Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ray Manzarek Has Died

Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist who was a founding member of The Doors, has died. He was 74.


  1. This makes me sad. He was such a talented musician. RIP Ray.

  2. Man, I have a million memories of the Doors and Ray from gtowing up. So very many. So good journey and rest in peace :)

  3. Well damn I guess this is the end.

  4. RIP Ray...say hey to Jim for me! ♥

  5. love The Doors...ah..

  6. Jim Morrison and Ray ... Two doors down ...

    too early?

  7. The Doors were a big part of my high school years. RIP.


  8. "Jim, let's get some of that turkey, man."


  9. @Unknown, haha.

    Oh man...everybody is getting so old. It's freaking me out. :-(

  10. Stars of the 60's and 70's are dropping like flies.

    I tell you what is going to be weird, the day I read in the paper that the last World War 2 veteran has passed.

    1. My Uncle Jay just said he'll hang in there for you, Count. (Canadian Expeditionary Force).

      It's a shame watching talented people leave us with a vacuum, filling in with no talent wannabes.
      RIP Ray.

  11. The Doors got me through a lot. I cried at this news yesterday. So sad. FUCK CANCER.

  12. Count - that day is a probably 20 30 years off.

  13. I was so sad. I got to see him play years ago in Boston in this tiny club. I actually got to walk behind him and I touched his back. I was so excited. The small things in life.

    Rest in Peace Ray. You were a very gifted soul.

  14. This made me Health Ledger, River Phoenix and Amy Winehouse sad. He was a good guy who did all he could to keep The Doors legacy alive. I loved the Doors when I was in my late teens, long after Morrison had already passed. Maybe he and Jim are on a beach somewhere writing poems in the sand right now. RIP, Ray.

  15. @ texas rose: Ya think? To have been 18 and serving in 1945, a guy would be 86 now.

  16. Gone too soon. I didn't know he suffered with cancer for years. He seemed to be a really good person. 74 is too young these days. I am now educated on liver flukes. RIP Ray. Thanls for keeping the music alive all those years. I will drink a toast to you while watching The Doors movie.

  17. That's sad, he was a talented musician but hey we still have Bieber!

  18. This just breaks my heart. Ray's work with the keyboard revolutionized that aspect of rock. Jim was the showman, but Ray was the anchor.
    RIP to a truly talented guy.

  19. He was married 46 years to his wife. Wow! Good for them. I'm sure she's broken hearted today.
    Interestingly my ex had an album that is NOT listed on Ray's Wiki page. The album cover was a rendering of this very picture in paint. I seem to recall it was called "Now Look" (or Listen). Does anyone out there know?

  20. I just saw a Doors concert on VH1 Classic.

    When the music's over turn out the light.

  21. Read densmores new book...ray was human and not all for what the doors stood for at one time. Greed gets a lot of people.

  22. Count: IIRC, the last surviving WWI vet passed away only within the last few years (I want to say 2008 or so) at a very advanced age...hold on, let me go look this up. Anyway, you've got a while to go with this one...

  23. OK, here we go: According to both the New York Times and Wikipedia, the last surviving veteran of World War I was Florence Patterson Green, who died in 2012 at the age of 110; she joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 17 a few months before the Armistice and worked in one of the canteens: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/08/world/europe/florence-green-last-world-war-i-veteran-dies-at-110.html?_r=0

  24. So sad to hear bout the passing of ray maybe u and jimmy are together again rip ray the doors is one of my fav bands of all time.

  25. So sad to hear bout the passing of ray maybe u and jimmy are together again rip ray the doors is one of my fav bands of all time.

  26. So sad to hear bout the passing of ray maybe u and jimmy are together again rip ray the doors is one of my fav bands of all time.

  27. We go to as many concerts as we can. I always say most of the performers are in their 60's and 70's and won't be touring/living much longer...except for Keith Richards. He will probably outlast everyone.
    RIP Ray Manzarek.

  28. Ray, thanks for your many gifts during your lifetime. Everyone's big brother, the glue holding up the Doors, and one cool human being.
