Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today's Blind Items - He Likes Them 18 And Dumb

This actor is probably C list. He goes from B+ list to C list depending on whether he is on a television show at the time. Yeah, not many movies for him and he has had some really bad luck with television shows after his one big hit. That one got him to the B list. It also got him on television all the time, including all those reruns that are on everytime I turn on the television. When he goes out, women come up to him and want to talk. He likes to visit college campuses though to find the women he likes. According to one girl who dated him for about six months she said the first thing he asked her was how old she was. She said 19. He said that was fine but when she hit 20, she was going to be out the door. She didn't believe him, but it was true. Happy 20th birthday. Then bye. he only dates teens. He prefers them dumb with large breasts. He has convinced several of them to drop out of school and spend a year with him traveling all over. They all think they will be the one to keep him forever, but he dumps them after a year or so. I don't even know what they see in the guy. he is not good looking. He is goofy and has a violent temper. Another one of the teens he dated said that when he would have a bad day he would punch walls and tv sets. He would yell at her and threaten to beat her. He never actually would touch her, but she still would be scared.


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