Katy Perry is The Devil's Child - According To Her Dad
If you call your daughter the devil's child, does that make you satan? Spell check says satan should be capitalized. So, is God. Are they equal? You would think someone a long time ago would have said that God gets to be capitalized but satan is not. To make them both capitalized kind of seems wrong and I don't even care that much. Anyway, this is not about satan, but about the child of satan, otherwise known as Katy Perry. In a recent sermon, that is what her dad called her. The same dad who enjoys a much better lifestyle thanks to his daughter. I just think he is still really upset about the whole Russell Brand thing. He confided in Russell some of his darker secrets and lives in fear that Russell will reveal them to the world one day when Russell is on some comedy riff on a radio show. The reveal would be a shocker, but after a day or so, I don't think anyone would really care except the churches where he speaks and makes his living. Much easier to get invited back when you call your pop princess daughter the devil's child.