Friday, May 10, 2013

Your Turn

Say a little something about your mom or the person who raised you like a mother.


  1. Your Turn

    Did you get a class ring when you graduated?

  2. For the third time, no.

  3. Today's blog sucks. If your going to troll at least guess the blinds.

  4. My mom was an angry bitter woman who had 8 kids by different dudes. She lived on welfare until the last kid turned 18. Now she is a crack whore.

  5. Don't get me started...

  6. My message for current and future mom's. As you kid gets older let them enjoy their youth. Strict parents create sneaky kids. If you raised your kid right they'll do well in life.

  7. Ohh jeez. My mom was so special. She would make cake everts Sunday and Monday would be cake day! She would always try to design some sort of armpit shaped cake for me. She knows how much l love armpits.

  8. My mom is Enty! Because he is one hot probate lawyer who always makes sure to give me a turn! Who does that anymore? NO ONE! Enty is my lord and savior.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nosey I would really appreciate it! I feel like my armpit gets no love. My boyfriend hates it.

  10. My mom was like a cheap version of Betty Paige. She worked at a truck stop diner/strip club. So the waitresses would dress up like different celebrities, serve you food and than dance. I remember going into the "velvet" room. I thought it was called that because the walls were lined with velvet. I was wrong!

  11. My mom left me with my dad because she needed to "enjoy her youth" and couldn't do it whilst being a mother. My dad was never around to spend time with me. When I was in high school, I falsely accused a teacher of molesting me. When I look back at it now, I think maybe I did it because of my parents never being there for me? I don't know. Irregardless, I don't regret what I did.

  12. My "mom" was a piss poor excuse for a mother. I don't celebrate her "motherhood". In fact I stopped buying cards a few years ago because its super hard to find a Mother's Day card that fits.

    On the other hand, because of my poor example of a mother, I made it a mission to be the best mom I could and my children are now young adults and I can't wait to spend time with them!

    1. Me, too. We haven't spoken in 7 years. Basically, when I don't know what to do - I do the opposite of what she would have done. Maybe sometimes that makes me kind of a pushover, but he's still only 3 and knows without a doubt that he is LOVED. Cheers to letting go of a past you can't change and a future that you can! Happy Mother's Day to you!! :)

  13. Enty, really? Can't you put the naughty kids in time out?

  14. I'm a drrty Skype slut. So was my Mama. And, her Mama, too.

  15. Why did you deleted my comments!?! It was very nice. My mom made cake on Sunday. She was a loving caring lady. What is wrong with that enty!?! Why can't I share about MY mom?

    1. And now it's back! Sorry for getting mad. I just loved that woman so DAMN much.

  16. What say you about the mother of your kid Ent? Where you at Kym?

  17. Ms. Snarky is my mom. PLEASE put me in time out, MOM. You know, our 'special' just you and me timeout? I know I'm not s'posed to tell, but...oh, MOM! I've been so naughty...

  18. Class ring? I see what you did there ;)

  19. KYMPOSSIBLE! Enty put her in his armpit. She's still there, listening to those 2 radio shows overandoverandover, enjoying some 'alone' time, and helping write wills and probate stuff!

  20. *****YAWN*****

    Really with these 'your turns'.


    Give us gossip.

  21. ENTY ate his and KYMPOSSIBLE'S baby! All she wanted was the truth. She found out the hard way that there IS NO TRUTH. THERE IS ONLY ENTY.

  22. I miss my mom everyday. It's almost been a year since she passed away. Tomorrow I am doing the Liver Walk in her honor.

  23. Almost everything about child birth and rearing grosses me out. Even if I cannot fathom why men still want to sleep with their wives after they give birth. Guess it is something you don't understand until you try!

  24. My mom was the perfect mother. I had a storybook childhood. I can't imagine having had what is unfortunately a "normal" childhood. I try for my kids but have more of a temper than I would like. (My mom says she did too though. I don't remember it much).

  25. Anonymous10:25 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Anonymous10:26 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Whoa, seriously. What happened to this comments section?

  28. The dingo ate Enty's baby!

  29. Anonymous10:33 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. My moms been gone 21 years, and I think of her everyday, the bad and the good. Id give anything to have her back. My da too for that matter.

  31. My mother left my sorry, alcoholic abusive father and raised me and my brother on her own. She wasn't perfect but, she was pretty wonderful, and she worked hard to give us everything we needed. Most importantly, she loved us, still does. She's an awesome, bad ass, little crazy lady, and I love her.
    Had a class ring, lost it.

  32. My mother -Only the good die young and God doesn't want her either.

  33. My parents split before I can remember and the Mom kept her life private. Therefore she taught me that I didn't need to be defined by a man or by my relationship status. She didn!t settle and neither did I.

