Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Blind Item #5

This married A+ list mostly movie actor has been spending about $50K a month on a hooker he discovered shortly after he got married. They had not seen each other since their first time together, and then about six months ago ran into each other when she was on the arm of a married Colgate executive. They exchanged phone numbers and he managed to take her away from the executive. Considering his wife was on edges of such a profession and that is how they met, she should not be surprised.


  1. NOT Matt Damon.

    lalalalalala...I can't hear you guess him.

  2. Matt Damon likes hookers? I'm out of the loop...
    Also, what do these girls look like to warrant that kind of price tag? Is it for silence? Does that include what gifts they get?

  3. Channing? *ducking*

    1. HaHA! "ducking" made me laugh..thanks!

    2. HaHA! "ducking" made me laugh..thanks!

  4. Me thinks it's Channing...but idk if he's A+ list altho he is everywhere these days.

  5. Wasn't Jenna Dewan some sort of escort? I really hope this isn't the Charming Potato. My soul cries at the thought.

  6. How on earth is Channing Tatum A+? He's hot and all that but I thought A+ meant academy award winner or golden globe? Try again...

  7. How is Channing Tatum hot? He's a marginally talented butterface with a good body. There are so many good looking, talented guys in HWood, I'm surprised at his career ascent.

  8. Channing Tatum is hot way beyond his looks. He's a funny dude who's game for anything. I've been watching him on the interview circuit since he's promoting his new movie and he's a humble, all around good guy.

    1. Word, @Lotta. Word.

      Have you watched the secret handshake he has with his young costar? Called The Chan-Shake.

    2. @Kristin- i did that secret handshake!

      @VIP- i heart you

    3. @Kristin- I meant, I did see* that secret handshake. I wouldn't be able to do that, it's so intricate!

  9. Agree on Tatum (not that this is him) I think he is adorable great personality.

  10. Yesterdays blind about married man who wants Oscar is at it again by smoking pot and rotating about three women is not RDJ. How can that be when he has been in the Boston area for the past month with his wife working on their new movie "The Judge" which they are both producing. They have been on set everyday together. Matt M. is the better guess.

  11. if it's about Matt Damon,since when to be a waitress is " on edges of such a profession and that is how they met" ?

  12. Sorry but hes a perfect fit

  13. THAT'S WHY Matt Damon--Because he married a South Beach bartender---a real person.

    I was a server & bartender, so the shade Damon's wife always gets makes me sad. I've heard it said often that she was 'probably' also a prostitute, 'because aren't all waitresses/bt's secretly whores'?

    Just makes me mad as a former server/bt & proud NON-prostitute.

    1. Winder Twin powers activate! Proud server/bartender non-prostitute here. (If you want, I'll be the lame bucket of water.)

    2. Amen to that Libby. Proud former bartender here for 7 years in NYC and definetely wasn't an escort or a prostitute.

    3. Lib, never, i never once made that connection!

    4. Former server/bartender here, too. Did it to put myself through law school... Not unlike Matt Damon's character in The Rainmaker. I also did not prostitute myself out....

      I'm in denial that this is my Matty. I don't care if it
      fits. Nope. I can't hear you....

  14. I hear you on that Libby...I bartended/waited tables for several years, and often you end up with guys at your bar who think that you can be bought at the end of the night. Of course the only offer I ever got that actually rendered me speechless came when I was working in an office, so who knows. Men can definitely be dogs.

  15. @Gigi Sopo - I don't think they have to win a big award to be A+. Enty calls BCoop A+. I know whether or not they can open a movie or if they are in a successful franchise factors in, & Channing meets those criteria. I don't know that I would consider him A+ either, but it's up to Enty's rules.

    1. Channing A List All movie actor tho not A+ List.

      I'm going with Matt Damon

  16. sex worker shaming.

