Thursday, May 23, 2013

We're The Millers aka Jennifer Aniston Pole Dances So Please Come Watch


  1. Why do they continue to put this woman in movies; she is not a box office draw.

  2. I like Jennifer's movies. We get a group of ladies together and have a chick-flick night! Jason Sudeikis has been funny on SNL. Looking forward to seeing this.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Just what everyone wants to see - a 45 year old woman on a stripper pole

    1. I live in Cincinnati and if you go across the river you can see a 45 year old stripper. I'm not sure if she will look like her but if its your thing who am I to judge? JK I will totally judge you, but with love

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Where I come from 45 year strippers get the day shifts along side the tubby peelers and the one legged wonders. I'm not judging - I've seen it all. Whatever floats your boat I suppose..

  4. That actually looks kinda funny.

  5. Okay, confessing, I laughed at it. Of course I'm rolling with only about 3 hours of sleep so that may have something to do with it...

  6. I'm gonna need confirmation she actually gets 'em out on camera. Then I'll get the scene off the Internet.

  7. And yet Brad wanted more out of life!

  8. Don't you do these kinds of movies trying to make a name for yourself, not trying to save your career. Does look kind of funny but I'm sure these were all the best scenes and what remains is probably not worth watching.

  9. If it's a hit, it will be in spite of her, not because of her.

  10. I agree with The Dude but I will still go see it.

  11. Jason Sudeikis (I just can't quit him), Ken Marino AND Nick Offerman? Unfortunately, I have to see it. Yes, I know, I know, Hall Pass was absolutely horrible even with Sudeikis in it, but Marino and Offerman will make up for it if this one is just as bad.

    True confession: I sometimes get a bit obsessive with watching youtube videos of "What's up with that?" just so I can can see Sudeikis jump in and dance with his red track suit. That never gets old to me. The skit itself gets old, but everytime Sudeikis jumps back in when the singing starts, I get giddy.

  12. I have no problem with Jen Aniston playing a stripper, she has a hot body. Marisa Tomei was 40+ in The Wrestler and I was seriously impressed, if only I looked as good as both of these ladies.

  13. Considering that going to the movies consists of getting a babysitter, paying said babysitter, plus the cost of tickets and snacks and dinner, I think I will pass on this crapfest.

  14. this was filmed in nc!

    annie, i am also crushing hard on sudeikis.

  15. I'll wait for Netflix, and then I'll think about it.

  16. She's way too old to play a stripper that looks like she does. She'd look 20 years older as a forty-something stripper.

  17. @f28... - Sadly i have an ex-sister-in-law who is 45 and is a stripper and she has definitely seen better days. Heck I get to see her in a couple hours at my niece's graduation. I hope she dresses at least somewhat appropriately for her daughter's big day but I'm not holding my breath.

    1. I hope for her daughters sake all goes well. Congrats on your Neices graduation, I hope she has a good day. It sounds like she has you regardless of how her mom acts :)

  18. Fuck. I tried to get a screenshot of Fassbender's cock by taking a picture with my camera. Now all I see is his cock and my reflection in the computer screen.

    1. Don't you hate it when that happens?

    2. It's his dick and then my thick, black rimmed glasses, frizzy hair, and camera lense. Fuck.

    3. Awkward dude. Now everyone will know what a pathetic stalker you are!

    4. Well it was of Michael Fassbender's dick. I didn't look up his house or anything. Give me some credit.

    5. That's the next step Pip. You'll be selling your cats for plane tickets and camping gear just catch a glimpse of his mighty peen.

  19. I'm in. Anything's better than beyond the pines, looks like a pretty decent comedy.

  20. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Go home Anniston, just go home. Is this the film where her and Sudeikis had an affair?

  21. @Alicia: You forgot the most important rough stripper a club has, the go home girl. The one that is rough in low light and is the last one on stage. That way when the lights come on and they want you out of the club, she kills your wood and sends you packing.

    I'll usually tip those girls a $5 or a $10 the first time they come around and tell them to stay away from me. Broad trying to earn a living, and I respect that, but I don't want em killin my mojo by pestering every 20minutes all night.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Haha yes! I did forget that one.. She's the one with stretch marks and a Csection scar from hip to hip and always forgets to cut her tampon string

  22. I'd see this movie. Reminds me of a dirty Vacation. Looks somewhat enjoyable. JA is also infinitely more watchable than AJ or BP.

  23. This looks good for what it is. Definitly looking forward to all the gifs of smokin hot jennifer aniston.

  24. Annie , you're not alone. I do the same thing and laugh until I cry.

  25. She is starting to show her age. Her face is puffy and the smoking is not helping either.

  26. I will love her forever for playing Rachel on Friends but I rarely see her movies, I might try plowing through them on Netflix just to see what everyone is bitching about.

