Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today's Blind Items - He Likes Them 18 And Dumb

This actor is probably C list. He goes from B+ list to C list depending on whether he is on a television show at the time. Yeah, not many movies for him and he has had some really bad luck with television shows after his one big hit. That one got him to the B list. It also got him on television all the time, including all those reruns that are on everytime I turn on the television. When he goes out, women come up to him and want to talk. He likes to visit college campuses though to find the women he likes. According to one girl who dated him for about six months she said the first thing he asked her was how old she was. She said 19. He said that was fine but when she hit 20, she was going to be out the door. She didn't believe him, but it was true. Happy 20th birthday. Then bye. he only dates teens. He prefers them dumb with large breasts. He has convinced several of them to drop out of school and spend a year with him traveling all over. They all think they will be the one to keep him forever, but he dumps them after a year or so. I don't even know what they see in the guy. he is not good looking. He is goofy and has a violent temper. Another one of the teens he dated said that when he would have a bad day he would punch walls and tv sets. He would yell at her and threaten to beat her. He never actually would touch her, but she still would be scared.


  1. Charlie Sheen has anger management problems?

  2. LeBlanc is an excellent guess.

  3. I'm with VIPBlonde - Perry.

  4. I figured it had to be one of the Friends guys, but likely either LeBlanc or Perry.

    1. @Donald I picked Perry over LeBlanc because the blind says "he is not attractive," and I still think Joey's hot ;)

  5. I'm voting LeBlanc. He is the only person I thought of when I was reading this.

    Well, not totally true, but I knew it had to be someone from Friends, and narrowed it down from there. I don't think it's Perry, because I think he has been in or is in a steady relationship.

  6. I read this as Matt LeBlanc, but when I see the other guesses, I think Matthew Perry sounds good.

  7. Oh yeah, and "goofy" and "not good looking" seemed more LeBlanc than Perry to me.

  8. i immediatley thought perry too... but isnt he dating the girl from mean girls? you know the unpopular one... she is way way way waaay out of her teens

    and i like the leblanc guess but he is doing episodes and i thought that show was going great.. he has won a bunch of awards for that one

  9. LeBlanc is experiencing some success with Episodes on HBO. He won an Emmy & Globe for it, and 3rd season airs in 2014.

    It's Perry.

  10. LeBlanc or Perry.
    One of the Friends guys.

  11. LeBlanc. Perry is dating Lizzy Kaplan.

  12. But LeBlanc was considered the attractive one.
    I always got a gay vibe from him.

  13. Definitely Wilmer. Nothing really since That 70s Show, except that really stupid cop drama. He dated Lindsay when she was young and several others who could be his daughter.

  14. I thought all of the Friends stars were A list TV. What about someone like Brad Garrett, who was on a hit show, but not necessarily the lead.

  15. Matthew Perry has been dating Lizzy Caplan for years

  16. LeBlanc and Vladeraama aren't everyone's type, but neither fit as "goofy looking". Perry does.

  17. jumping on the wilmer guess

    1. @blah blah. I'd call him goofy looking. That 70's Show is on the rerun circuit. He has proven track record for using and casting aside young starlets. And I like this way more than either Matthew (I still have a soft spot for Chandler and his third nipple.)

      I've casting my vote for this as well.

  18. LeBlanc has been dating Andrea Anders for years.

  19. I'm pretty sure that both Matthews are considered fairly good looking so I don't think it's either of them.

    What about Topher Grace?

  20. I just did a little google-fu, there are small stories here and there about Matthew Perry and Lizzie Caplan going back a couple years and one site (famous that says they've been dating for four + years.

    That said, Friends is immediately where my mind went. What else is in heavy rerun rotation? Damn that Gilligan, he always was a player.

  21. The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld.

  22. I googled a list of top syndication shows and there aren't that many tv shows (most are game shows and Judge Judy is #1). There was HIMYM, Big Bang, Family Guy, Castle, Criminal Minds, House, Two and a Half Men. Those were last weeks. From a list of the top 50 shows there was also Friends, Seinfeld, King of Queens, That 70's Show, Law and Order, NCIS, Monk.

  23. Matt LeBlanc or David Schwimmer...though I think Schwimmer is married.

  24. Perry is, or was on another hit TV show I thought. He's one of the more successful of the guys in the Friends cast.

  25. I was thinking Michael Richards or Brad Garrett; neither good-looking; The "Matts" are arguably cute.

    1. @sinkbella I was coming here to guess Brad Garrett too. He's goofy and a grade A douchebag.

