Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Sean Lowe Gets Kicked Off Dancing With The Stars

I'm not sure just how Ingo Rademacher and Jacoby Jones keep surviving each week, but they do. Not that I am not glad to see Sean Lowe disappear, but, considering he has been on ABC for what seems almost a year straight and is constantly on the covers of tabloids, I really thought he would last to the end. The problem he has is that he is not that great of a dancer. So, now his time at DWTS ends and he has to probably confront the reality that he is not going to marry his girlfriend which means passing on a $1M payday. Yeah, he is not going to pass on that payday. He is going to get paid and get married and after a year or so or whenever people stop paying attention, he will divorce her.


  1. I did a little dance of joy when I heard he was going home!

    I love Jacoby's (sp?) mother. She is an elegant hoot and I want to have dinner with her.

  2. I'm not his biggest fan but he always looked like he was trying SO HARD and I like that. I can't believe he lasted so long, really.

    I'm also tired of Jacoby's schtick. That dumb face he makes all the time, trying to be silly, irks me and I wish he would stop that and just be normal!

    That dance the twink did with Jamie Goodwin from SYTYCD- The Macy's stars of dance thing last night with the rotating room was so cool!!!

  3. He's not going to marry her? Good. She's cute. Send her my way.

  4. SO glad he's gone. I wanted him gone a couple of weeks ago.

    He's not a good dancer, but yes, he did try really hard. And he didn't get pissy about his scores like Jacoby does.

  5. I'm glad he was the one who left. He may have tried hard, but he was just stiff as a plank, with no sense of music.
    Jacoby's jump trick is really, really old now and it's not like it's an elegant jump either.
    Ingo tries hard and is actually getting better every week.
    One of the girls should win, I like Kellie, or Zendaya, their legs and arms are always in elegant lines, they can point their toes, and have great feeling for the music.

  6. I hope he fades into obscurity immediately.

  7. Totally w/ Figgy on this one!

    Buh bye

  8. @Enty I'm usually working on Monday & Tuesday night. You've given me the results every week before I could watch. Could you maybe put spoiler alert & give the answer when someone opens that page up? That would be fab. BTW Ingo & Jacoby are better dancers than the Bachelor dude.

  9. oh good. I have not been watching very much because I could not stand him.

    it would have been better if Andy Dick had out-lasted him.

    yes I'm spiteful.

  10. Isn't he with some mud race chick? Good riddance, sick of seeing race traitors everywhere.

  11. Anonymous12:04 PM

    There's nothing wrong with Jacoby. He's miles better than Sean in dancing AND temperament. JJ isn't trying to be silly, he IS silly. Which may irk some, but it's better than being a mofo-ing Z-list reality star who probably fuck and suck his way to the W-list, if he's lucky.

    Kellie and Z ain't all that, either.

  12. Anonymous12:18 PM

    What is normal, anyway? Does anyone actually know?

  13. Yeah, and it's gay people who are ruining the institution of marriage. *eyeroll*

  14. Why are you surprised that Jacoby stays every week? He's been one of the bright spots since the beginning. Yeah, Kelly, Aly and Zendaya are all more talented but he's no schlub.

  15. As much as I wanted to hate Jacoby (I live in Baltimore and Ravens fanaticism is reeeeeeeeally annoying), he has really won me over. He is a good dancer, his silly personality is endearing, and other than his heinous tats, he is pretty Hawt, too. Zendaya annoys the ever loving crap out of me. OF COURSE you are good, you are a teenager who stars on a show about dancing. Sean's routines were all very stripperesque. He grossed me out.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 888 watches Dancing with the Stars?? Doesn't that cut into your time burning crosses on lawns?

  18. Folks that start out as reality show contestants (Survivor, The Bachelor/Bachelorette) shouldn't be on a show called Dancing with the STARS. They ain't stars. Granted some of the folks on there aren't big stars now, but they some type of real talent be it acting, singing or sports.

    Glad he's gone. I was rooting for Andy but now that he's gone, I like Ally.

  19. If you look on the dial idol website Sean appeared to be way, way, way ahead of the rest this week.

    What does this indicate? That DWTS gives whoever they want to get rid of a lot less phone lines than other contestants.

  20. Oh, and I'm glad he's gone.

  21. Sean seems like a total d** creep. He obviously had a contract with ABC that he was guaranteed a number of weeks on the show. Go away now, please.
