Thursday, May 09, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Rob Lowe hangs out with some friends in Hawaii.
The Voice judges talk about the voting problems the show had this week.
Christina Milian shows off her multi-colored nails.
I think Tom Cruise has been watching Napoleon Dynamite too much. Look at that suit.
Tori Spelling is a big believer in ball punching marital therapy.
I would love to see Victoria Beckham just let herself go for a couple days. You know, wear some crap clothes and eat some food.
Wilmer Valderrama and Joe Jonas partying together. That is just a blind item in waiting.
The Zooey wears what it seems like she wears everyday.
Another day, another half naked shot of Zac Efron playing sports.


  1. Zac looks ridiculous.

    1. My guilty pleasure though so I'm ok with it.

  2. Re: Tom Cruise's suit. Do I have to?

    So, is this today's nail color thread? *g*

  3. Nice "muscle", Tori. Her arms are flabby sticks.

    Last night, I while I was waiting for SVU to start, I had to endure the last 3 minutes of "The Voice". I muted the tv- all it did was reinforce how much I hate those reality competition shows.

  4. Sometimes stereotypes just ping the shit out of my gaydar, and I hate myself for sounding narrow here, but

    Zac just looks SO gay.

  5. Also---That 3-piece suit must be so heavy for Tippy Toes Sr(TC). Balancing like a ballerina there.

  6. So, Wilmer is now using one of the Jonas Brothers to attract more tweeners?

  7. Tom's suit screams: "You can tell by the way I walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk.."

    1. Hahahaha too funny

    2. Hehe @Jason Blue Eyes, you got that song in my head now - I'm going to hear it every time i see him for a while now!

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I like what Zooey. Fuck the haters with a rusty chainsaw.

  9. Joe Jonas is so sweaty, I'm betting its not from busting a move

  10. Shakira- in her videos I couldn't take my eyes off her ass, but she is downright adorable on the Voice.

    Zooey- have to get a blonde wig on her, because I dug her in Elf.


  11. Tom is saying, "Vote for Pedro!"

  12. I love love love Victoria's outfit!

  13. Zac no longer has a PBR. Just an empty red cup.

  14. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Oh Enty, you know how the gays like to experiment with fashion, give Tommy girl a break! Victoria might just have a day like that if she one: pulled that platinum stick out of her ass and two: got layed. She's all kinds of wound up, starving, repressed. J and a lay. Is she from the island of lesbos?

  15. Wilmer' s irrelevance leads me to believe he must have THE BEST drugs to consistently be around anyone who is currently working in the business....

  16. What has Zoe done to her face? I've noticed something different in several shots over the last week.

  17. Why does Tom Cruise wear 3-piece suits? And in that color? No taste.

  18. Zac Efron is sooooooooo hot. Im jealouse of his friends playing balls with him.

  19. Having watched zac grow up on my kids high school musical movies I feel all kinds of dirty the thoughts as I stare a bit too long. The things I could teach that young man- call me

  20. Surely the Efron boy is on a movie shoot, he's wearing the same blue shirt, gray sweats as before. If not, ew, laundry time?
    Tom's suit looks like it belongs to an 70's news anchor at a local TV station , hosting a weekend telethon. Not even network, man, you're slipping.

  21. Joe Jonas looks unhealthy: red eyes, pale (for his skin tone) and clammy.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Me too @Alita, that song is stuck in my head all day now, but your comment had me LOLing @Jason Blue Eyes, perfect!

    If Zac is trying to look more butch and hetero, he's doin' it wrong.

    I (then a proud hag of many years) used to bitch and moan to my gay "boyfriend" that I hated going to all the summer block parties in Chicago because they were just an excuse for every buffed gay boy on the North Side to swan around with their shirts off. He and I called them SPFs: Shirtless Preening Fags. As in "the SPF level here is way too high today, can't take it, gotta go."

    ...and THAT'S what Zac looks like: a SPF.
