Friday, May 17, 2013

Woman Places Her Child For Adoption On Craigslist

A woman in Houston is pregnant. Because she is pregnant she can't take her depression medication. Because she can't take it, she got depressed and posted on ad on Craiglist looking for a good home for her three year old son. After people reported the ad, the police got involved and discovered who posted the ad and arrested the woman and charged her with advertising for placement of a child. It is surprisingly, not a very serious crime and is just a misdemeanor. The child is with his father, but there is no indication as to what will happen to the baby she is carrying. In the ad she said she was a single mom, so presumably there are different fathers for each of the kids and she is not with either of them. The mom said she never had any intention of giving up her child and was just having a rough day.


  1. Crazy ass Houston folk.

  2. But was she born in Florida?

    1. Hahaha my thoughts exactly! Poor kids, hopefully they never google themselves and realize they almost got sold on low rent website like craigslist.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. CPS & Mental Health will be cheaper than criminal justice system for this lady.

    Cops & criminal courts should be busy with the violent crimes, imo. I think sometimes moral outrage, especially toward women, drives Prosecutors to make examples out of people who probably just need to quietly lose custody & be ordered to see a doctor.

    She never HURT the baby, right? Nor actually gave him away? If I'm wrong about details, I'm sorry.

  5. In all seriousness I am surprised at the tone of this post.
    Would it have been better than in her depression she harmed or killed her 3 year old?
    It's been known to happen.
    I would rather something like this occur and authorities notified than the shaming that the wording implies.

  6. Having just given birth and still riding the roller coaster of hormones, I can see how she might feel the need to place an ad. I love my babies more than anything, but there are times when I'm exhausted and stressed and pushed to the max and think 'someone just come and take you for a while'. And I'm not a depression sufferer like she is. It's easy to judge without being in her shoes and without the full story.

    1. Hang in there char, we all go thru it! It will pass and if u feel really bad, get help. :)

    2. Thanks, I don't feel really bad, just like I want to put myself on Time Out sometimes! I can only imagine how bad it must be for someone dealing with the tidal wave of hormones and denied their medication. Especially if she's doing it all alone!!!

    3. I've tried hiding in the closet, but the kids keep finding me there.

    4. Yell," dinners ready!" And everyone scatters to the four winds. to get them back? Easy. Make a phone call.

  7. No libby, she didn't harm her child. And most stalkers aren't caught until they harm the target of their interest.
    Are you fucking serious?

    1. I'm with you on this.

    2. So let's throw her in jail where she can get all the help she needs?
      Are you fucking serious?
      Apples and oranges man.

  8. I think it was a cry for help, and I hope she gets the help she needs.

  9. Talking avout pregnant women and their problems...

    Sorry! I don't know how to make it clicky.

  10. I was genuinely asking IF she had harmed the child, because I hadn't cared to read the deets on this sad story on a real news site. I thought the last paragraph was clear that I was asking.

    B/c if the kid is all beat up, then she needs a criminal court. Re-read my comment. Is it that complicated a concept now, what I was saying?

  11. And when I say 'lose custody' and 'see a doctor', I mean FOREVER.

  12. Woman needs help. ASAP

  13. She should be able to continue on mild med's while pregnant. I was in the middle of a major depressive episode when I got pregnant with my youngest (she's 7 y/o now) and my doctors all agreed that it would be more detrimental to me and the baby for me to stop taking medications. So they adjusted me down to the absolute minimum doses (and eliminated 2 of my 4 medications entirely), increased my psych. and therapist appointments, and my OB/GYN classified me as a "high risk" pregnancy (so my insurance would cover all my increased OB and psych. visits.) My daughter and I both turned out fine.

  14. Damn you Craigslist! Yet Another soul dragged into danger with your free and easy ways..

  15. Hope she gets her tubes tied after this one.

    Seriously. Two is enough anyway, and if she has this kind of issue with depression she shouldn't be pregnant again.

    I suppose it's too much to hope that she's currently married?

  16. Okay, just for arguments sake; why is it okay to advertise that you want to adopt on Craigslist or in the newspaper or trade magazines, but not okay to.look for suitable parents the same way?
    I had not read the part where it was her 3 year old that has a father....

  17. @Ic I KNOW, I thought the same thing. I see ads all the time begging for kids. It would be different if she said 'Curb pickup. first come, first serve' LOL

  18. Anonymous9:13 AM

    If the child is with the father, why didnt she just give the child over to the dad in the first place?

