Thursday, May 16, 2013

Random Photos Part Three - Cannes

Nicole Kidman
Cara Delevingne
Paz Vega
Isla Fisher
Julianne Moore
Leonardo DiCaprio with Florence Welch in the background.
Earlier in the day, it was nicer and Tobey Maguire and Carey Mulligan did some press.
Cindy Crawford
Carey Mulligan
Solange Knowles


  1. Nicole looked fantastic....

  2. Julianne Moore. I love her, but, those toes sticking out of her shoes... I just can't.

    1. @Jesss. Forget the shoes, what the hell's up with that dress? It looks about 6 sizes too big for her.

  3. Julianne needs shoes that fit.

    Carey looks wonderful in the black dress.

    I actually think Nicole Kidman looks good for once. Not a fan of the hair though, but the dress and shoes are great.

  4. Nicole Kidman is Rainbow Brite?!!

    Damn, Cindy Crawford. Damn.

  5. I like Leo. I think he's an amazing actor.

    I can't be the only one who doesn't get the whole Carey Mulligan thing, right? I think she's boring and unattractive.

    Cindy Crawford looks trannylicious in this pic.

    Nicole Kidman's dress looks ridiculous on her.

    1. "Trannylicious?" Wow. There is something wrong with you if you think that's ok to say.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I used to think the same way about Carey Mulligan, and then I saw her in Shameless. Girl can ACT

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I think Carey is pretty, but being blonde doesn't work for her. She's much better as a brunette.

    I'll give the best dressed award to Solange. Loving that gown.

  7. Why is Solange there?

    1. Thank you! I was wondering the same thing. She's starting to annoy me.

    2. Thank you! I was wondering the same thing. She's starting to annoy me.

    3. Yeah, who let her out of Bey's basement!

  8. I think the Count is gonna have trouble picking his 3 with this group.

    Basement Baby! Looking good girl!

  9. Isla Fisher always lovely.

  10. Solange is workin' it!

  11. Ugh Julianne Moore feet look tortured and disgusting! Why did her stylist do that to her?

  12. I thought Carey Mulligan was Elle Fanning.
    In the pic with the pink dress.

    1. Me too. I was convinced it was mislabeled until I blew it up.

  13. Nicole looks so lovely I had to comment. That dress is awesome on her! And pink heels? To die for!!!!

  14. I think Nicole looks wonderful. I don't get Carey either @greenmountaingal. She always looks so sullen and miserable, plus I don't think she's that attractive. Each to their own I guess.

    1. She looks like a emo 14 yr old, doesn't she?

  15. Anonymous12:42 PM

    julianne moore feet struggle for life!

  16. Carey. Scarjo just wore that black dress a year or so ago. But, thank you for smiling!

  17. Those poor toesies!

  18. Wtf?? Is that the new toe/shoe design? That can not be comfortable...

  19. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Ah Cannes.... I remember it well... who am I kidding, no I don't. They just all look so glamorous, so Grace Kelly, so soft breeze blowing in off the meditr..ocean.... very "going to the casino this evening after a swim and cocktails".... Except for Solange, the brown stuff at the bottom of the dress? Couldn't a pale peach or soft yellow number have created a better effect?

  20. Cara



    I don't know any of them broads, so don't give me lip if they aren't age appropriate.

  21. Isla's dress is sooooo pretty! Love it! ;-)

  22. @Boxes I love the Rainbowbrite comment concerning Nicole's outfit as it is perfect haha. That would look great on someone 20-25 yrs younger than her! Also her hair style did her no favors either.

    If Paz Vega's outfit got much shorter it would have showed everything.

    I like Isla Fisher's dress.

    Poor Julianne Moore's toe's and the dress just seemed all kinds of weird on her. It made her body seem off somehow.

    I actually liked Cindy Crawford's dress.

    Carey Mulligan's dress almost looks like a wedding dress lol.

    Solange Knowles dress is beautiful!

