Thursday, May 09, 2013

Liam Hemsworth's Brothers Staged Relationship Intervention

If you believe US Weekly, the brothers Hemsworth not named Liam got together to stage an intervention. Their purpose was not to tell Liam Hemsworth that he had a drug problem. Nope. Their purpose was to tell him to end his relationship with Miley Cyrus. How bad is a relationship or how toxic is one that your family actually sits you down and tells you to end it. That is pretty crazy. I know lots of family members don't always like the person you are with, but they don't generally sit you down and tell you to break it off. The meeting happened last month, which is about the time the engagement talk ended from Miley even though she does still wear the ring sometimes.


  1. I dont buy it. Especially from men, whose attitude is much more likely to be ' tell us about the threesomes.' Allegedely.

  2. As someone who has frequented wedding planning forums for nearly a year, I can tell you from my research that LOTS of families will express their disapproval of a significant other and tell the person to break it off.

    1. @Karen, I've seen the same thing.

  3. Well that doesn't mean she's toxic. Just that the relationship is.

  4. Sure, put all the blame on her! Sheesh.

  5. And I have to say Miley looks wayyyyy better with the short 'do!! In this pic, she looks like a suburban housewife...not a good luck for a 20 year old!!

  6. I confess I told both my older sons not to marry so soon and not to the girls they wanted to. Son #2 regrets not listening to me - Momma recognized the signs of crazy, and unfortunately I was right. Son #1 fared slightly better. Son #3 is taking his time.

  7. Doesn't she supposedly have a drug problem? Is back to cutting? The hair cutting/the instagrams, all look like someone who's not only unstable and self harming, but when you're dealing with someone like that it's exhausting. The drama, the blow ups, the possible threats of more self harm, that's a huge burden for anyone to carry in a relationship.

  8. Cutting your hair makes you unstable? Really? Give me a fucking break!!

    Cutting is bad. I believe she's a stoner: I wouldn't call her a druggie, though, just yet.

    1. Agree @Meanie. Plus, she is only 20 - iirc, at that age I too cut my hair ultra short (loved it), got my tongue and labrette pierced, got a tattoo, decided it would be fun to be an exotic dancer, admittedly was smoking a lot of weed and took a half year off school to go "find myself" in Australia/SE Asia. It was a great time, did I always exhibit the smartest choices, not really, but it was all part of me becoming the fairly successful adult I am now.

  9. @MelanieReese, I agree that we shouldn't assume that this is Miley's fault.

    Liam's brothers may be coming at him from a business angle, ie "Your career is about to take off, you'll do better on the heartthrob circuit without a ball and chain, it's holding you back to be known as Mr. Miley."

    Or maybe they just didn't want to be related to the Cyrus family.

  10. They'll probably need to sit him down soon and have a talk about January Jones.

  11. I think they're both to blame. He's an ass and she seems to be too clingy. I believe they might have sat him down and expressed their opinions specially because its a serious relationship being that they're engaged.

  12. Miley was just named Maxim's most beautiful woman in the world, or something similar. Seriously. So, in other words, this story means Liam has spin doctors, too. He cheated with a skank, and now he 's got a douche-y image to overcome.

  13. Nope cause all the screwing around he's been doing since can't be healthy either...

  14. Or, just maybe, US Weekly pulled the whole thing out of their collective asses and none of this happened.

    1. Survey says: gay is correct!! Ding ding ding!!

  15. I think Mily bought liam into the relationship using her bank account, same thing Reese did with Ryan,lesson#1 doesnt matter how much money you got if the guy doesnt LOVE YOU he gonna leave

  16. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Luke, his oldest brother, just said how much he loves miley and how shes already 'auntie miley'.

  17. It's no secret Miley's a cutter, and while I'm not very familiar with the particulars, I get a sense the behavior is symptomatic of deeper issues.

    If she isn't taking proactive steps to get a handle on whatever is troubling her, I can see how that could prompt an intervention by concerned Hemsworth family members.

  18. Again, women getting involved i can see, even older men. But these young guys? Unless it is career related. They just too young is all. Break uo. No harm, no foul.

  19. Liam has a drug problem??? Interesting.

  20. @__-__=__, no.. reread the blind slowly.

  21. This sounds like spin from someone's people. If they are doing an intervention about one mentioned Chris's wife????

  22. If Miley is "toxic" it might be because she's young, in love, and her asshat fiancé keeps cheating on her. Just a thought from my experience when I was her age. Hopefully she will realize he's not worth the drama and dump him. He will not change.

  23. These Australian fuck heads or wherever they come from just need to go the fuck away.

    Sure my hatred stems from the fact that the one who played THOR was the worst superhero in movies since Shaq as Steel and is actively making me dread the fact that they are doing an Avengers 2.

