Saturday, May 11, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Gets Cut Off From Adderall

It looks like Lindsay Lohan is going to have to give up her very best friend in the world. Adderall. Through good times and bad times, the drug has always been there for Lindsay. It is how she says she controls her ADHD, even though no doctor has ever diagnosed her with it. I also wonder how many different doctors she has writing her prescriptions because she sure does seem to take a lot of the pills. Can you imagine her on speed and drinking and doing coke? No wonder she is a mess. Doctors at Betty Ford are not going to allow Lindsay top continue to take the pills, so my guess is she will leave Betty Ford as soon as she can. This just shows you that she is not serious about ever getting better.


  1. Then Lindsay will go to jail. Either way, I'm good. Can't even believe I'm first!

    BTW Enty, as much as I hate moderation I fully support you doing what you need to do so we can get our site back. :)

  2. *sigh* commenting conflict. I was just coming off my high horse about being first, seeing as we're in moderation now...

  3. I wish she'd take advantage of the time in rehab to get herself off all the things she's addicted to while she is out of the public eye and has some medical support to see her through any bad stuff--she should give her self a chance to see what life would be like without all the things that keep her in trouble all the time.

    She's not ready---obviously for a big decision like that. Hope the court makes her get herself ready.

  4. Thanks Enty. I stopped going to e comments. I missed the normal dialogue yesterday.

  5. Excellent Cracken photo! Next cigarettes!! And the fun begins. I still think she and Brooke will come out best friends.

    1. White Oprah is pitching a reality show right now probably

  6. I hope after her Adderall crash of sleeping for three straight days she gets sober. But as this is her, I see someone (Dina cough cough ) sneeking some in. A sober girl does not make her mother money. And that's all she cares about

  7. I have always wanted her to get better. If only she wanted to get better.

  8. Is she hopeless, or what?

  9. Priceless. I bet they're having to peel her off the ceiling! Fiending like a mofo, Lindz?

  10. Why does one of her eyebrows levitate when she's messed up?

    1. @sleep_deprived her eyebrows have always bothered me. They look like a child drew them on!

    2. And she took a look in the mirror, shrugged and said, good enough

  11. It's always a few trols that ruin the fun. I left after 1 post it was s nightmare even Mayor Timebob couldn't help.

  12. dont think lindsay is ready to get clean as yet, she has never hit her rock bottom, but is usually forced by the court to rehab, this turn wont workout

  13. Who is leaking this info? Her?

    1. I'm thinking Dina sold it. Lindsay is always telling "friends"....clearly they are no friend if they're talking to TMZ.

    2. Brooke Mueller. I bet they are rookies

  14. My prediction of her busting out of rehab next Tuesday stands. That is the two week mark. Fourteen days without paparazzi attention is her limit.

  15. Stop for a moment, close your eyes and imagine a sober Lindsey winning an Oscar for an amazing performance on the big screen... I know, I couldn't either.

  16. I detest this skankbag as all decent human beings are required to hate her, but it bugs me that details of her clinical care are being retailed like this. It just makes me think that the clinic is really just a money-grabbing for-profit business that exploits drug addicts to make money and they are using big-name stars as advertisement.

  17. Don't slander Enty! EVER! He is a kind, loving, generous soul who spends all his time trying to please us! He never says anything bad about anyone! Oh, wait a minute....

  18. If she refuses to stay at Betty Ford and ends up in Jail in LA won't she be out in a matter of hours? I still haven't figured out why she didn't just do that to begin with. Is there some way they plan to keep her there for the duration?

    1. LA County Jail is mind control central for the sex kittens. They REALLY don't wanna go there for a top up...

  19. I bet Lindsay and Brooke are cooking up some major scheme and will have that place flooded with pills before you can say adderall.

  20. Enty is just trying to help Lindsay! Leave Enty ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!

  21. I think she can give it up for the duration and go right back after she gets out. Brooke was the one who was taking her whole month supply in a week or less a few months ago and talking to TMZ after not sleeping for days. Yes a picture indeed of her on Adderal, booze and coke, talk about chatty Cathy! These two are gonna be BFF's, and it would be smart of her to get in with Charlie to bankroll her and her crazy family. At least I find him entertaining. Brooke can talk her into getting knocked up by Charlie and they will be together forever as a crackhead family, eventually living on a commune in LA.

  22. I'm proud to be among so many who know so little. Bless me, Enty!

  23. That poor poor child. It's just so sad. She needs to talk to RDJ and see how he did it and stayed off.

  24. Of course she isn't serious, she is there by court order not choice.

  25. " so my guess is she will leave Betty Ford as soon as she can. This just shows you that she is not serious about ever getting better."

    Um, if she hasn't done it (yet) then it doesn't show anything.

  26. ADHD even though no doctor has ever diagnosed her with it.

    How do you know that? There is no way you could know that.

    1. Actually back a couple years ago LiHo got an eval and it was clearly stated she does not have ADD/ADHD nor is she obviously suffering from a known mental health condition. Likely borderline personality disorder or narcissistic/hysteric personality disorder. Not really treatable. Certainly not with drugs. She has little to no self-awareness, blames everyone else or circumstances for her screw-ups, thrives on chaos, and is prone to major emotional melt-downs. Major clinginess and inability to deal with abandonment. Chameleon like, changing persona depending on milieu and people around her. Her core personality is essentially a construct, smoke & mirrors. This started really young.

  27. ENTY IS A GOD. He is all-knowing, all-seeing, all of the time. He sees you when you're sleeping. It would be very unwise of you to question Enty.

