Friday, June 28, 2013

Blind Item #6

This former B list actress and A list model is now more known for who she dates and who she used to date. At a recent party, she was asked to leave because of how wasted she got. Barely able to stand, she kept knocking over chairs and was all over every guy in the place whether they had a date or not.


  1. Isnt Liz Hurtley married?

  2. @dragon, she divorced. They hasn't stopped her before though!

  3. @dragon she's divorced and dating some international athlete, I believe

  4. Q: When do you kick a midget in the balls?
    A: When he is standing next to your girlfriend saying her hair smells nice

    Q: What's the difference between your job and a dead prostitute?
    A: Your job still sucks!

    Q: What did the hurricane say to the coconut palm tree?
    A: Hold on to your nuts, this is no ordinary blow job!

    Q: How does a woman scare a gynecologist?
    A: By becoming a ventriloquist!

  5. Replies
    1. Don't think she ever hit A list status. She was a thing until they realized she could not act. Beautiful cardboard cut out. A shame her life is so off the rails.

      I can't see Luz Hurley goung out of control. She is a narcissistic control freak so obsessed with her image.

      She is dating some crazy rugby player and had him do a shitload of pladtic surgery. He looks like a Ken Doll freak. He was married when they hooked up. I forget if she was already separated from the Indian guy. Sure would like to hear THE TRUTH on THAT shenanigan.

      Damn is she a drama queen or what? Girl got some game in her though...

  6. I wouldn't have called Liz Hurley 'former A' model, either?

  7. PS - canopener needs to get a life.


  9. @kristin and lotta well damn lol. last time i heard of her was about the Indian wedding lol

    1. @dragon didn't mean to jump on ya. Just was fact checking my probably sh****y guess.

  10. Liz is engaged to Shane Warne. He's super famous in Australia because he's pretty much the best national cricketer there ever was there. He's long retired now, but he's still a huge celebrity.

  11. Rosie? Jason Statham?

  12. The only Model/actress I can think of who fits the rankings (or fit them years ago) is Lauren Hutton. I hope it's not her though.

  13. Canopener cut and oasted jokes from Playboy on here :(

  14. Anonymous11:26 AM

    liz hurley and shane warren

  15. Did she get a lot of press coverage for doing this? I don't remember hearing about an incident like this in either OK! or Hello! Maybe is was in The Sun? I usually don't read that because of the Page 3 girls

  16. Oh canopener, dead hooker jokes? Really?? I am appalled!

    How do you make a dead hooker float?

    Ether: With one scope of ice cream and one scoop of dead hooker OR take your foot off her head.

    What's the difference between an onion and a dead prostitute?

    I cry when I cut up onions


    What's the difference between Jello and a Dead Hooker?

    Jello wiggles when you eat it!


    What's the difference between a Corvette and a Dead Hooker?

    I don't have a Corvette in my garage!


    Why are Dead Hookers such shitty drivers?

    Because, they are women!

  17. pam anderson. sad.

  18. Liz Hurley is not surgery virgin. I saw yesterday "rowing with the wind" on TV and I couldn't recognize her.

    This is her or someone else who lives the way I do, to the booze limit.

    1. Theres sonething called, "rowing with the wind"? Makes "daddy, may I sleep with dange?" sound like Shakespeare..bwahHaha

  19. Totally Minka Kelly.

  20. If it was Minka she would have been snatched up by one of the guys in 2 seconds. No way she would have needed to be kicked out.

  21. Hmmm, I was thinking Carmen Electra.

  22. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Lotta colada is boob and snatch. Soory sweetie. You were so nice so me but you took Rexy'ss side and never explained a damn thing and I asked you to.. And I asked her but that butch never likedme and just deleted me from her secret group for no reason. Ands fucking slammed the hell out of me. Again slammed me left and right bout would never answer an email. BITCH

  23. Anonymous6:10 PM

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  33. Hi deadpussy! I was talking to frog legs, but thanks for answering!

    BTW, I love my pussy whipped, not stirred.

  34. Wait, is posting the same comment 5 times a thing now?

  35. Ha, someone hit the liquor cabinet tonight.

  36. Anonymous8:42 PM

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  37. Anonymous8:43 PM

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  38. English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I think she hit the liquor cabinet with her head when she passed out from too many Jello shots.

  41. If you are really a teacher Frog Legs, then God help your students.

  42. Kimmi, " Take this as a moment to look inside yourself and see that everyone says you're dead, it's time to lie down"

    Quote: Heather Dubrow 2012.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Y'all do realize that this Frog has posted information of a person she/he is STALKING and not their own, right?

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  47. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Dear administrators; Please remove all comments by froggygurl. When I attempt to log in to remove the rest it says this blogger user cannot access the comments. I am leaving this site after this comment. Thank you very much.



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