Friday, June 28, 2013

Amber Heard Flies To Moscow To Be With Johnny Depp

On Thursday night, Johnny Depp attended the premiere of The Lone Ranger in Moscow. He then went to dinner. He went to the premiere alone, but he did not go to dinner alone as Amber Heard joined him. I guess she did not want to be seen at the premiere and cause a distraction or have to answer questions about when she started dating Johnny or whether she was with someone while dating Johnny so she just stayed back at the hotel. There she was at dinner though, holding hands with Johnny and both not acting like anything was out of the ordinary or that this was basically the first time they really went out in full on pap glory public holding hands. Sure, they have been spotted together, and touching, but that was grainy and still hidden and this was ok world we are going to make it public and take your best shot at us. Of course with a bunch of bodyguards surrounding the couple, there were not going to be any questions that were answered.


  1. Is this still news?

  2. Those shoes! Awful! Love the dress. She has thrown herself under the bus. No cred as a cool articulate woman. Now she is just arm candy.

    Brave but dumb. Boooooo! I was wanting to adore her. And Johnny just looks like a stinkygreasy male Tasya.

    Bad form you two. But when that thang happens it is difficult to extinguish. At least they did not flame out in a month. I will give them that. Lets see how long this lasts and MY bet is a BABY is on the agenda.

  3. So, basically, two single people went on a date?

  4. Maybe she didn't like the movie....

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  8. I'd like to know what the white stuff (powder?) is on Johnny's jacket....

    1. Dandruff. You know that fucker don't shower

  9. Hit 'em in the uvula! Oh, no. We woke up the mama. Oh, God! I don't wanna die.

  10. Baxter! It's instinct. Oh, Baxter! Oh! Oh, Baxter, you're still alive! Oh, I'm so happy! I'm so happy! You are alive! I'm so happy! I will lick you! I will lick you in front of everyone to show my joy.

  11. Yeah that white powder smear just above the pocket slit looks way suspicious. And his shoes are hellacious. I wonder if Amber just holds her breath and/or mouth breathes most of the time. He looks sooooooo stinky and greasy.

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  13. Easy, Wes. All right. Thank you, brother. Are you sure, Ed? Make way! Ron Burgandy is about to report on pandas. Count me down.

  14. This is Ron Burgundy, proudly reporting once again for Channel 4 News. Today's story is one of the more remarkable things ever to happen to San Diago or even the world.

  15. But in order to properly retell it, I'm going to need some help from my co-anchor, Miss Veronica Corningstone. No, no, no, no, Brick. Go stand over there.

  16. And I'm Ron Burgundy. You stay classy, planet Earth.

  17. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Using other people's intellectual property to sound funny? You're a genius canopener.

    I think that Amber has everything to do with Johnny cleaning up, when was the last time we saw him in an actual suit, with his hair cut, washed and styled? I think she's laying down the rules.

  18. Does this woman actually act? I mean she acts like she's straight when there's a photo op with Johnny but in film? She's just using you Johnny!!!Run.

  19. I think calling the Anchorman script intellectual property is giving it a bit too much credit. It's no Caddyshack or Stripes.

  20. I've seen her in a bunch of movies: Drive Angry, Zombieland, Pineapple Express, The Informers, Alpha Dog, Friday Night Lights. She's a decent enough actress. She's no Kate Winslet, but few are.

    1. She was unrecognizable and REALLY overacting in The Ex-Terminators, which I mostly loved. Heather Graham and her biz partner (Jennifer Tilly? I forgits) were a HOOT and the story was just plain Thelma and Louise awesome.

  21. Johnny looks good here and I like her dress.

  22. How can she stand the stench. She was not be very hygienic herself.

  23. Dare I say that Johnny looks like he has ...PLUGS???
    I think she is gorgeous clue what she has ever been in or anything ..simply Googled her and looked at her pictures

  24. I wldnt cross the street to be with him, but hey, to each his own.

  25. Ooh, he's a bit old for me. Who is my generation's Johnny Depp? Maybe Robert Pattinson! I bet dating him would get me in the tabs!!

  26. ha! Libby, that was funny

  27. Anonymous6:16 PM

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  28. Anonymous6:17 PM

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