Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Robert Pattinson Saves Money - Moves Stuff From Kristen Stewart's Place By Himself

One of the things I dislike most in life is being asked to help move someone. I will help you move a television or a couch or the bed you broke after jumping on it, but I don't want to help you move your house. My theory has always been, I won't ask you to help me move, and please don't ask me to help you move. It is not that I would say no if asked, I just think that is a really big favor to ask of someone. Think about it. It usually involves an entire day. On a weekend. Last I checked there are only 104 weekend days. Right away you have to eliminate about 21 of those days because the NFL is on so that only leaves you 83. A couple of those fall on three day weekends and no one should ever expect you to help them move on a three day weekend. Through other things that go on in life like weddings and parties and bacon festivals you really only have four or five free weekend days in a year and to spend one of those precious four or five days helping someone move? Yikes.

Robert Pattinson understands this and chose to move out his stuff from Kristen Stewart's place on his own. No help. Just a guy and his pickup and two dogs.


  1. My theory is exactly the opposite:

    Buy me beer and pizza and I will happily help you move! Of course, then when I move, I will be calling in return favors, also in exchange for beer and pizza.

    Nothing's free, buddy.

    1. @Topper. Thus is the way of the world. And while the only moving I ever intend to do again is to help children move out of my house, I will still help a friend move or watch their kids while they do it.

      I went to three first grades, three junior high schools and three high schools. I am a world class packer.

    2. Don't forget a few smokes with super premium! We break out the good stuff for moving day

  2. I'm with Topper! Holy hell, Enty is Mr. Cranky-Pants about helping someone move!

    Look, moving is expensive and if I can get a couple friends to help me for the price of pizza and beer...well, leave me alone.

    Oh, and Enty, no bacon for you!

  3. He looks like Zach Galifianakis in the picture of him driving his ute.

  4. Moving SUCKS, and I say this having moved 20+ times as an adult. You always get injured, at least some scrapes and bruises, and end up sore.

    My standard is this: in your 20s, sure, go ahead and help your friends to move, ask them to help you move. But once you hit 30, get a grip, save up and hire some movers.

    1. Fig- yeah, i moved and was helping move people til i was in 50's. i DONE. I will walk your dog, or do a load of laundry or make u dinner or take you out to eat, but I WILL NOT help u move.

  5. He moved all his flannels & dirty hats himself? Mark me down impressed.

  6. There doesn't appear to be any heavy furniture in that truck, so I really don't think he had to extend all that much energy doing it by himself.

  7. According to the blinds, he wasn't living there anyway. I bet that suitcase is empty and he hired the dogs for the day.

  8. This is just a photo op to sell magazines.

  9. Good riddance to him, I say. He'll soon sink back into the obscurity he came from, and KStew, though she may not believe it quite yet, will be much better off without him.

  10. All I need is a free meal and I'll move anything. Bodies included.

  11. RCB...good to know! I might need ya! ;)

    1. I have a large trunk, it can fit up to 5 whole bodies.

    2. Mental note: don't eff with RCB.

    3. You got that right Lotta but don't worry boo, I won't stuff you into a trunk

    4. I have a large backyard. Plenty of room to plant... trees. *ahem*

  12. Yeah, a fake pretend relationship isn't consistent with him keeping things at her house.

    So either their relationship is real or this is fake.

  13. I'll move the body, and yep, scrub the floor and drains with bleach, but I don't clear kitchen cabinets.

  14. Yeah I think this was fake too, unless that is all his dogs shit plus a bike and a old suitcase he forgot she had.

  15. Helping you move would mean lots of chiropractic visits for me so no thanks. I hire movers and don't impose on friends and they know not to ask me either. I will volunteer to help a friend or an organization with pretty much anything else.

  16. I admit, I have not seen any of the Twi-flicks but I kind of hope this guy is able to build a decent career post-franchise. If he doesn't, well, I hope he doesn't end up with Keanu bloat. Jeez louise... what happened to him??

