Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Blind Item #8

This A list mostly movie actress is back on coke again. After a decade off the drug, she is snorting it up at a record pace and her movie is going to crap because of it. She is having to do double or triple the takes she normally would, and that is when she can even make it out of her trailer to film.


  1. Oh man, hate to hear of an addict backsliding. Hope she gets help she needs.

  2. Kate Hudson has a bunch of movies coming up.

  3. I like the Cameron guess - imdb shows a few things on the go, and that she's currently filming 'The Other Woman'. She's been seen quite a bit on the DM lately too...

  4. Also, we agree that her various nose reconstructions were not because of 'surfboard accidents' or whatever she claimed they were, right?

  5. I always heard that things go better with coke.

  6. If its Cammie, I hope its Goop approved all organic kerosene free as well as free trade cocan-ia. Cut with only the finest of baby laxatives, ephedra, and powdered cement.

    Kate Hudson is a good guess because a decade ago would be around the time Ryder was born, so she might have stopped then. I'm sure she was blowin lines a plenty with Chris Robinson before the kid though.

    1. The finest columbian coke, mixed. By virgin triplets who whistle Mozart, in the hills of El Salvador..lol

  7. "have some coke and a smile and shut the "F" up" Sincerely, Eddie Murphy..

  8. Is it Scarlett Johansen? She is Random Photos Part One - filming Captain America

  9. @ Lurker Girl: NICE!

  10. Could this be Drew in her attempt to lose the baby weight? I know she is filming something with Adam Sandler

  11. Now that's what keeps pissing me off - you love acting and u would kill for a part in a big movie, but a person who actually gets it, doesn't even care to get out of her trailer!

  12. Thoughts of a cokey Kate Hudson are making me chub up. Cameron Diaz, not so much.

  13. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Hathaway. She did coke in college ~10-12 years ago.

  14. Christina Ricci.
    Don't think Kate Hudson was ever hard-core cocaine although she does her share of drugs.



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