  26. Wouldn't the entire Friends cast have been A list when it was on?

  27. That headline makes me remember that song from the 90's, I think Julie Brown sang it?
    I like em big and... Stupid! I like em big and...real dumb!!

  28. See I was thinking that big doofus on Everybody loves Raymond, too lazy to look up his name. He was just recently on some new sitcom that was canceled after a few weeks.

    I think all Friends cast would be considered A in their height of Fame, not B.

    1. Brad Garrett...thought of him too, but he's been married awhile. What about Danny Masterson of 70's Show?

    2. Dammit! He divorced his wifey in 2006, so it could be him. I'd say he's B- list though

  29. That's it Sinkabella! Brad Garrett!!!

  30. i too thought Perry but the entire friends cast were definitely A list if not A+. come on, who doesnt know there names!? i'm thinking it's someone who wasnt the star of the show. had less screen time than the rest. no idea who though.

  31. I read this as Jeremy Piven. I think he actually fits better than Perry or LeBlanc.

  32. I think Brad Garrett is adorable.

    However, I do think this is a comedian--thus all the travel--so Michael Richards gets my vote.

  33. As soon as I started reading this I thought Matthew Perry. I'm happy lots of you think so too.

  34. Just as an alternative... Zach Braff?

  35. The brother from everyone loves raymond?

    1. @Karen. I thought he didn't like girls.

    2. I've heard he's bi and in Vegas he runs around with a 27 year old beard. So yep Brad Garrett

    3. Oh and even though she's 27 she looks like a 15 year old and is flat like a boy because he favors very young but legal boys he picks up on Sunset Blvd

  36. Not Perry--he's been in a long-term relationship.

  37. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I totally read this as Dave Coulier.

  38. Whoever this is, he's doing them a favor by only wasting a year or 2 of their young lives, since it sounds like they are too naive to see what the deal really is.

  39. Matthew Perry is good looking.

  40. David Faustino. "Married" seems to be on several channels, including SpikeTV, every night.

  41. I originally thought LeBlanc, but isn't he gay?

  42. Not LeBlanc or Perry. Both have been/are in long term relationships. Wilmer fits this to a T. That 70's show is on every fricking channel at any given time! He's not that good looking either. Ewww. But young girls see him as a 'tv star'. Sad, really.

  43. Hilarious how commenters keep harping on the the Friends guys even tho they don't match at all. Friends isn't the only show in syndication.

  44. Wilmer vandouchebag is the first name that came to mind - sounds like his MO - he's so skeezy, I would think he would have to get them young and stoopid.

  45. Isn't Wilmer Handy Manny? That's pretty successful.

  46. I thought Piven the whole time too. Entourage reruns are the bane of late-night cable in some areas.

  47. I think people do not get that Matt LeBlanc is NOT JOEY. He has been with Andrea Anders forever. Matthew Perry has been with Lizzy Caplan for quite a few years now, and David Schwimmer is married.

    Besides that... everyone on Friends was A+ list for TV at the time Friends was on. Not B.

  48. He likes them 18? So what you are saying is he is a heterosexual male. The dumb part is a personal preference of his. The 18 part is universal.

  49. goofy and not good looking from Friends is David Schwimmer

  50. Brady88, I agree. It clearly CANNOT be ANY of the guys from "Friends," because they are all dating someone long-term (LeBlanc & Perry) or married (Schwimmer). Can we try another show now?

    Wilmer was a decent guess...

  51. someone from law and order?

  52. Screech from Saved By the Bell. Not handsome, very recognizable and prone to outburst as evidenced on Celebrity Fit Club or whatever.

  53. My first thought was Michael Richards, even though I don't remember if he's married/has an SO or not--it was just a gut reaction on my part. We know he has a temper, and he hasn't done all that well since Seinfeld went off the air, but I see it on reruns all the damn time. Anyway, that's my guess, and I'm sticking to it.

  54. What about David Duchovny? Was big on X Files, now does pretty good on Californication..But hear ratings are dropping.

    That is if we don't believe the rumors about him and Scully ;) (wish those rumors are true, part of my childhood, that Scully/Mulder-thing ;)

  55. uhh I thought this was easy as hell...Wilder Valderama.

  56. Gary dourdan from CSI. He was in DM today looking goofy. Also he has some history of dodgy behaviour

  57. Bronson Pinchot from Perfect Strangers. I always got a creepy, perv vibe from him.

  58. only if it were boys would this be leblanc, otherwise not him

  59. Just to be different, I am going with Bob Saget.

  60. Jon Cryer from Two and a Half Men? Pure guess; no idea about his dating history.

  61. I like the guy's style. After having a smart and crazy chick, I'm all about dumb chicks, young would be just a bonus. Unless the chick is making over 50K a year. Then it would be worth putting up with opinions and what not.