  23. Nicole looks amazing.

    Carey has not been very impressive with her dress choices. Isla has been more impressive.

    Poor Julianne, those shoes.

  24. I don't get to comment often because my work days are consumed by too many MEDIOCRE IDIOTS... Thanks to all of you for adding brightness to the day, the world.

    @greenmountaingal... trannylicious is a fantastic word!

    Carey M looks good but dismaying to see that she's totally bought into the "go blond/betray your orginality" sameness demand of Hollywood. Hope Isla F avoids the trap.

    Nicole looks especially beautiful in close-up photos... best in a decade.

    Take care!!!

  25. Confession: I work out to Cindy Crawford's videos from the 90s. "The Next Challenge" is my go-to exercise DVD.

  26. Everyone looks beautiful, but Julianne what happened?!

    And yes Solange's dress is beautiful, but why is she there?!

  27. Cara Delvigne (sp?) looks fupping amazing!

  28. Nick's workin those neons! I'd love a pair, but I'm not sure they'd work with my yoga pants (the irony here is that I don't "do" yoga).

  29. Never did understand why Solange Knowles is on anyone's radar. Has she actually ever done anything besides being Beyonce's sister?

    1. I think she is a more interesting singer than her sister. She does not lack talent. Go away Bey!!

  30. I think Nicole Kidman hasn't looked that good in YEARS. YEARS! She killed it.

  31. Isla looks absolutely FANTASTIC!

  32. I think Nic looks awesome! I love her dress and the shoes. The hair is a bit fun for her, which is great.

    Really great looks on the red carpet, no one looks horrible. Carey's gown is so lovely.

  33. I don't get Nicole's hair. At all. Maybe I need to find a better picture so I can begin to understand what's up there. Looks like a bad barbering accident on the sides there, like an inadvertant use of a number 2 on the sides or somethin'.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Frufra! You're back! I know we've never "talked," but you're one of my favorite commenters and I've missed you!

  34. The Nicole and Cara photos, it looks like this:

    Nicole: "What's this? Someone dropped a little white baggie!"

    Cara: "What!?"

    Nicole: "Gotcha!"

    Cara: ..fuming..

  35. Isla looks great! Love her! Nicole is still trying to hard, but she does look better than the last picture.

  36. I like Leo, but GET OUT OF THE SHOT OF FLORENCE!

    Just sayin'.

  37. Why is Solange at Cannes? Is she even still a singer much less an actress, director or producer?

  38. Julianne Moore...seriously?? Her poor poor toes. Did she seriously think this looked ok?

  39. Props to Leo and Carey Mulligan for holding their own umbrellas!! After seeing J-Lo's bf of all people with not one but two umbrella holders, I kinda had a feeling that we'd see all these celebrities with umbrella holders. I wonder how much an umbrella holder gets paid anyways? Hmmm things to ponder... All the women above are GORGEOUS in their gowns. I am in complete awe of Cindy Crawford. Bravo! Solange proves yet again she has a 100x better style than her sister. Solange consistently looks beautiful and classy. :)

  40. Leo, Leo, Leo. I prefer a longer leg on the pants so the cuffs don't flap when you walk, but his pants start breaking at the knee.

    He looks good (waist up at least) in the tux.

  41. I think Nicole looks great, and Cindy too. Tibet will always look like a 19 yr old kid to me.

  42. Kill: Cara D
    Fuck: Paz V
    Marry: Julianne M

  43. I LOVE Isla Fishers dress!

    And Cindy Crawford sells that Ageless Beauty, but you can totally tell she's botoxed up the wazoo.

  44. Cindy Crawford is my sexiest woman in history and part of that rating is she is still hot at 47. That is 30 legal years of being a sex symbol.

  45. Guess I was right about the foreign actress who just got married and got anorexic for a role. Carey looks SO TINY!

  46. I agree with most about Nicole, as I think she looks absolutely fantastic! Great to see her rocking a style very different to what we are used to with her... And Isla is gorgeous as usual!