  17. From the time of the press junket for "Twilight," we knew this relationship was probably fake and would end as soon as the DVD for the last movie was released. Now, here we are. Fake, fake, fake.

  18. I hate asking people to help me move - and I move every few years, so I've made a rule that I can't buy anything I can't move myself or throw in the back of my Focus. Thus I have small, lightweight furniture. I'll help others move, though.

    I think he just went through KStew's closets and stole back all his shirts and hats.

  19. I actually don't mind helping friends move as long as they feed me and thank me. I just put on my gloves and go to it.

    I am not a RP fan, but the Southern in me loves that he looks like a regular guy in his ball cap and pick-up truck.

  20. Rob's not going anywhere. Even if his acting career plummets, he's a skilled and very talented singer/songwriter and will be just fine.

  21. Haha I love this post/imagery. Made me happy.

  22. Him vampire heart is broken

  23. I move very infrequently but we've been pretty efficient. We have close family and one good friend that always help, in turn we show up for them. I make sure everything is ready to go when they show up so there's only a couple of hours of work, we order pizza and provide beer and a smoke.

  24. rob and kstew were friends, so in order to keep up the charade, he would stay over at her place. guess maybe he had a big comfy room in that mansion.

  25. Can we move on from this fake relationship now?

    I would actually rather get professional movers than friends. Anytime my friends have helped something was broken so no thanks and since I don't ask for help don't ask me for help either. I will babysit or bring food or buy you a gift card from Home Depot but I will not lift anything.

  26. It looks like he's just going to the dump with those bags.

  27. I'm spoiled by two moves done by professionals, where they even packed up everything for me. My friends are friends, and I want them to stay that way. So I hire movers, and go out for pizza with my friends with all my extra time.

  28. I have a truck and I am a redneck, so I feel obligated to offer. Even if I can't help, I always lend my truck. It's the southern way.

    And, even though I have never seen one movie this kid is in, he seems pretty cute and a little heart broken which makes me want to totally make out with him to help him forget his troubles. And maybe some of mine. He is a cutie with his beard and truck and two dogs. Everything a girl from Texas could ask for! I hope he gets over that twat.

  29. I have been described as a moving "Nazi". That was because the SIL needed help and when I get there she still had dishes in the dish drainer..Oh Hail naw! Mama grabbed a plastic bag and shit was tossed. A hug drawer full of various and sundry teas? Pick 3 of your favs and say buh bye to the rest. That little teeny mini funnel for your 15 yr old iron..Sayonara!

    I will help you move but if you mean "move" by help you pack as well? Be prepared to see a bunch of useless shit thrown away.

    And trust me. You will be very happy to see a lot of that crap go. But yes, I will help you move and beer and pizza is involved.

  30. I helped friends move once, they were more concerned about their mirror that fell on my foot than my foot. Never again. I also don't buy things for people when I go overseas. I don't ask you to waste time on me when you are travelling, and if you want something duty free, save up and travel yourself.

  31. My last move we got professional movers. I have never been so relaxed on moving day. It has never been so easy. I am never moving without professional help ever again.

  32. Anonymous2:26 PM

    fuck the both of them

  33. That's why I believe this break-up is more publicity from these two. Couldn't you just get a personal assistant to move your stuff for you? Mark my words, we haven't heard the last from these two.

  34. I agree @LeahJane
    This is fishy that he's got all this stuff in his truck all alone. I mean, wouldn't he just have a mover or an assistant pick his crap up? These 2 are up to something!

  35. Hey, who needs trees and a backyard when you've got a woodchipper, a truck full of cement, and a spot just outside the house that would make a great patio? Or hey, even easier & cheaper, a nearby sewage treatment facility with a bigass digesting tank?


  36. Yeah, moving sucks ass. I'm at a point where I don't even wanna have furniture and shit. Maybe a card table and an inflatable bed. And a few pots and pans and dishes, but overall, not so much stuff that I can't get it all in my car, by myself. (Yeah, single forever here...)

  37. Totally agree on the moving thing, Enty.