    Here's what I see. Miley thinks he's hot when she meets him (between his shifts at the bathhouses) and the entire family says "If you can get hooked up with her, her fame will spread to us in a way. Once we sucker people into thinking we have talent because they can't separate talent and being pretty people, you can dump that "trailer trash" (isn't that what 99.99999% of Hollywood believes of anyone born lower than Connecticut or the coasts?) and then go back to taking it in the ass from Barney Frank or whoever you want. Do this for us. We all want to be in summer blockbusters!"

    Now that they have what they want, all they want to do is ruin her rep, so they get all this stuff printed.

    As fucked up as Hollywood is, I wouldn't doubt at least some of what I wrote being true and the Maxim list being a way for some of the Hollywood people to tell Miley, "Yeah, you got used. Hope this helps a bit and hey, no hard feelings right?"

    1. @Rowdy. Whoa. Strong feelings, much?

  24. Didn't Miley get it on with Chris?

  25. boomom, I doubt it. If he's anywhere near as boring in bed as he was in Thor and The Avengers, he would have porn stars quitting the profession and saying "Sex is dead to me"

  26. @FreudianSlip LOL No, well, yeah. I worked in the comic industry for a bit (nothing major, did a bit of inking, a little editing, color correction and writing) and Chris Helmsworth made me hate comics for the period of his Thor appearances.

    Sure, part of that is because the writers didn't know what the fuck to do with the character. (Sorry fanboys, Joss Whedan is not some god who can do no wrong. He's used the same script everytime he's in charge of a show or a movie and just changed locations and sex of characters) Even with the subpar writing, Helmsworth didn't have fun with the character. He took it too seriously.

    It's like the Michael Keaton Batman and the Christian Bale Batman (Not the Bruce Wayne, they both played a good Bruce but Bale was better as Bruce, I'll admit). Bale played Batman as a super serious guy who had no qualms against going up against a guy who painted his face as a clown without even taking a moment to think "You know, this is pretty fucked up and surreal" where Keaton acknowledged that things were kind of weird. I liked him in the first one, but one line from Batman Returns made me LOVE him as Batman.

    He's in the Batmobile being chased by the cops. The alley narrows and while he's by himself in the car, he says "Ok, now I'm a little worried" in his own voice before remembering he could blow the sides off the bumpers and make the car like a missle. No putting on the growl for himself, just a regular man thinking, "Oh shit I'm fixing to kill myself".

    He made the choice to do that himself. In the script it didn't give directions and Burton trusted him to do the right thing. He did it because he thought it would be funny to see Batman in a moment of weakness and as a nod to the 60'[s show.

    Helmsworth didn't do anything but do a poorly written Shakespere in the park impression the entire movie. He barely looked the part (If I was in charge, I would've gotten Triple H to play the character and had him silent if need be just to have the look of the comics if nothing else.) my arms are bigger than his, hell there were people in the audience that even said they could kick his ass. Not the kind of thing you want to hear in a movie about an Asgardian GOD coming to earth.

    Oh well, the best character in all these Marvel movies (except RDJ as Iron Man, IM3 excluded. That movie is dog shit. Not his fault on that, too many villains and plots going on) is Agent Caulson. At least he'll be back in the SHIELD TV Show.

    And for anyone asking how he can still be alive after Avengers, just look up Life Model Decoy or LMD :)

  27. I wish I was a 12 year old boy so I could enjoy the summer movie season.

  28. @lazy, just put yourself into the mindset. Just remember the feeling of school letting out and having the run of the house while your parents are at work. The feelings of running out to meet the ice cream man or going and buying snow cones o your bike.

    Basically, forget the realities of the world now and remember the world before you had to worry about bills, taxes and death.

  29. The only thing wrong with Thor is that there was only one scene with a shirtless Chris Hemsworth. The major flaw with The Avengers is there were no shirtless scenes.

    It ain't Schindler's list dude.

  30. It doesn't matter if it's Schindler's List. These characters, while owned legally by Disney, are as much owned by the people that have read them and kept them in the limelight since the 60's.

    Comic Books and more importantly super heroes are OUR mythology. We don't have Beowulf, we have Crisis of Infinite Earths.

    Basically, just because you say "It's not Schindler's List" demeans what millions of people think. Besides, let's face it, if Schindler's List was about someone helping a group of Christians, it wouldn't get made plain and simple.

    However, that does bring up a point. Are Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Wally Wood, Carmine Infantino, etc. given enough credit for the characters they have created, the works they have produced and the people they influenced?

    Try to imagine (no pun intended) popular music without the influence of The Beatles. You can't. They are so ingrained into pop culture, not only with their own works but the countless artists they influenced that you simply can't have a music scene as it has been in the last 40 years without those four Lads from Liverpool. If not for Rubber Soul there is no Pet Sounds and no Pet Sounds means no Sgt. Pepper, no Sgt. Pepper means the psychadelic era doesn't begin and so on.

