Today's Blind Items - Cuckolded And Proud
Back in the day, this almost A lister mostly television actor was a real ladies man. of course that is when he was doing lots of movies and had his own hair. Oh, you didn't know he didn't have his own hair anymore? When he was an A list mostly movie actor he did, but not anymore. When he was a ladies man he would have sex with a different woman every night, but I guess he did not find his true match until he met his wife. A more sexual freak, he had never known. In the club world at the time she was legendary. There were bands who would come to LA simply hoping they would even get to talk to her, let alone have sex with her. She was always a music person which is why everyone was kind of surprised when she started dating an actor. That was never her thing. Our actor confessed that he enjoyed some sexual kink and over the years the kink has turned even more into the dark side, but when that got them in a tiny bit of trouble with a house of ill repute in Switzerland, they started keeping everything in house. Our actor loves to wear women's lingerie and wigs and on the set of his show has been spotted wearing thongs. Don't bend over without a belt. it turns out that he also loves to be humiliated by his wife and a few years ago when they were being more open about the couples in their life, one couple saw our actor being led around by a leash in the house and also forced to drink out of a bowl. He was also not allowed to join in, but just had to watch his wife when they would swap.