Monday, May 20, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Amy Adams shows off even more cleavage in her new movie. You know Bradley Cooper is loving it.
Christian Bale shows off his new look at LAX.
Courtney Stodden shows off the same look that has made her career as a porn star look bright.
Dan Ackroyd shows off his vodka.
Denise Richards at a Disney upfront. She needs to gain some weight.
Emma Stone in NYC.


  1. Really loved Emma Stone before she "made it." Miss when she was actually a normal size and looked honestly happy.

  2. How sad that at 18 Stodden is already a parody of herself.

  3. I have some weight I'll be happy to give to Denise. Honestly, though, she looks tired, but happy. More power to her.

  4. What cleavage?
    Love Skull Vodka!

  5. Denise could use a good 10 lbs. It would look great one her...

  6. Ugh Amy's "cleavage" makes me think of the term my husband uses...fried eggs or some dumb shit like that. Oh girl needs a lift like nobodies business.

  7. Ugh Amy's "cleavage" makes me think of the term my husband uses...fried eggs or some dumb shit like that. Oh girl needs a lift like nobodies business.

  8. How tall is Courtney that she always wears platform stripper heels?

  9. Is Christian bale starring in the louie ck biopic?

  10. Seriously, Denise is the same she's always been, but probably tired from raising 5 kids. Leave it alone.

  11. Uh, no, I don't know that Bradley Cooper is "loving it" at all. Please.

  12. I love how Courtney never buys cropped or tube tops, she just folds her tops and shoves them under her padded bras!

  13. Was part of Stodden's surgery to permanently attach those shoes to her feet?

  14. Oh Lordy. Dan Ackroyd is morphing into my brother-in-law.

  15. OT but a massive F-4 tornado just hit Moore, OK.

  16. Why would Denise need to gain some weight? She looks great and so does Emma Stone... I'm pretty sure that she wears a "normal" size (what does that even mean??).

  17. There's just something about Amy Adams that rubs me the wrong way.

    Christian Bale...I guess it really is possible that one of the most gorgeous men on earth can lose the hot. Sigh.

    Dan Ackroyd is awesome.

    I can't hate on Denise. I give her mad props for taking care of Charlie's and Brooke's kids. She is looking skinny, but still gorgeous.

  18. @greenmountaingal: If you think Christian's lost the hot in that photo, then I hate to think what your opinion is of how his American Hustle character looks. (That's the movie set in the very late 1970s that BCoop & Amy Adams are also in, among others, hence the not-terribly-flattering pictures of all of the above. 1979 wasn't exactly a good time for fashion in New Jersey, as I recall...)

  19. That's not a good look on Amy A and poor denisse must be going crazy with 5 kids on her hands, she does look scary skinny, i hope she doesnt relapse or something,

  20. Denise is a regular human size. So many people are overweight, they don't know what a natural sized human body should look like.

    Rock on Denise! :D

  21. WORST VODKA EVER! $50 a bottle (a head?) and it takes like Mohawk. Horrible, horrible. I discourage customers from ordering because I'm so tired of getting it sent back. Don't waste your money!

  22. Holy Napoleon Dynamite Batman! Dig the hair on Coop. And Amy doesn't look good without a bra. Maybe she could borrow one from Lizard. Notice how we don't see Pepaw with her much these days. I would attack her and take those damn Lucite shoes and burn them on the spot! They need to go away yesterday.

  23. Yes, the cleavage isn't "awesome", but you know what? Those breasts are real - and that's how they naturally sag. Man, breast enhancements really ruined men's appreciation of real breasts. They sag and they are what? The women that inhabit them actually feel their, what's the problem??

  24. Denise has always been thin. She looks thinner than usual but that's probably stress or running after the kids. She doesn't look gaunt.

    OTOH,Emma looks underweight for her frame.

    Amy Adams is in costume. There was a time in the 70s when women built like that dressed like that. Is it worse than Bradley Cooper's perm?

    Courtney looks so young there. I want to chloroform her, shave her head and take out the implants and have her wake up in a convent.

    Just saying.

  25. Love Denise. Love Emma. Love Amy.

  26. I got a signed bottle of crystal skull vodka. Dan did a signing at the liquor store in Mainside, Camp Pendleton, circa 2009.

    That being said... it is hilariously bad. High priced and crystal filtered. However using crystal as a filter means absolutely nothing

  27. Totally thought Bradley Cooper was Gabe Kaplan for a sec

  28. @scallywag: "Courtney looks so young there. I want to chloroform her, shave her head and take out the implants and have her wake up in a convent. "

    Everything but the last two words yep agreed. Is that her mother with her in the pic? And the gay (?) greedy old man behind the mother? If so, this makes me feel very sorry indeed for Courtney.
