Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blind Item #1

If you are a B list actor and ask someone to marry you, your first step after asking should not be to call your sometime male lover to tell him the good news.


  1. matthew morrison from glee???!!!

  2. Well, duh. You're supposed to tell your boyfriend BEFORE you propose to your girlfriend so he can help pick out a ring.

    1. I <3 @Madam Chef!

    2. I'm choking!!!! :-D
      I gotta quit eating while reading Enty.

  3. I imagine that to be a very awkward phone call

  4. oh yes, my first thought was isn't he gay....

  5. Yep. MM just got engaged.

    Although, he opened for NKOTBSB two years ago and I have to say I didn't get a gay vibe off him....

  6. Maybe he proposed to another man and his boyfriend wasn't aware he was seeing someone else.

  7. What it means is he is 'bi' and he doesn't have to pre-notify. If a guy had two girlfriends and asked one to marry him would he have had to pre-notify the other. They few probably just FWB. More appropriate question would be did they know about the other?

  8. I don't think MM is gay, but I've heard he's a jerk.

  9. They're saying Kanye and Kim are engaged but I have a hard time thinking Kanye would consider that "good" news.

  10. Anonymous11:22 AM

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  11. Last I checked, Kanye was not a B list actor. But it sounds like MM fits.

  12. MM has denied being gay, and quite frankly, given he works on Glee and Broadway, he really has no reason to lie about it. Though I could be wrong.

  13. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Sorry, deleted earlier comment about guessing Kim and Kanye. Didn't read blind well enough. MM sounds good for this though, sad that actors still feel they need to be in the closet.

  14. Of course Morrison would have to lie about being gay. He's ambitious and he wants leading man roles at least on TV. Not everyone is as ballsy as NPH or Matt Bomer or Zachary Quinto.

    His handlers may be insisting that he stay in the closet (they have a vested interest in this after all). He might want to stay in the closet. I mean, look at Bradley Cooper - stay in the closet, get a big career.

  15. If MM were gay, those Broadway queens would have outed him by now. No way would they let him get away with that. A jealous beyootch is your worst enemy.

  16. I used to work with a family friend of Matthew and the Morrisons. She swore up and down on a stack of bibles she grew up with him and he was never gay. He got laid constantly when he was on Broadway since he was usually the only straight male actor on stage with the women.

    But who knows, maybe he likes a little freaky deaky on the down low.

  17. Mm just got engaged I really don't care if he is or isn't. I never got gay vibes off him tho.

    Lol @Sandy I think bcoop is more bi then gay from what i've been told but whatever.

    But I do believe there's enough actually out gay actors to not be concerned about the suppose closeted ones. As long as they aren't infecting ppl with viruses then its none of my business.

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  20. That made me laugh out loud!

  21. Tom

    Arranging another fake, sexless marriage
    With Farrah Abraham
    Who has bodacious tatas
    And a big pussy

  22. NPH didn't come out, PerezVonDouche outed him. He just owned it and kept going.
    But he didn't come out on his own.

    It's not SERIOUS BUSINESS, It's no ones business.

  23. NPH, Bomer, Quinto, Rannells, are the exception, not the rule. Now that Aaron Tveit is becoming more well known, the "is he/isn't he" stuff is starting about him, along with plenty of internet stories about his alleged activities on both sides. It still matters, and if they can, the powers that be will still keep you in the closet if you are a certain type.

    For the most part, the Broadway community protects its own, unless you really, really, really piss people off. Yes, MM is an arrogant, narcissistic, jerk, but he apparently shows up for work, does what he's asked, and doesn't hold people up (much), so the backlash against him is minimal. I think he still qualifies as protected.

  24. I just starting taking crestor.erday and my shits since hsve bern yellow, sticky, and foul nyheu are cholesterol shits. Creator flushes all the cholesterol in your system into your shit. Cholesterol shits smell like sex lube after used for assfucking.

    I am currently staying at a Donald Trump resort and all the bellhops have greasy, bad comb overs. There is a stone likeness of Donald cut into a hill and that's where a large pack of wild dogs goes to shit.

    Farrah Abraham has a big pussy. James Deen could not get traction in her vunt so he had to fuvk her asshole, which was bug as a cave too. When you talk about tight tight, there's box, carton, and container. Abraham is definitely container. Wonder if she has a valtrex vagina? After fucking James Derm - probably

    Has herpes up her ass too. Net it hurts her to shit.

  25. I am addicted to drugs - smack, cocaine, weed, and nitrous oxide. Reality is for morons who can't handle their drugs.

    My weekend bests your year. I don't care about you / fuck you.

  26. Drugs are good for you. Smack is whete it's at. Children should do lines before school.

  27. Teach
    Your children
    To freebase
    It's good for them

  28. Justin Theroux ? Wedding has been postponed several times.

  29. I think MM is just better than most about keeping his "down low" VERY down low so that even those close to him don't know.

  30. Massive G just shut the fuck up already. You are infringing on my afternoon pleasantries and I don't appreciate it.

    Now kiddos, THAT is serious business.

  31. Bacon Ranch, Massive G's first language isn't English. In Aschoolery, "shut up" is translated as "dude, there's Pabst in that cooler over there." Some translations include "your mom said get off the Internet" and "AOL called, you're past due."

    It's important to be sensitive to these cultural differences.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. No, no, camping implies leaving the house and/or the Internipple!

  34. the hearts go to madameC as she always nails it completely. Trolls troll. that is what they DO. pay NO ATTENTION to the troll except to dub them trollish. they DO NOT SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE, as MC has so clearly explained.

  35. MadameChef, 'internipple' is my new obsession. You're my fave. And Amanda's Wig, of course.

  36. MM his sometime lover is Chase Crawford from Gossip Girl.

  37. i still think Matthew Morrison's fiance is a man

  38. Anonymous2:32 PM

    the gay lifestyle is so intriguing
    beards, calling boyfriends to celebrate your beards... crazy