    1. The shaming should not happen. It is honest and sometimes generous & healing work. If you haven't done it you could not know this. It is too bad that such awful things are said and thought about sex work and sex workers. The work itself is needed and those who provide it should be unionized and protected from the crazies and the killers. That it is such a danger is a proof that women (more than the male sex workers) are fair game in this dog-eat-dog world.

  17. No idea on the celeb, working to figure out the escort.

  18. I waited tables and tended bar and I was totally a borderline hooker that is now married to a celebrity. Quit denying it, y'all.

    1. LOLOLOL.

      Thanx for the good laugh of the day @discoflux.

  19. @ VIP - are you okay today? That link was *not* NSFW. That's SO not like you! :P

    1. @Mango- you just wait, I'm sure you'll get one before the end of the day.

    2. @Vip. Who the hell is that lol. Christian Slater? it looks like him

    3. @VIP & @dragon- it does look like Christian Slater, is it?

    4. @Vip Liam Neeson? What. What movie is that? I wanna see it

    5. @VIP- LIAM NEESON?!? Holy Fuck, that's hot

    6. I do not think I could handle that in my current condition but it gives me the shivers to think about it. Tx for the reminder (I saw it once or twice before).

      Now I can only think about what a cool customer Liam is and how very many women he gave such unbelievable joy to before meeting and marrying his soulmate.

      My last thought on this delicious subject: there IS a god and at least he knows how to use his dick for the good of all concerned...

  20. Channing tatum is a big block buster star and jenna allegdly was a hooker.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @tae But that doesnt make him A+ List tho. Enty has describe him him as A list ALL movie actor back in November. Jenna and Channing Met while Filming Step up.So how is that "such a profession and that is how they met" was she an "escort" during step up".

      Eh watever.

  21. Whoever the dude is, he is stupid. Hookers are to fuck one, even twice and then go to another hole. Paying such a quantity for the same one is ludicrous.

  22. I would totally be Matt Damon's prostitute. Except he wouldn't have to pay me. Which I guess would make me not a prostitute. I did wait tables before though. Oh, but I won't sleep with a married man. Or with someone besides my husband.

    I'll be his fantasy prostitute. Matt Damon is way hotter than Channing any day. Oh that smile.

  23. Hugs to all the fellow restaurant folk! SUCH sexual harassment to be a woman in fine dining. I bartended at a g-d HOTEL, which was WAY worse as far as prostitution offers.

  24. Channing Tatum looks like he's got Down's Syndrome (sorry to offend any of the fine people with DS, y'all deserve better than to be compared to this meat head) and his wife looks like a straight up whore. How someone so ugly could be considered hot or desirable is incomprehensible to me. But if it is them, his wife has the golden support ticket and if all else fails, she can go back to whoring. So cest la vie!

    1. @888 Tell us how you really feel. Im sure you look like straight up Calvin Klein model.

      I think Jenna very Gorgeous woman. She doesnt look like whore to me

    2. @888 f@ck you

      Proud Mom of an extremely handsome son who has DS.

    3. @888 is a racist troll who should just be ignored.

  25. He seems like a funny down to earth guy, but his looks do nothing for me.

  26. Alec Baldwin. Yea I know, 30 Rock. Still mostly movie, and Hilaria was supposedly a yoga instructor before taking him on full time. Not that that makes her a hooker, but Its Alec Baldwin...

  27. This is Alec Baldwin.

  28. @888- Is that you, Amanda Bynes???

  29. Chris Hemsworth. Elsa Has always given the For Sale vibe.

  30. @VIP, thank you and bless you!! I have been wondering what Liam Neeson's rumored to be insanely large junk looks like for YEARS...and I am not disappointed :)

  31. How about Marky Mark? He seems douchy enough to pay $50grand a month on a hooker. His wife was supposed to be a model but I don't think I remember her from anything.

  32. Bruce Willis? I think his wife was part of that "model" clique.

  33. @888

    What a rude thing to say!

    My little girl has mosaic Ds and is beautiful.

  34. What about the older Hemsworrh? His wife seems shady



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