  19. There are medications you can take while pregnant. This sounds off.

  20. I am glad the child is ok.

  21. I am really sad for this woman--that she had no place to turn on a bad day except this and now she's got a huge mess on top of depression, a toddler and being pregnant.

    It is just sad that she didn't feel like she had anywhere to turn to get some relief or some help when she was bottoming out. I hope they get her some support -even if it is just social workers and a shrink to get her through this.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Depression is a tricky subject, but if I had it, I would definitely think twice about procreating, especially if it was severe. It doesn't seem like the responsible thing to do for the child. Also, her doctor should have found a way around this.

    It honestly sounds like she got pregnant again out of wedlock, no support system, with no father/husband/boyfriend around to help her. I feel badly for her (and surely the outcome could have been worse) but she won't get any rewards for making responsible decisions. Both children should be taken away.

  24. I hope she gets help, the criminal justice system is NOT where she belongs.

  25. Yes marie, I'm very serious.
    How many times are we on here posting pseudo "what a shame" shit when someone KILLS someone and the signs were there?
    So all of a sudden this woman is brought out into the light before harm comes to her child and she's a saint?
    Oh I think not.

    This kid is lucky the police were notified. That's my opinion.

    1. Lol, who said she was a saint? There is a diff between what she did, and KILLING somebody. She could have just as easily drowned the kid in the tub. Ge a grip.

    2. What's with Friday fighting lately? I personally blame Rebecca Black..

  26. It's unfortunate that ALL the details weren't shared on Enty's post. She has ongoing issues with anxiety and depression.

    While placing an ad on Craigslist wasn't the appropriate thing to do, at least she was brave enough to try and find proper help for son.

    I feel sad for her and hope she finds/gets the help she needs for her and her children. Those that haven't dealt with anxiety or depression, will never understand.

  27. marie what part of HE'S 3 YEARS OLD do you not 'grip'?
    If she wanted him gone, he would be gone in less than 2 minutes.
    You don't see that she is a danger to her child?
    Please don't spawn.

  28. Now I realize what right wingers meant when they said a child needs a mother and father.. When the mom goes bat shit crazy, the baby daddy she met in a bar can care for the child. Jk! I agree that she needs help, not jail.

  29. Craig is going to be very mad when he sees what is going on with his list.

  30. There are definitely meds she can take which *could* help her, without knowing any of the details of this case.

    After my second, I suffered some mild post-partum and it was no picnic. I can't imagine having full blown depression. I also know that when you are in the midst of a depression, it is often hard to determine the best course of action or even reach out to people in an appropriate way for help (there is a reason people often use the word "fog" to describe how it can feel). I've watched a friend and a close family member struggle with this for years.

    I also don't think it's fair to say that someone shouldn't procreate because they suffer from depression or anxiety, or they aren't married, or whatever, but I do think there are ways to actively take care of yourself and your baby to ensure the best outcome for everyone.

    I hope she gets back on her meds and feels better.

  31. KLM-I only said I personally would think twice because I don't think it is fair to the child (especially if, as you said, you do not take precautions) but people are free to do as they please, I just think more should think it through before doing it. (goes for everyone actually lol)

  32. My mom used to threaten to sell me to the gypsies all the time when I was a kid. Glad we didn't have Craigslist back then! Seriously, though...I don't know why this woman didn't just hand the boy over to his father if she felt she couldn't care for him. So sad for the child(ren).

  33. Glad she is getting help.

    I often have friends say they want to give their children away, but when I offer to take them they never give them up.

  34. Maybe she tried to get the father to take them before and he wouldn't, atleast not voluntarily. Now this has happened and they might go to strangers otherwise unless he takes them.

    @lc I thought the same thing. It's perfectly OK for prospective parents to troll every corner of the internet looking for someone to give them their baby (note I didn't say child because most of these people only want babies) but to find a home for one, you can't do that.

    Anyway, I agree she needs help and medicine, not jail. I hope she gets it.

  35. She probably thought the kid was better off with the stranger than the father. She needs help.

  36. Kind of tragic at first, but infinitely better than the alternatives. Does anyone want to see another story of a mother leaving her baby in a dumpster?

    CPS has the target on her and I have a feeling both the three year old and the unborn baby are being watched.

    As for the charges, I have a feeling if the child and the unborn baby are taken care of, the charges will be dropped.
