely set of boobs is indecent, but hairy old man tits is a-ok at the park.

  4. Her snagletooth will forever be a turnoff for me. Meh.

    1. I agree. Still makes me sad though.

    2. @ladescarada: julia stiles snaggletooth > kirsten dunsts

  5. I don't know if it's indecent so much as it would be a huge distraction to straight men. They love breasts so much, it would uncomfortable to walk around with them out. But women can deal with a shirtless man without losing our minds unless it's Hugh Jackman. He should probably keep a top on around most ladies.

  6. Eww. Gross. At least she can be sure no pics of that attrocity will surface.

  7. @reese: its bettches holdin other betches down. If we just took away women's right to vote their lives would improve so much.

    The biased topless laws would go away, allowing women to be equals on the beach or where ever. Who is it that complains about chicks breast feeding in public, it ain't dudes.

    Prostitution would be legalized, making women independent from the male dominated work world. Prostitution is the only work environment where women command a higher hourly rate than men. No longer would prostitutes have to feel shame and hide the nature if their earnings, exposing themselves to money laundering charges and the like. With modern medicine and the advancements in STD testing over the past few years, there is more risk humping a dirty bar hag than a responsible hooker.

    To reitterate, it ain't men holdin y'all back from expressing yourselves and seeking whatever employment you choose, it is the petty jealous betches who are scared they will have to up their game if the rest of you are allowed such freedoms. Take away their right to vote and you will remove their hold over you. Sure you will be giving up your vote too, but as the Patriot Act has learnt us all, if you wanna live in a free and open society you have to be willing to have your rights shit on.

  8. Oh shit! /runs and hides

  9. She squeezed out decent career out of one decent kids role (Vampire Diaries). She hasn't really aged well. Might be decent character or comedic actress but can't carry a movie except silly comedy.

  10. I don't believe this reveal one bit.

  11. She was very good in Melancholia which was not a silly comedy. It's unfortunate she has this addiction but not under control.

  12. i love me some kiki. her tits are beautiful. she is an excellent actress. and i too want the right to walk around topless. it is only fair. we've all been so mind controlled to only accept one kind of beauty. sad.

  13. I'm going to pretend that her boyfriend isn't Garrett Hedlund, so I can still believe he is perfect lol

  14. Anonymous11:46 AM

    slow clap for Jerkula.... for the semantic acrobatics alone.... slow clap.

  15. Anonymous11:47 AM

    not that I want my vote taken away!

  16. I like Kirsten. She is a good actress BTW. She was good in Melancholia and I loved her in Marie Antoinette. It's a shame she's back on the sauce. Can someone tell me why she gets dumped on so much on blogs and comments? Does she treat people bad or have a nasty attitude? What has she done to earn all this trash talking? FWIW, I ain't referring to the comments in this thread, which are pretty tame about her. But I have read people who apparantly loathe her, and no one can ever tell me why.

  17. In NYC it is perfectly legal to walk around topless. A woman sued the city for being detained for being topless and she won if men can do it so can women.

    There are 1 or 2 women who walk around topless in NYC parks and cops always try to detain them. Public indecency is only when showing your lower genitals. Mayor Bloomberg had to order the NYPD to not stop or harass women if they choose to be topless.

    Seriously, being topless is no big deal unless someone is forcing your top off. Set your bewbies free if you want!

    1.'s legal in Austin too.

  18. i have a feeling she will be an alcoholic forever

  19. You are correct timebob. New York City is pretty open minded. Any ladies in NYC who like to read and express their rights as a woman to bare their breasts should consider joining the Topless Book Club.

    We're coming for your vote first Anna ;)

    SophiaB caused me to question my memories of Dunst's mammaries, so I utilized my Google. I stand corrected. They are much fuller than I thought.


    Bikini Top Malfunction at the Beach

    My apologies to Miss Dunst and her udders.

    Reminds me of a joke though:

    How do you make 5lbs of fat look pretty?

    Put a nipple on it.

  20. Count - that still captured the one and only good scene from Melancholia.

  21. @texas rose: I have the movie, but I never watched it.

  22. Just fast forward to mild bang scene in golf course bunker and then to scene of your pic. I guess there is some suspense because you wonder how the world will end but just a boring depressing movie.

  23. I guess some think Dunst was good in this movie and if walking around near comatose for two hours emoting depression is good acting then they are right.

  24. Texas Rose, I don't think Dunst was in Vamp Diaries, maybe you're thinking Interview With the Vampire? I thought she was a wonderful Claudia. She did well as Mary Jane in the only Spiderman movies I think are worth a crap. And, she was great in Elizabethtown, too.

    As for topless, eh, I'm from the state that's got a Showin Yo Titties For Beads season aka Mardi Gras. Who cares?

  25. Been legal in Ontario for years. That said I still wish 90% of the male or female folks I've seen shirtless had reconsidered.

  26. @Jenn - thanks I was thinking of the Interview with the Vampire movie with Pitt. I don't hate her just probably wouldn't be drawn to her in the lead.

  27. I liked Melancholia. Ducks head.

  28. I think I disliked Melancholia because I thought it was slow and boring (IMHO) but felt compelled to see it until end to see if world ends.

  29. Maybe if Dunst had been topless more or had a lot of sex I would certainly have liked it better:)

  30. She was amazing in that recent mivie with Ryan Gisling. What was it called again?

  31. I find it hard to believe there's not even one pic to prove this.

  32. What great boobs Kristen has!

  33. As for Austin there is even a day dedicated to being topless.

  34. I've not seen Melencholia it looked boring as crap, I'm glad most of you confirmed my suspicions.
