Friday, May 03, 2013

Katy Perry is The Devil's Child - According To Her Dad

If you call your daughter the devil's child, does that make you satan? Spell check says satan should be capitalized. So, is God. Are they equal? You would think someone a long time ago would have said that God gets to be capitalized but satan is not. To make them both capitalized kind of seems wrong and I don't even care that much. Anyway, this is not about satan, but about the child of satan, otherwise known as Katy Perry. In a recent sermon, that is what her dad called her. The same dad who enjoys a much better lifestyle thanks to his daughter. I just think he is still really upset about the whole Russell Brand thing. He confided in Russell some of his darker secrets and lives in fear that Russell will reveal them to the world one day when Russell is on some comedy riff on a radio show. The reveal would be a shocker, but after a day or so, I don't think anyone would really care except the churches where he speaks and makes his living. Much easier to get invited back when you call your pop princess daughter the devil's child.


  1. This confirms the blind item about the amicable divorce where the husband knew about the wife's father being gay, right?

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure every photo I've ever seen of Katy's dad confirmed that he's gay.
      I grew up around a lot of preachers and evangelists, and none of them wore little costumes like that.

  2. Well that's a reveal.

  3. So her dad likes -)to(-

  4. Katy Perry has big ( Y )

  5. Boobie time, boobie time, across the USA.

    Boobie time, boobie time, hey-hey-hey.

  6. I'm surprised he's not palling around with Joe Simpson yet. They could get matching sweaters

  7. Poor Katy. She was raised by some whack jobs.

  8. OMG, Lotta--Just noticed the avi. LOVE THOSE dual-pics. From my childhood! Olan-Mills!

  9. I never knew she was Truman Capote's child.

  10. Holy shit does her dad have a soul patch?

  11. I have nothing against gay people, but I've never seen a photo of that old man that didn't make me do a stinkface.

  12. "Satan" is capitalized because it's a proper name. "The devil" needn't be, because it's more along the lines of a job description.

    "God" is capitalized even though it's His job for the same reason that "He" and "His" are capitalized when referring to Him -- that's the aggrandizement you're looking for.

  13. Hahaha! I knew her dad pinged my gaydar!

  14. I just can't with the comments anymore. I would rather do -)to(- with lohag and let Bette White punch my (Y) while the fake dragon watches than read recycled "clever" comments over and over again. Damnit.

    1. Stay golden Wendy, stay golden.

  15. The biggest biggots are usually the ones with the biggest secrets to hide.

    Now my question is why did he confide these things to Russell? Did he ever try to hit on Russell thinking the scrawny bastard would swing the other way? Or was he hoping Russ could be his secret wingman and score him some chorizo on the down low?

  16. I can't believe I'm agreeing with EvilWendy, but I think this joke has run its course. Ever heard of "too much of a good thing?"

    1. Yeah, some of us only have a 15 minute lunch break to catch up and these same comments over and over is annoying.

    2. +1! Funny, but not on every thread. Shows my age I guess.... an over the hill 26.

  17. Oh, and "+1" needs to die in a fire. If you have nothing new to add, why comment at all?

  18. Enty uses spellcheck?

  19. I hope it's Pam and Joe Manganiello. Rawr

  20. VIP, are you recycling comments???? Blasphemy!

  21. But who will he bring as his date?

  22. The New CDAN: brought to you by Jr. High-level wit.

  23. I've been know to pray to the porcelain gods after a rough night out

  24. Wasn't there a story a few years back that her father isn't her biological father and he product of an afair her mother had?

  25. Replies
    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Its like a little pink candle

    2. Uncool VIP! A little warning next time.

    3. Apologies @FSP. Full Frontal Friday shall hereforth be tagged "Penis Pic Do Not Click Unless You Want To See Brett Favre's Penis" :)

    4. Oh CHEEZUS. Now THAT'S a burrito I could sink my teffs into! Thank you VIP. made my night...

  26. @mooshki - exactly. Makes me sad

  27. He married a former Jim Morrison groupie (Katy's mom) so he knows all about the evils of the pop music world. I really wish fundies would STFU so we wouldn't have to be reminded just how insane their world really is.

  28. Anonymous8:59 AM

    +2 VIP. One for you and one for the Moosh

  29. I'm no huge Katy Perry fan, but her father sounds like a world-class a$$hole.

  30. Who hasn't called their daughter the devil's child??? My time was when my oldest attacked the white damask couch with a black Sharpie marker. I also cursed my wife's provocative loins for spawning said devil child.

  31. +3(x-y)z=(.)(.)

