Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Is Smoking Ten Packs A Day

I wonder what Lindsay Lohan does all day. Now that her Adderall has been taken away, I'm sure she mist spend most of her day outside smoking one cigarette after the other. Just constant smoking. You would think with all that smoking that she would keep off the weight, but the carb friendly diet at Betty Ford has seen Lindsay actually gain 5 pounds the past week. I wonder how many weeks she would have to gain five pounds to get to 100 pounds. In other Lindsay news, there are reports she has quit brushing her hair. Yeah, that is what it has come down to. reports of her not brushing her hair.

Reporter - So did you see Lindsay while you were in treatment?
Patient - Yeah
Reporter - Any gossip?
Patient - No, I mean I didn't really see her. I noticed she had not brushed her hair for a few days.
Reporter - Great. here is a free t-shirt. Thanks for your help.

In real news, some company is suing her for $5M because of that clothing line or legging line she said made her hundreds of millions of dollars. It turns out Lindsay's drug use made her clothes not wanted by retail outlets. Would you want to sell Lindsay stuff?


  1. please stop to fantasize or write about her,thank you!

  2. Smoking all those cigs must cut into her ass to ass time.

    1. Rcb, she's a multitasker! She can a2a, smoke, & pick your pocket at the same time! Lohag can do it all!

    2. Ugh I wish I had Lohags gift of multitasking.

  3. Just when I thought she couldn't get any grosser.

  4. 10 packs is 200 cigs. That's ten an hour in case she sleeps, and eats, and anything else she does with her mouth shut (think anything) for four hours.
    I have no time to smoke ten cigs in an hour, least of it linking hour after hour smoking. This lady is a hero, or at least, she has superpowers of smoking fiend.

  5. How can she smoke that much - smoking at the Betty Ford is only allowed outside: http://www.bettyfordcenter.org/treatment-programs/pain-management-track/faqs.php
    Can I smoke at Betty Ford Center?
    You may smoke during breaks in outside, designated areas only. If you would like to stop smoking while you are here we offer a nicotine cessation program to assist you.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I don't think the rules would apply to her - they'd move the sessions outside if she wanted to. I hate to say it but the rules never apply to Lindsay and no one says NO to her - she must have a magical vagins or be very very convincing in real life? Or maybe such a complete dickhead you just give her what she wants until she stops talking in that raspy voice! For some reason I believe this but maybe not to that extent but I'd be up there!

  6. She's going to need an artificial voicebox soon.

  7. The problem was all the leggings were crotchless to allow tricks quick and easy access.

  8. Who said she smokes 10 packs a day? I see an article where the Enties made an assumption based on her smoking & no Adderrall & slow news day, so they made a shocking headline to go with their theory.

  9. the only thing I want from Lindsay is for her to be gone

  10. She probably needs a wax too!!!

  11. If the drugs don't kill her the lung cancer will.

  12. So sad. I watched Mean Girls the other day. She was sooooo absolutely beautiful. Now...such a sad sight.

  13. Michael and Dina are REALLY needing the money aren't they? Ali isn't pulling any in so we ar going to be cursed with "lyndsey is eating her potatoes with butter and no sour cream...she is sleeping on her side now when she is used to being on her back so that's progress!" Kind of stories aren't we.

  14. That must be good for her asthma.

    And I was just thinking, only yesterday, how nice the absence of LiLo stories was.

  15. If this is all that leaks out about Lilo for the next couple months, I can live with it. It's been so nice having her locked up!

  16. Why bother posting this? Are we so hard up for gossip that we're manufacturing Lindsay news? Mlohan is that you?

  17. AW COME ON NOW!!!!
    Enty, either youre exageratting or your source is. She aint smoking 10 PACKS a day, she'd be dead---oh, now I get it. It's a subliminal post, right?

  18. Fuck this skanky, herpes infested cunt. Stop writing about this goddamn bitch, ENT, before we kick yoru fat ass to the curb and read Perez Hilton. Asshole.

    1. LOL Massive G! You're like Jerry Maguire: you'll be lucky to get 1 person to go to Perez with you.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Bahaha @ going to Perez. Riiiiiiight.

  19. This is bullshit. She cannot smoke 10 packs a day. There simply isn't a) enough time or b) the ability to do so since you must do it outside and they'd have her in some sort of classes. Total fabrications.

    Count: You made me guffaw!

  20. I think ENT continues to write about Blohan, Fat Ass Kardasian, and Parasite Hilton because he jerks off to their photos in the men's room of his law firm while taking his after lunch shit.

  21. I think the 10-packs thing was making fun of the hair brushing item in the text.

  22. I have to admit, I'm surprised she's made it this long at Betty Ford. I figured she would have cut someone for her Adderall by now.

  23. What someone does or doesn't do in rehab should be between him/her and the facility. Shame on the gossip mongers and paps who are trying to find fault. She's a wreck. we get that. now give her a bit of a break please.
