Friday, May 03, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Gwen Stefani in the recording studio yesterday.
Angie Harmon makes a rare appearance in the photos.
Kelly Lynch changes everytime I see her.
Leslie Mann gets visited by her family on the set of her new movie.
Jennifer Garner takes two thirds of her kids out.
Julianne Moore in NYC.
Zosia Mamet never looks happy.
A very skinny Kate Bosworth with Michael Polish at LAX.


  1. I love Gwen.

    Met Angie Harmon years ago...very, very sweet.

    Met Kelly Lynch too, fucking cold bitch.

  2. @paris, so do you think Angie isn't Coke Mom? Just curious since you met her.

  3. I can't say. But she was super nice....I'd go with Messing for Coke .Mom, if Id have to guess.

  4. Is this a good time for a joke?

    A business man walking down the street is solicited by a homeless man. The business man says "Neither a borrower, nor a lender be-Shakespeare". The homeless man says "Fuck you-David Mamet"

  5. Looooooove Julianne Moore - total girl crush forever!!!

  6. I saw Kelly Lynch's film Warm Summer Rain this week. Holy cow. She was something back then. Something very good.

  7. Mamet would be more verse-like:

    F#ck you
    F#ck you.

    There's always a musical beat to his dialogue. And a lot of word repetition. I think he's a frustrated drummer or bass player. With a foul mouth and a love of lowlifes.

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Wow, that little ham in the Apatow family pic? Miley's sucessor. I haven't seen that kind of hamming and grab for the spotlight since Miley, and she made it pay very well for her. Put that kid in the picture Apatow!

    1. Both their kids played her and Paul Russ's kids in knocked up and this is 40 :)

    2. Damn spell check. Rudd.

  9. lazyday, have you ever seen "Drugstore Cowboy" with Lynch and Matt Dillon? One of Heather Graham's first roles.....such a great movie.

  10. Apatow's girls have already played themselves more or less in two films: This is 40 and Knocked Up.

  11. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Leslie Mann's forehead is botoxed to hell.

  12. @lazyday - funny people too.

  13. Julianne Moore is just perfection, isn't she?

    Kate, babe..EAT!

    Is it wrong to say I don't care for Apatow movies? Well I just don't. To each his own. His children are purdy though.

  14. Kate looks on the verge of death.

  15. Gwen is fabulous.

    Angie Harmon looks too good to be any sorts of a coke mom, IMO.

    Love Julianne Moore's dress.

    Peter pan collars must die. IMMEDIATELY.

  16. @Paris, I haven't seen Drugstore Cowboy for years but it's fantastic. Nobody ever talks about it. I'm glad somebody else has seen it!

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Love Drugstore Cowbot too! I used to swoon over Matt Dillon. Julianne Moore looks beautiful there

    I like Angie Harmon's dress. Thinks she's a FOCM (friend of coke mom)

  18. I quote "Drugstore Cowboy" all the time!

    "Who put the hat on the bed??"

    "What's a transom, Bob?"

    I fucking love that movie.

  19. I LOVE Gwen Stefani! ;-)

  20. Julianna Moore looks fantastic here! She is so beautiful and it always pains me to see how bad she usually looks at events. Maybe she got a new stylist cause she always seems dressed like her stylist hates her.

  21. Angie Harmon is my girl crush. She's beautiful and has a sexy voice. Julianna is a close second. Love her hair.

  22. Zosia Mamet is all kinds of fug, poor thing.

  23. Drugstore Cowboy was freaky! I forgot Heather Graham was in that. Wasn't there a story about Matt Dillon doing method acting for that and doing drugs? I remember some people from Atlanta doing that for real. Scary folks! Some of them are dead now, before 50. Drugs are bad.

  24. Hey guys, First time commenting here, long time lurker!!
    Anyways, wonder if Gwen is planning on touring this time around. Thought it was weird she didn't tour for the No Doubt album...

  25. Someone other than the mostly talentless Apatow put the shrill botoxed Mann in a movie? Why? Did they not her in...well, anything?