    Only on a katy Perry thread. There's a different formula for modest sized breasts celebrities.

  32. @VIP - so that's what fff stands for. Dammit!

  33. You dont expect your dad to badmouth u publically. What a creep. Work out your issues in private, man, and dont be mean to your daughter!

  34. Oh man. We've created monsters! Beautiful, funny delicious monsters.

  35. Charlie: Remember that child is your doing! ;)

    Her dad will do anything to stay in the spotlight. Wouldn't it be great though if Joe Simp and he fell in lurve. This story would have a fairytale ending (no pun intended).

  36. From the first time I saw this dude (at a basketbal game with Katy), I thought GAAAAAAAAAAAY. I am sure he is gay, struggling with it and throwing his girl under the bus because he can't deal with himself -.- Idiot.

  37. Sorry I agree with Mooshki, Seachica, and Evil Wendy. Half the time I think I've stumbled upon Perez's comments section. It's as bad as "FIRST!!!!!" Really.

  38. CLASS! Pay attention! Go back to your seats and take out your textbooks, turn to page +1.

    You do not have "fun" on an entertainment blog. You do not lol out of turn. You take this place seriously, or take your A2A to the Ent sponsored CDaN FORUM.

    -brought to you by Mooshki and supporters, the only commenters who matter.

    1. +1 burritowhore

    2. I don't think they (including myself) think that way, it's just redundant comments on EVERY thread. It's annoying, kind of like listening to "Pumped Up Kicks" over and over again on the radio (it STILL plays now!). It's hilarious to read witty jokes but over and over even on the same thread kinda kills it.
      It's like high school where one kid has a great joke and keeps using it to gain popularity. Blogs seems to not be that much different!

  39. Katy may be the Devil child to her dad but her money however, is as heavenly as a touch upon his head from Jesus himself.

  40. I think Dad is living a Flip Wilson life. Sure he gets excited watching Zach Efron movies where Zach takes off his shirt, but that is not Pap Perry's fault. The Devil made him do it.


  41. BurritoWhore, believe it or not, it's possible to have fun and still be entertaining to the others who are sharing your space. And your conspiracy theories are soooooo tired. I am not part of any "clique" to gang up on people who don't agree with me. Virtually everyone I became friends with on CDAN has stopped reading the comments and/or the site.

  42. OMG you are too much!!! :-D

  43. Mooshki I have a question then, do you consider your insults to all the posters almost everyday to be entertaining? Cause I think YOU are the reason most people/commenting. Maybe you should find some friends outside of the site.

  44. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I don't think she's being insulting at all. She's perfectly respectful and reasonable in her concerns. Truth be told, this site HAS changed A LOT, especially in the last year or so. I rarely comment, but have read almost daily since the beginning and have noticed a lot of my favorite commenters are looooong gone. I truly believe it is due in part to the juvenile nature of the comment sections lately. To each their own though. It just kinda sucks for the rest of us that don't find never ending inside jokes between about 10 of you THAT entertaining to have to flip through to read actual commenters insights, especially while on a break between classes or at work.
    Mooshki has always been really kind to everyone on here, so I don't know why you find her/him insulting.

    1. Anonymous2:46 AM

      Totally this. Not insulting at all and she has a valid point.

    2. I completely agree. I've been reading since the beginning too and I miss the old commenters. There's a lot of people who read this blog, but no one finds you funny but yourselves.

  45. 1+1^Mikey = A2A 4 Every1!

  46. @Mikey Long time lurker. Thank you for saying that! That's exactly why I've never posted before

  47. Mooshki you really have no room to talk. It would seem your nose is out of joint because you and Jax have lost control of the comments.
    I'll ask a question, do you 2 have your own 'invite only' facebook page dedicated to this site?
    So yes, I would call that being part of a 'clique'.
    I guess it's true, you can smell your own.

  48. Longtime reader/lurker, first time poster: +1 all you crazy cheezy burrito whore betches!

  49. I'm sorry you are still bitter that you didn't get to be friends with us way back when we were relevant. I certainly never meant to exclude anyone. I just enjoyed the company of the many friendly, intelligent, humorous people that used to make this site something special. There are still plenty of those people here - I just wish they didn't get drowned out in all the static. I know I'm too critical these days, but it's because I miss the community we used to have. And not just the "clique" that some people imagine existed - all the readers/ commenters back then were part of it. I'm not the only one who feels nostalgic - plenty of old timers pipe up from time to time wishing CDaN could recapture some of its old magic. Jax and I comment a tiny fraction of what we used to - I really don't know why you still let yourself get upset about us.