  28. What a beautiful picture of an amazing talent. Role model and future Oscar winner!

  29. I think if she's able to kick the Adderall, it might help her kick all the other substances. Sometimes one substance is all it takes to lead you into making poor decisions and into abusing a lot of other things.

  30. I think all of this advice is really going to make a difference. She told me she is reading the site daily. She can't believe how all of you were able to pinpoint her needs and come up with a gameplan. She's a little freaked out, lol! Thank you, commenters for saving Linds's life!

  31. LMAO at that picture.

  32. Sounds like the best chance LiLo's had for sobriety in years...

  33. If she really has ADHD the non stimulant Straterra should work as a substitute. And I agree, her medical status should not be retailed like this. It goes against HIPPA.

  34. FUCK HIPPA. Enty is saving her life by bashing her! Don't you care about Enty? He is the only one she has to turn to...

  35. I think I've got it: what if all the manic trolls from yesterday were Lindsay Lohan who has gone off her Aderrol and now her ADHD is

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Canopener are you Dina Lohan?! JK

  36. BunnyHoney, RDJ got better because he spent a year in prison. If she did that she might too. However RDJ isn't narcissistic like Lohag. She really doesn't believe she's done anything wrong or have any problems. Like everyone steals all the time!

  37. what a grand day....kraptrashian's get sued, lose and the crackroach loses her adderal...

    i can feel the earth...move...under my feet cuz these two upsets are monumental!!!

    just go to jAIL lilo, it's the only true chance you have

  38. Linds will not give up her adderall because SHE's convinced she has ADHD and that SHE does not have a problem. As long as she continues to think this way, she will not get better. It's kind of similiar to people that develope mental illness later in life. Most will not see that they havea problem until they hit their rock bottem. Unfortunately, lindsey has too many enablers and bottom feeders preventing her from fully hitting it so It will probably take something tragic to get her there whether it's killing herself or someone else remains to be seen.

  39. It is HIPAA, people. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The Betty Ford Center has been confidentially treating non-celebrities and celebrities (much more famous than Lindsay) for their addictions for over 30 years. They are not going to destroy their reputation gossiping about a trash bag like Lindsay Lohan. If anyone is making money talking about Lindsay's medical information, accurate or fictitious, it is Lindsay and her hangers-on. How else is a locked up girl supposed to stay relevant?

  40. Lindsay has no friends. It's all leaks from Dina.

    And if Lindsay has any chance of surviving, Dina needs to go. Like, to hell where she belongs.

  41. Word, TimeB. I can play along with the best of them (as evidenced by the Monday we just enjoyed here) but yesterday was not something I wanted to dive into. I was like, 'Peace! Lemon out.'

  42. If Lindsay had any idea how easy drugs are to get in prison, she'd jump on the first bus headed that way. Make that limo. Sorry.

  43. The withdrawal will be epic....she'll be in a hospital before the week is out...

  44. Adderall (and other stimulant drugs like Ritalin) are used to treat children and adolescents with ADHD. The standard protocol for treating adults with ADHD is with anti-depressants such as Zoloft or Prozac. Also, the effects of Adderall decrease over time and a greater dosage is required to achieve the desired effect. There are so many issues with Lindsay claiming she needs this drug to treat this particular disorder, it's reassuring to know that there's at least one rehab that can recognize a con and not put up with it.

  45. "The standard protocol for treating adults with ADHD is with anti-depressants such as Zoloft or Prozac."

    No, it's not. One of the most common causes of adult-onset ADHD is post-concussive disorders, and SSRI's have zero effect on those.

    "Also, the effects of Adderall decrease over time and a greater dosage is required to achieve the desired effect."

    No, doesn't work like that at all.

    1. B. Profane, I am very glad to have you back. I have just one question for you; How many of your ex-girlfriends are doctors?

  46. The effects of adderall don't decrease but people who use it to get high find that "high feeling" decreasing over time. That isn't the same thing.

  47. Saying she doesn't have a script for Adderall doesn't violate HIPAA, it is simply a logical conclusion based on her past actions of lying about, well, everything.

  48. I think this is her last chance.

  49. Here's a though, instead of her leaving, why not just TRY it? Who knows, she might actually like being sober. It's a wonderful feeling not waking up hung over every morning.

  50. @Basil I agree. Especially since what she doing with alcohol. coke, and prescription drugs has not worked out well at all. If she has any rational reasoning left, she should tap into it rapido!

  51. Thanks Serendipitty. I've been the rehab route, and truth be told, it is pretty good and not that much of a hardship. It really IS a nice feeling being able to get up at 7 am and not feel like death. The hardest thing for me though was the people that were there only because they legally HAD to be there, and obviously weren't serious. These are the type of people that have a drink on trips out of rehab, and you KNOW they have had a drink because you can tell. Or when friends or family visit and have given them drugs, which again, you can always tell. Lindsay, I think, is one of those people, and she is going to make it so much harder for the others who really do want to get sober. I really hope her and Brooke don't become buds in there. I think Brooke at least WANTS to get clean, and hanging around Lindz who is only taking it as a joke isn't going to help her.

  52. I have no interest in arguing with strangers over a subject I know very well, have been educated in, and deal with on a daily basis. Just thought people might want a professional opinion.

    Never mind, I briefly forgot the venue -I will keep my comments to a frivolous nature!

  53. Maybe it's mother's day getting to me y'all, but the poor girl needs one. a good one. She needs the real Betty Ford to come back and mother her. She needs the female RDJ to take her in.

    She thinks she needs things she doesn't need.

  54. She was given Dilauded for dental pain. My dad was given that when he had end stage liver cancer. Obviously she doesn't have ethical prescribers.
