Taylor Swift's Neighbors Hate Her
When Taylor Swift bought that huge Rhode Island house for her summer spot, everyone talked about how much she was able to pay in cash for the place and whether she got ripped off or made a good deal. What was never discussed was how all of the people in her neighborhood would feel about Taylor Swift moving in. Well, as it happens, a long time reader of the site, lives in the same neighborhood as Taylor and had this to say about what is going on.
"I want to remain completely anonymous, but as someone who lives where Taylor Swift just bought a summer home, it's already a circus. Apparently there has been a stalker scare so a section of the beach is roped off. We live here all year, pay taxes all year, to enjoy three months at the beach...and now that might be in jeopardy. I don't want to speak for everyone, but you're kinda not welcome."
The stalker the reader is referring to apparently got to Taylor's house by swimming there, so now the beach is roped off in front of Taylor's house and no one is allowed to use the beach in front of the house which violates almost every common law rule of beach usage ever.