Today's Blind Items - She Is Using Her
The more I get to know of things that this almost A list mostly movie actress from a huge, no longer in existence franchise, the less I like of her. She has had experiences with the same sex several times. Many times. She has no issues with it and moves from one sex to the other seamlessly. Does not mean she is sexual, she just has no problems having sex with men or women. Anyway, one of her co-stars shares something with her that many of her other franchise co-stars did not. Yes, that is a clue. Her co-star is also an actress. Probably B- list; mostly movies, but with as high of a name recognition as our almost A lister. Several years ago, our B lister confided to our almost A lister that that B lister prefers women, or at least she thought she did. She had been on dates with boys but it had primarily been just hand holding and kissing and she felt nothing for them. Her female friends though were another story. She lusted after them, but because of her age and the way she had always marketed herself, she did not think it wise to get involved or even experiment with women until she met our almost A lister. The two began an affair that has lasted a few years. Only when the almost A lister wants it though, which is only when she needs something from the B listeror needs some attention or just wants to f**k with the B lister's head. Our almost A lister is good at that. That is a monthly occurrence. The B lister is in love with our almost A lister and our almost A lister takes advantage of that. A lot. Mostly just by using the B lister or getting her involved in sick jokes and pranks. One of the jokes was so bad that our B lister lost out on a very very good part that ended up getting another person an Academy Award nomination for the role.