  62. I agree with the Brad Garrett guess. In interviews I've seen of him, I got the sense that beneath the surface was some simmering anger. Wikipedia reports that he attacked a TMZ photographer at one time.

  63. I liked the Zach Braff guess

  64. I say Zach Braff as well. He had one non -Shrubs hit with Garden State and that's about it (not that his movies suck, just not hits). Plus, he was not good to Mandy Moore.

    1. Plus I don't think Brad Garrett or Kramer have much luck with 18 year old college kids.

  65. No way is it Zach. He's one of the good guys!

  66. I really like MAC's guess of Brad Garrett. I could swear his reputation is that he has a temper? I could be way off base but get ass-holio vibes from him.

  67. i dunno, yodelay....I think someone who is "famous" could definitely impress college-aged girls. Also..Brad is pretty big guy...he'd intimidate me.

    That said, I'm not good at these, soo..... heh.

  68. Just don't think It's Matt LeBlanc or Matthew Perry. They are both still really good looking, very good looking.

    Both are on successful shows now too. Episodes is huge.

  69. But LeBlanc was considered the attractive one.
    I always got a gay vibe from him.

  70. Anthony Kiedis. ..Oh, sorry. You said actor, not rock star.

  71. Zach Barf!!

    his Kickstarter thing really irked me. um, you are IN the industry with TONS of money and networking, this site is NOT FOR YOU. sorry, end rant.

  72. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Cast of Friends, all A list for the forseeable future. not one of them.

    Nick what's his name?

  73. Jason Alexander all the way..he's ugly and Seinfeld is on TV always...

  74. Dave Coulier from Full House! That's the only hit he has ever been in.

  75. James Woods, morons. He parades them around. He also has an enormous dick, so he probably kicks them to the curb after he's stretched their pussies to cave like proportions.

    t Rosie O'Donnell has one fat, flabby pussy with oily enormous moose claw pussy lips. I bet her lover loves the stench of it all. Rosie Douches once a year and it takes a few bottles of Drano to kill all of the stink between her fetid, fat thighs.

    Charize Theron has enormous elephant ear pussy lips. She blew her father's fucking brains out with a pistol at 13 when he was beating her mother. And NASA, Charize doesn't have a problem with men. Not her.

    You dullards are morons because you don't intuitively grasp the obvious, such as the Hollywood shits with big dicks, flapping pussy lips, And the rest if it. Angelina Jolie still fucks Billy Bob Thornton, but she saves her cunt for Pitt and puts her shit on Billy Bob's dick in motel rooms. Julie Bowen is a slut known to give the best
    Blowguns imaginable and she swallows most of the time. George Michael is dying of AIDs. Tom hanks fucks around on his wife, who is a lesbian most of the time. Chris Farley was fat. So was John Candy. The fat guy comics die young. Blohan and Parasite Hilton have herpes, warts, and clymadia and one of the two is HIV positive. Owen Wilson is a junkie, as is Angelina Jolie.

  76. Junkies: Robert Blake, Angelina Jolie, Wallace Reed, Jim Morrison, Julia Roberts, sienna Miller, Owen Wilson, Maniston, Kate Moth Stupormodel, parasite Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Carlene Carter, slash, most of Guns N Roses, and all the shitnn

  77. Jimmy woods likes it tight tight. It has been a three drug night. A woman I do not know is expertly chomping my chunk, and I dig the visuals and the slurps so I just might bless her with a big load of my Penis snot. There it goes in her eyes and running down her chin and goddamn she snorted some baby batter up her nose. I wish she would let me shoot some splooge up her snatch because sperm is the best sEx lube and I blow chunky spunk when I see streaks of my own sPerm on the shaft of my cock when fucking her doggie style. I live to eat pussy too and I find period juice tasty. I like to fuck pregnant women and drop a big load of splooge on the baby's head. I pick uP women in abortion clinics; once they stop puking and crying You are in there because after all they are garbage sluts who had to get a scraPe and the best way for them to get over the trauma of having a baby Fried in salt water then sucked out of their belly is to get right back on the horse cock.

  78. Aww massive g, you're such a sweetheart!

    (Sarcasm mode off)

    What about the main dude from will and grace? That's always on tv ALL THE FRICKIN TIME!!!

  79. Pretending I don't know about his douchey ways; Wilder is considered pretty attractive right? Therefor I doubt it is him. I think during that 70's he got the hot latin lover label.

  80. I have to go with Bob Saget too.




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