  34. It's bad karma to speak ill of the dead. No comment.

  35. My mom was great. She wasn't perfect, but she was giving and loving and tried her best. To this day, if I ever need anything- she will do what she can to help. Most importantly, she (and my dad) taught me what it was like to be unconditionally loved. She was a great example of what a mom should be and I hope that I am as good a mom to my own daughter.

  36. My momma beat me before I was borned.

  37. My mom died about 4 years ago so I won't be doing anything special this Sunday, but my mother had a lot of incredible qualities that I'd rather not air on a hack blog, she was *that* special.

  38. You know what my momma would do for Sunday supper? Throw a handful of Chicken in a BiskitⓇ in my face!

  39. Robin ima smack the troll outa yo' mouf.

  40. I haven't spoken to my mother in over two years. I am fine with that.

  41. How long will you be down with a ghetto puppet
    I say I'm sick in the nugget and you love it
    I ate a dead body, I ain't proud of it
    I told you all about it, and you all applauded (HEY!!)
    I got problems, I'm haunted by a carnival
    I could run and tell a doctor, but what for
    I just put it on tape with a fat beat
    And make a quick buck, I'm like fuck
    I could of came out sportin some Hammer pants
    Kick-steppin with Shaggs, and tryin to dance
    Making mom happy, keeping it soft
    I'd rather grab my dick and tell your mom to fuck off!
    I know then you'd probably start to trip
    And swing at me, but hit Violent Ed in the lip
    Look I don't even know what I'm trying to say
    Just don't forget me like you did with Rob Base

  42. My mom was a crazy self centered drunk. My dad however was awesome.

  43. Wow I hate to add to all the "love" people seem to have for their moms but...

    I was raised by a single mom who at the age of 30 had three kids 12,10 and 9. We were left alone while my mother enjoyed being a single gal and on occasion would come home drunk and tell us how we ruined her life and how she'd like to run away.

    HOWEVER, I love my mother, believe it or not. I have forgiven her for not being up to the task of dealing with kids. I have seen her defend all of us if any boyfriend even DARE to touch us or try to be "dad". She never remarried and only 1 of us had a child.

    She has learned to say "I love you" and those worlds can heal a lot of wounds.

    Oops! Got serious on joke day..

  44. My mom didn't do very well when we were kids. I think she resented "having" to have kids as women were expected to do back then. We have a good relationship now, and she's a great grandma. But I would not want to relive all those years when she controlled literally every aspect of my life.

  45. I need Enty's approval. Thanks for giving me a turn. It's like a birthday present. A gift that keeps on giving, just like that other thing that I signed the nondisclosure agreement for.

  46. My mother is, unfortunately, self-centered and a tad manic depressive with OCD. She's also hypocritical.

    Thanks to her, though, I've learned to be better than that. I am a bit too honest, my house is a mess at times, and I sometimes drink a little too much, but you'll never find a truer friend that will love you like I do, nor will you ever see me not living this life to its fullest.

    Thanks mom!

  47. "self-centered and a tad manic depressive with OCD. She's also hypocritical." -- I didn't realize I was your mother :(

  48. My mom died after she found out that Enty was a lying, manipulating, scam artist. THANKS FOR KILLING MY MOM, ENTY.

  49. My mom was the best cook ever. When her kids went vegan/vegetarian, she managed to cook up the best vegan/vegetarian dishes we've ever tasted. Yes, she was cray and caused a lot of harm (not meaning to, of course) but I still love that woman, and miss her. Oh, and she was movie star beautiful up until she died.

  50. So, some fucking LOSER made a bunch of blogger profiles just so they could slander Enty and troll the comments. OMG, that is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Seriously.

  51. My mom had a affair that broke the entire family. Now my inheritance will go to the much younger woman my dad married. My step mom is a bitch also.

    Yay me!

  52. Forgot to add-----WAY TO GO MOM!

  53. I'll also add that she was emotionally and physically abusive.

    Guess I'm done now.

  54. Was Enty your mom?

  55. My mother abandoned me as a tiny child with my brother's grandmother, my step grandmother and she was a very tough mother to have but I learned strength and values from her and I took great pride in taking care of her while she lay dying of cancer...I treated her like she was my little baby and it was the hardest and best thing that I have ever done...I miss her dearly <3

  56. @ MadLyb. Losers. Plural, honey. But thank you for spelling it right. I hates it when people spell it "loosers". DAMN, that gets my goat.

  57. There's a damn bald child with cancer in my ads, Enty! Buy him a damned hat, wontcha! Jesus!

  58. Wow worst replies to a thread ever. Only a handful of nice ones. And not just the trolls. My single mom raised me and my brother and I love her so much. Her openness and caring influenced me to raise my daughter that way. I also love my stepmother. She never had kids if her own and always treated me great. So did my last stepmother. :) Yes my dad found amazing women to marry him! Except for stepmother #1. She didn't last too long thankfully. Yes he's in wife #4. She's a keeper.