  27. There are all types of cunts in this world. Pretty cunts, nasty cunts, tight cunts, sloppy cunts, stinky cunts, crazy cunts, and stupid cunts. This stupid cunt should get her shit together because any future trouble falls at her feet.

    The use of children in attempt hurt someone is unacceptable. If it continues expect to hear from us and don't expect us to be this friendly next time.


    Bad Friend of Good People

    1. @BadFriendOfGoodPeople,

      ?? What? You sound like one of those people from Anonymous!

      Who is this person and how/why are they using a child to hurt someone? That's messed up.

    2. She kind of looks familiar, hard to tell but I feel like I've seen that face before. Is it a CDaNer?

      What happened? Did she stalk someone's child or something? I felt creepy just looking at her pic.

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  29. I smell a rancid cunt in our midst.

  30. Reesie, I can smell the stench all the way over here and I live downwind of the stupid c-u-n-t!

  31. Anonymous1:52 PM

    she should just play a regular old mom. STop trying to be sexy mom. Its over, your getting old. She looked OLD in that ellen degeneres clip

  32. Did anybody check out Bad friends link? I'm afraid to. What the heck is he talking about??

  33. Looks like some ugly old bitch is doing something dumb.

  34. @All about Eve,

    It's a picture of what looks like someone taking a picture through a window, but they forgot to turn off the flash and they show up as a reflection in the picture. Nothing scary, just creepy.

    BadFriends' comment said something about someone using a child to hurt someone else. Is the person taking a picture of the child's home and BadFriends is saying that's not right? It's creepy.

    Leave kids out of your stuff, people. (I hope BadFriends is good guy Anonymous type and telling creepster to back off.)

  35. STANK!!!! All up in here.

  36. Smells like a decaying feral animal that was caught in a trap.

  37. whats all the hate for jen? her movies are ok and look to a certain audience. a lot of actresses make worse films than her.oh, and she was smoking hot playing a slutty dentist in horrible bosses!

  38. I love me some Jason Sudekis... so yeah I will be seeing it.

  39. @astrogirl,

    What? Are people here creeping on kids?

    This makes me shudder. We should be OK commenting on a blog without worrying about kids being creeped.

    I'm locking down my google account. That is just wrong.

  40. Boxes I was going on what bad friend said about using someone's children to hurt someone. I looked at the pic in curiosity and it looks like a person looking at someone's house so I thought maybe they were stalking.

    I am good with faces and I reckon I've seen that face before, off to check readers photos. I will let you know what I find out. It's hard to see on the iPad but she looks like a redhead. I have to check on husbands giant monitor.

  41. I appreciate good movies, and for the most part, have good taste in both movies in music (in my own mind). I want to see this. Sometimes I want mindless entertainment.

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  43. Well if there's one thing there are plenty of around here, it's crazy people.

  44. WTF is this talk about stalking a child? This person is not a regular, that's for sure.

  45. This looks funny--the killer whale bit cracked me up--but JA looks too good to be playing a middle-aged stripper. At least give her a tramp stamp for authenticity's sake!

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  47. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Jennifer Aniston is ROCKING 45, that is the age where it starts to be difficult to look really good. She's not having a problem.

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  50. That's fucked up. All bets are off if she has gone and used a child's real name. Who is it Sunny? They should be thrown off here that's going way too far.

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  52. @Lurker, 45 is the age? I will note that on my calendar. Try to look good at 45. :b I have a few years to go!

    @astro, I have the reader photo email from JSierra (where are you, JS?!).

    @Sunny, is the anonymous thing? Someone is posting as a CDAN poster's nephew with pics of his house? WTH?

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  56. It sounds like a community of commenters that had no problem exposing the private information of other commenters a few weeks ago (I lurk and thought that was disgusting) are now up in arms because they feel their privacy was violated? Is that about the jist of it?

    To all involved I say grow the fuck up!. Stop threatening people... yeah I'm talking to BadFriend and now you, Sunny, I haven't seen anyone else literally THREATEN other people personally, including whatever child you're referring to. Also, be careful what private information you put online, you never know when it'will come back to bite you on the ass..

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  58. I don't know what you were implying by your last post, but I'm glad to see you thought better of the comments you made previously and removed them.

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  60. So you stand by your threats? I was right in my comment yesterday, you are all crazy.

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  63. @Sunny said: @Butter
    I'm a little surprised regarding your lack of concern that a regular commenter is using my friend's 7 year old nephew's name to troll, and a PHOTO of her home as their avi. Is this not upsetting to you, or just the people calling that person out??

    Sunny: Bingo! SMH that *butter* isn't concerned that a commentator's young nephew's name and her very own home used on a fake profile.

