Lindsay Lohan's Ex Drug Dealer Speaks
I have never seen a drug dealer or heard of a drug dealer who cared what their clients took or how much they took. Apparently the guy who sold drugs for awhile to Lindsay Lohan does care about his clients because he says he cut Lindsay off because she was not monitoring what she was taking and there were lots of enablers around her. Plus, her mom kept asking for free bumps. I kid about the last part, but it sounds like it could be true. In the new issue of Star, the guy says Lindsay spent about $15K with him buying coke and Molly before he cut her off. Let me tell you why I think he cut her off. She was not paying him and would not sleep with him. That is my conclusion. You really think a dealer is going to walk away from a client who has the money to spend $15K on drugs? I don't think so.