Monday, May 20, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - Cannes

Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake
Keith Urban flies over from Los Angeles so Nicole Kidman can kiss him on a red carpet. Did they add an ass grab to the moves?
Carey Mulligan at a photocall.
Paris Hilton only has eyes for herself as she finds a mirror.
Jennifer Lawrence doing some Hunger Games press.
Eva Longoria
Rachel Bilson & Hayden Christensen. They sure are never going to get invited for their acting so Hayden starting a company got them there.
Karolina Kurkova towers over Naomi Watts.
Keanu Reeves is looking a little rough.
Leonardo DiCaprio meets some friends in Cannes.
Kirsten Dunst wears the same Asian inspired type look she always wears on red carpets.


  1. Keanu has lost the hotness..
    Why are the shots of kissing on red carpet a big deal?

  2. What the hell is going on with Jennifer Lawrence's shoes?? It looks like Enty went into Paint and re-colored them.

    1. That's exactly what I noticed right away! Lol

    2. That's a horrible red, isn't it?

    3. They almost look like cartoon shoes

  3. Barf, Why so many pictures of Paris lately. Did she pay entry or something.

    1. I hope he sterilized the check before he touched it.

  4. Nicole looks stiff as a board and her hand is twisted funny like she's reminding Keith how much distance he should keep.

  5. That's what I was just thinking! What's with this sudden crop of Paris pics? I thought her time had come and gone already... She isn't even interesting (it's not worth the $$$$$ Enty!) haha

  6. Really, why Paris all of a sudden?? I feel like it's 2005 and I'm reading Perez Hilton.

    Nicole Kidman looks like she's about to push Keith away.

    I'm sorry, Eva Longoria is just not curvy enough to pull that dress off. She's straight up and down, boxy and boyish. Which looks great in some styles, just not this one.

  7. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I never understand why Eva Longoria goes to Cannes or any other red carpet. Has she ever done anything besides that housewives show which was so long ago I can't remember the name of it?

  8. @Molls:
    Longoria is one of L'Oreal "girls"(the make-up sponsor of Cannes fest)

  9. Speaking of lost the hotness, Hayden what happened? :-(

  10. And why is paris even there?

  11. Replies
    1. Hilton? Seriously? *large step backward*

    2. Hope you have a haz mat suit ready Count

  12. Nope, still refuse to believe Nic is evil. Love them.

  13. Most awkward kiss ever!!

  14. Bilson


    That brunette in the Leo photo.

  15. Why is Eva there? Working yacht parties?

  16. Really, Count? Paris is on your list?!?

  17. Ok i will play along too! 1. Timberlake 2. Leo and 3. Hayden

  18. Aww, Biel thinks Harvey will call her if she wears Georgina's ugly ass dress. Lolololol.
    Almost as cute as JT pretending to be the star of Inside Llewyn Davis.
    He actually took the center spot next to Carey during the photo call! Oscar Isaac was pushed to the side like an afterthought.

  19. Biel's dress looks pretty.

    I like how much Bilson and Christiansen love each other. Beautiful friendship.

    The brunette with Leo looks like a Linda Evangelista and Brooke Shields hybrid.

  20. Is keanu a reveal? Look, no facial hair!

  21. Jessica Biel's skin is gorgeous.

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I prefer seeing pictures of Paris to any Kartrashian pictures. I hate myself.

    I think Keanu is hot and I'd still hit it, even here.

    Carey Mulligan looks like a corpse.

  22. Paris Hilton is all over Cannes because of the Sophia Coppola movie that's based on a series of robberies at Hilton's home.

  23. I love how Paris is giving herself the "I love you" look into the mirror; so delusional. Keanu is like an enigma for me, is he gay? He had a fiance who died whilst carrying their child, supposedly. He hadn't't really looked well after her death, or acted in many films. But still the gay rumors swirl? I'm confused with him.

    1. @ THE FANTASTIC Picture it. Sicily, 1922. A young peasant girl - kidding.

      Picture it. Manhattan, 1992. I took a road trip to NYC for Gay pride weekend with these queens I used to wait tables with and we are wrecked at the Sound Factory at like, 6:00am. Bronzed boys with nipple rings, booty shorts and Doc Martens are everywhere. Suddenly there was Keanu beside me on the dance floor in all of his glory! This is back when he was smoking hot. Right after Point Break but before he was ripped/shredded in Speed. He was doing the awkward “white boy” dance with this totally hot guy who was all over him. Like a stupid girl I squealed “Is that Keanu Reeves?!” and they stopped dancing immediately and bolted like bats outta hell. Of course this means nothing because I’m straight and I was there, so…Whateva!

      Anyway, we went to see him in concert a few years later with Dogstar, that band he was in for 5 minutes. They BLEW. Well, not really, but Keanu played base so all he did was hold his head down and look at the floor for 90 minutes! No smile, no acknowledgement, nothing. WTF did they think everyone was there? To hear them play? It was a super small venue so we were even more pissed that he couldn’t even look up at the crowd once.

      Yeah, there’s always been gay/bi rumors around Keanu, especially after Private Idaho. He’s a reclusive loner with substance abuse issues, he doesn't fame whore and he’s rarely papped with a significant other, so naturally that equals gay. That photo is horrible. Keanu is almost 50 and drugs & booze have caught up with him. If he’s not prepping for a role, that Tom Brady forward combover he’s rocking makes me think he’s losing his hair. *Sniff*

    2. Thanks for the fun stories! :)

  24. I hope Darth Boring invested his Star Wars money wisely. Ugh.
    That girl to the left of Leo is way too pretty for him.

  25. K: Di Caprio
    F: Timberlake
    M: Urban

  26. Carey looks horrible here. And Hayden and Rachel are two of the most beautiful people. Of they are a real couple, they'd have some beautiful babies

  27. Rough or no, YES. In my dreams, though. :( We all know Keanu gets a bit rough in-between films, but he shapes up really fast. Even rough, he's hotter than most of the male population.

  28. I think Keanu looks like he just woke up. Nothing that a good hair cut and a an iron couldn't fix. I have seen worse.

  29. @lutefleck: I respectfully disagree. Keanu looks fat and old. I've seen worse, sure. But a good hair cut won't fix a double chin. When was he famous, remind me? Speed is almost 20 years old.

  30. @Jamie2, I meant for an average 50 year old. Not too many of us can look like we did 20 years ago without some ehlp.

    I am glad to see he hasn't gone under the knife. I don't think it would be impossible for him to get back into shape if he worked at it. I don't think he looks fat, just bloated. He needs to take off a few pounds, work out, and cut his hair.

  31. Lollllllllll Nicole's bodylanguage... Back off man!!

  32. that nic/keith pix makes me HATE them. i hate fake.