    As for the comic creators I mentioned, if they don't do what they have done, people such as Stephen King don't begin to write. I could take it farther but you probably get where I'm going.

    In other words, no, Thor is no Schindler's List, but in terms of pop culture Thor is 100 times more important than Oskar and his list.

  31. I think it is wrong to put the blame on her. Also Liam has a higher profile, or a profile full stop due to his relationship with Miley. He needs to realize that.

    However, maybe this isn't super surprising he and his family members are single minded in pursuit of success. According to gossip posted on another site he allegedly dumped his black Ghanian girlfriend because having a black girlfriend wouldn't be good for his image. IF that is true, what a prick.

  32. I would just like to write that sometimes it's the family that's toxic, not the significant other. My husband's family hates me, & part of that is I gave him strength to stand up to them. We tried for years to be part of the family, but once they discovered we were infertile (my husband), we were discarded like yesterday's garbage. Even now when we try to talk about children we are close to it gets dismissed by his family members. If we had ever adopted I think the children would have been rejected. I like Miley, go on to bigger & better things mate. He may be good in bed, but so are plenty of others.

  33. You know what, Rowdy? You're clearly a humongous fanboy, and good for you. But you should be fucking GRATEFUL to Joss Whedon for making most of this comic book crap even a little bit palatable to the rest of us!

  34. Actually I'd rather them not make movies than to water the characters down for the masses which then bleeds over into the books.

    I want to apologize to everyone for highjacking the thread and turning it into a treatise on comic books. As Cee Kay said, I am passionate about them (not a fanboy though, a fanboy is usually one company or another or for oe character or another. I love the medium, it does things you can't do anywhere else. Just read Watchmen and then watch the movie, IMO the book is so much deeper because of the extra characterization it allows.)

    As for being grateful to Joss Whedon, why? For making Buffy in space with Firefly and then making Firefly with Marvel characters? no thanks. I'll just have to admit that maybe I'm too old to care about his stuff (even though I think I'm younger than he is. I'm 37) and just go back an read the older books and my Omnibus editions of Avengers instead.

  35. It's 5 G's time. Good God Girl, Get a Grip. It's called an ADAPTATION! There's no way you can capture 50 years of character development and history in a two hour movie. You do the best you can with generalizations of the characters. All fans of novels, comics, and popular characters deal with what you are stating. It's an entirely different medium that has a different means of storytelling and cannot begin to reach the same storytelling depths. Take the Harry Potter series for example, eight movies and they skip the main themes of the novels completely (acceptance of death and rejection of prejudice). All types of fiction have to reconcile the same hazards of translation. They are different sides of the same coin.

    Think of it as a cover song done by a cover band. And by all means, take a breath and relax.

  36. Come on - they probably said 'if you marry her and cheat your reputation will be RUINED so either marry n stay faithful or leave her'.

    She is better off without him.

    If you'd told me a year ago Miley would be one of my favorites I'd have laughed your ass outta town.

  37. Her being a cutter has been 'rumored' and rumors are just that, it doesn't make it a fact.

    IF she was indeed cutting herself, I always thought it was probably a way of exerting some control, especially since it happens to be so overexposed.

    That is not to say cutting isn't a serious cry for help, but it they still made "after-school specials" there would have been at least three featuring cutting.

    I don't understand the extreme glee and dislike of this girl. I agree her parents are extremely inept, but SHE'S not the one who allowed her teen daughter to live with her boyfriend. It seems to be some mass exercise in diminishing.

    Seriously, she's toxic because she cut her hair and shares a bit too much on social media. Some would argue that posting often to a comments board is also a sign of instability.

  38. @Yodelay But do fans of the Harry Potter books have to have the books retconned to fit the movie version of events? That's what always happens to comic adaptations because the companies have theis twisted idea that fans of the movie will buy a 22 page book each month as long as the Joker looks like the Nolan version or they give Spidey organic webshooters instead of mechanical ones and have him make a deal with the devil to make him single so he matches the movie version.

  39. Anonymous12:42 PM

    i would just advise him not to settling down so young, since he obviously still wants to fuck anything moving. Why get yourself involved in bad publicity. Try to ride the hunger game wave, get some roles a playboy with no ties

  40. Anonymous12:42 PM

    i would just advise him not to settling down so young, since he obviously still wants to fuck anything moving. Why get yourself involved in bad publicity. Try to ride the hunger game wave, get some roles a playboy with no ties

  41. Gosh, I have no idea why people think comic book fans are at all out of the ordinary! Bahahahahaha!!!
