Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kim Kardashian Says She Is Not Using Botox

Several reports this week say that Kim Kardashian is still injecting herself with botox while she is pregnant. I had heard this too. I think everyone has heard it in the past couple of weeks. If everyone hears something, it is probably true. Kim says it is not true, but then again, she would probably say that even if it is true. Didn't Kanye West's mom die from plastic surgery? Does everyone think the baby is Kanye's baby? Can anyone else be the father? Do you think Kim will see the baby other than for publicity photos? Will Kim send the baby to boarding school at the age of 3?


  1. That's a lot of questions for me to answer about this butch.

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    How much vanity, selfishness and anxiety would it take for someone to keep injecting botulinum toxin in to their faces while pregnant?? Hasn't she always been tweaking her face to an extreme level, since she was younger? I think she's just going to keep going with the surgery and end up looking like Michael Jackson. It seems like an addiction of some sort.

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    ...tune in tomorrow for these are the Days of Our Lives.

  4. It would be fun to watch the family spin if it's NOT kanye's! And Kanye would be a hero again, not a CAPSLOCK K-fucking Gayfish.

  5. SEAN, that's funny, when I saw this pic, I thought of "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom." I think it's the ankles.

  6. She doesn't seem to care about this poor baby other than for publicity. I wonder if Denise Richards has room for one more kid...

    1. LOL, who would have ever thought she'd be our go to foster Mom?

  7. I am just so happy to see her finally wearing flats. In fact, I think that's her best maternity outfit yet.

  8. At least she's wearing maternity clothes now. I was uncomfortable just looking at her.

  9. On E!, the bastards that gave this ho a show, they had an article this week where she discussed the perils of pregnancy lips. Hers are plumbing naturally due to pregnancy. Yeah, that's not a thing. If you get them injected during pregnancy, then yes.

  10. Honestly, I think she just has pregnancy face. When you're pregnant, all the cartilage and tendons in your body relax in order to prepare for birth. Including the face. I have had several friends whose face completely change when pregnant (nose spread out, lips HUGE) and then go back to normal after birth....

  11. I thought her face was contorted because of all the previous plastic work and the pregnancy. Look at the way her azz has spread.

  12. @Freya - I didn't think about that. With the Botox & fillers swimming around in there & gaining weight, strange things might be happening. With the way she's been flying & squeezing her cankles into heals, I figured she's just being reckless & caring about her image more than the baby.

  13. Not using botox?

    Someone's granny panties are on fire.

  14. @Erin B That's what I was thinking.

  15. Hate the Kardashians but there is no way that baby won't be loved. You have to admit that one. If they don't love anyone else, they seem to love each other. Kim might not be there but Kourtney would be.

    And I always forget how Kanye's mom died....smh he's been lost ever since.

  16. Kim shld leave her face alone. She very much prettier without all the crap on her face. I dont know whose baby it is, but plainly, shes still in total shock that she is. If she doesnt bond with her little one, then no, she wont be that involved. But above poster is correct- someone will step forward to care for little kandy or krud. And if i be her, I wouldnt count on kanye for much, besides rare photo ops and ridic useless extravagant gifts. He wont be around. I hope she has baby and falls in love and gets priorities straight, i really do.

  17. Didn't OctoMom also claim her pregnancy caused her face to look completely different, lips plumped, etc.?


  18. I have pics of my pregnant SIL who had twins. She got VERY bloated towards the end and it really showed all over her face. Poor woman also had her asthma flare. I know she was very happy to give birth!
    Color me surprised that KK is dressed appropriately here. Quell shocked!

  19. I'm pregnant and my lips are normal sized, my feet aren't, but my lips have not been magically swollen. I can't stand this woman, not that any of them care. I think the baby being sent to boarding school as soon as possible is the best thing for the baby but like hell will PMK ship off her newest commodity.

  20. Didn't Kanye West's mom die from plastic surgery? Yes. I doubt KTurd is getting Botox injections.

    Does everyone think the baby is Kanye's baby? Kanye is the father by way of a turkey baster.

    Can anyone else be the father? Of course. She has had sex with a lot of different guys.

    Do you think Kim will see the baby other than for publicity photos? She will be a terrible mother. Period. I think Kanye will participate in very few if any publicity stunts with the baby.

    Will Kim send the baby to boarding school at the age of 3? Probably at the age of 3 months. Maybe weeks.

  21. When I first saw the pictures associated with this botox dramz, I thought, she's just wearing a tight top pony tail--which will pull her face.

    But now that I think about it, I wouldn't put it past her.

  22. I hate to say it, but I'm loving how this pregnancy is making her look like hell. She's going to be unrecognizable at the end of nine months and it serves her right.

  23. That baby soooooo belongs to Reggie Bush, from ex-sex while Kimmode was married. Can't wait to see the spin on this. This is why Kanye exited the scene, with the help of his lovah - who is my new hero. Maybe this will crash and burn the whole Trash family. Here's hoping!

  24. I normally would say she's lying, but I have a friend addicted to the lip fillers and when she got preggo, they looked like clown lips, they were so was kinda hilarious, actually.

  25. Ankle strap shoes were not a good look on her before she was pregnant- now that she has fat, swollen feet and ankles, she really needs to give them up.

    I cannot wait until she fucking disappears. I am so unbelievably sick of this woman.

  26. What a liar. She looks like she's botoxed to death.

  27. My nose got wider, and my lips fuller. I looked weird. My boobs went down though, which was nice while it lasted.

  28. She is actually wearing something cute and pregnancy appropriate in this pic. Having said that, Botox and previous plastic surgery hasn't meshed well with the pregnancy nose spread and lip swell. Instead of just looking like cat lady, she now looks like bloated cat lady.