    @Butter...sorry! One doesn't get a pass on this kind of fuckery!

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  65. I think it's all fucked up. I don't know what "troll" profile you are talking about, I haven't seen any offensive comments other than from you guys. Did I miss someone threatening a child? In the past few weeks I have seen individual commenters attacked by name and what appeared to be an attempt at publicizing people's real names. I do find that threatening, just the same as this part of one of your comments from sometime last night:
    "I fucking KNOW WHO IT IS, I am NOT BULLSHITTING, and I swear to sweet baby Jesus if I see you posting as my friend’s 7 YEAR OLD NEPHEW again, all hell will reign down on you."

  66. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I don't know who butter is, from my slim grasp of this situation I guess it to be the lady in the window. I have one point. I saw the trolling a few weeks ago and found it pretty funny. I used to comment on here quite a bit but don't anymore because it got too dark. I didn't see anything in the trolling that was harmful or scary, I didn't see people's houses posted or kids/nephews/nieces/husbands or wives. If it was you that did this shut up and just stop. There's no excuse for what you did.
    Maybe you've justified it in your mind but you're wrong. Trust me it's just really wrong and bad what you did. Just move on and be glad Sunny didn't say your name. Regular posters like me that have no dog in the fight will stand up when you bring kids into it.

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  68. Believe what you want, but it's not me.

  69. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Well whoever it was they're probably still subscribing to this thread. Butter you just started your profile, if it wasn't you I wouldn't get in the middle of this, right now might be a good time to go back to lurking.

  70. Did you offer to contact the police when people were directly attacking commenters and posting people's names on here a few weeks ago, because that was pretty creepy stalking behavior. Or did you sit back and laugh because it wasn't YOUR friend?

    I still have no idea what profile you are calling the troll, nor do I want to. I want the blog to go back to being a fun place to visit, without personal attacks and threats.

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  72. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Butter I wouldn't post anyone's real name but I think comparing the two is like night and day. Someone's name is all over Facebook, pinterest hell even some posters use their real names. Posting someone's house and or address or something to do with a family member is totally crossing the line. The other things you spoke about are toeing the line this is puking all over it. Please don't equate the two, it's not the same.

  73. I wasn't pointing a finger at you, katy, but it was done. People have the right to use their names where and when they choose, without the fear of other people hunting them down and exposing their private information, that's why we have the option of creating handles. I've seen no addresses posted anywhere, I see no commenters named "I'm John Doe and I'm using 's 7 year old nephew's name, so I have no idea whose nephew it is or the name of said nephew. The only thing I know about the nephew has come from BadFriend and Sunny. Did anyone ever stop to think that the aunt/uncle deserved a shout out for some reason? I guess only s/he and the person that created the profile would know that.

    As for when I go back to lurking, that'll be my decision, just like ignoring Canuck. I'm sure other Canadians are proud to call you one of their own.

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  75. @Butter, if the aunt or uncle "deserved a shout out" then the sicko who made the new profile should have used the ADULTS name and not the name of a 7 YEAR OLD CHILD.
    Obviously the person who made this profile is mentally ill, and I do hope that they get the help they so desperately need.
    I'll repeat what has already been said, if you don't know what's going on and you are usually a lurker, maybe this isn't the discussion you want to jump in on. Just saying.

  76. I can't speak for the motives of the commenter or their judgement in using whatever name they used. I can say that I still have no idea what the nephew's name is or what the "troll" said that was offensive, so it wasn't obvious to the random reader, UNLIKE the ways people have been personally attacked in the last few weeks.

    Recent commenter doesn't equal recent reader, I know exactly what discussion I'm having, and I know your real name. Should I announce it to the internet because we don't agree on every subject?

  77. Are you talking to me or Sunny?

  78. Sorry Tabby, I thought it was clear since I was responding to what you said in your comment. I was talking to you.

  79. Right, my name is Tabatha, so I'm not really scared of you telling people my name. If you're trying to intimidate me, good luck.

  80. I'm not intimidating anyone, and I don't need anyone telling me what I should or shouldn't comment on. Just saying.

  81. So because you're upset about people telling you that maybe this isn't the conversation to jump in on, you threaten to do the very thing you were upset about in the first place? And you don't want us to think you're the same person who posted the profile with the childs name? Do I have that right? It doesn't make a whole bunch of sense.

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  83. It was irony, Tabby, I shouldn't have expected you to get it. We all comment with a reasonable expectation of shared privacy (and civility), and we're all entitled to decide what we release to others, aren't we?

  84. No need to get salty about it, Butter. You don't know me, so please don't presume to know what I would "get".

    SOMEONE takes their gossip blogs rlly srsly.

  85. That's what I say!

    Sheesh. No one listens to me.

    Hey Butter, can I sit at your lunch table?

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