    I am in a facebook group with some long time readers. It's not an "invite only" group - anyone who wants to can join. I've posted here in the past inviting people to join. Just like here in the comments, you're the one putting up the walls, not me.

  50. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Mooshki maybe you should take that up with Enty. Oh wait he's not around anymore maybe you should contact Crowdgather.

    Peace out.

  51. @Mooshki, the sad thing is we were friends back in the day. You just don't remember, somewhere along the way you changed and turned into a bitter commenter but a starch defender to "Enty". Same with Jax.

    Too bad you tried to create your own FB page that no one reads or a Off Topic CDAN forum that no one visits. Who's cliquey now?

    I'm not upset, just truthful.

    Burrito Whore win, long time grumpy not so much.

  52. Burrito Whores 4-eva! +1111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. I can't imagine what made me bitter. It's not like I got attacked over and over and over again. Oh, wait.

    I've never been a part of an off-topic CDAN forum, and the FB group I made is quite a fun little place with good people. Maybe you're confusing me with someone else?

    1. Anonymous2:51 AM

      You have a good point - the endless non funny inside jokes on every post over and over are annoying. I don't know anything about all this commenter politics of old commenters and fb groups but you so have a valid point and many agree with you

  54. As a long-time reader who hasnt commented in probably a year...I just wanted to concur with what Mooshki is saying.

    Back in the day people knew better than to post that whole +1 or "First" (as in 1st poster/commenter) shit. I feel like 50% if not more of the comments are made up of that type of Perez Hilton crap. Also in general the comments lack the kind of thoughtful,articulate and polite responses to Enty's posts that were there in yesteryear. I miss some of the readers and I guess it felt more tight-knit and familiar than the handfuls of long-timers and mostly newbies that make up the site now-and who ask basic questions like "what is FFF" or "why does Enty post a 4 for Friday when there's only 1 blind?" I guess the site really was made special by people like Mooshki, and Jax, Rocket Queen, chopchop, Sherry, and (I'd like to think) Me. But that's my 2cents.

    Love ya Moosh!

  55. Oh, and while Enty is real and I dont question that tired ass subject, I will say that I'm not a fan as much as I used to I know many are not. SO that is also why some of us dont post as often :O

  56. @VIPBlonde: You kiddin me? Who doesn't love hookers as much as Pat O'Brien???? Only thing better than hookers are hookers with heartbeats.

    "Mooshki has always been really kind to everyone on here, so I don't know why you find her/him insulting. "


    It was probably easy for her to pretend to be nice in public when she had a password, and could delete comments she didn't like.

  57. Ummm...yea, I don't see how Mooshki said anything rude enough to warrant all of the comments left today, but some apparently have a weird long standing vendetta against Mooshki. I have a feeling many others feel the same about what was said, including me. I felt the same way once Defamer changed. Here, I get more annoyed at replies* than the text based emoticons (*those that don't address individual posters and just hit reply on their phones, so when you read the comments you can't tell who they're addressing).

  58. LOL! If I deleted comments I didn't like, this would have been an entirely different place. Enty wouldn't have trusted me with the password if he thought I would pull that crap. I deleted maybe 5 comments over a year or more, and they were all from obscene, racist trolls that make you look like a fluffy bunny. (In the classic definition of a troll, not the loose way it gets thrown around these days.) Even though I think much of what you say is disgustingly offensive, I wouldn't have deleted your posts, because you're participating in a conversation, not dive bombing the place.

    Thank you for the support, gals.

  59. Wait
    Wait wait wait. So you DID have access to delete?
    Well that's news. I thought it was just a rumor. You and Jax.
    It's starting to make sense now. He sold the site and you 2 lost access.

    Here's the thing..BE HONEST. Even better, be nice to people. Don't pull the 'I've been here longer than you card' because I can pull it too. Even on you.

    I'm fairly certain no one is 'trolling' to make your life unhappy.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Mushy said: I'm sorry you are still bitter that you didn't get to be friends with us way back when we were relevant.

    =)))) ROFLMFAO

  62. Who the hell s Dawn on the CDAN forum? Anyone?!?!?

    I haven't been commenting as much lately, I've been busy watching old Cary Grant movies. I highly recommend them.

  63. Ok, I've been reading this site for the last twk years-and I don't know a thing about old clique/new clique and so on, but the comments are increasingly.....disappointing? Yes, that. You can find 150 "betch", aß2aß etc. In one post, but no good guesess on blind item in question. It's like reading tmz, ffs. And don't get me started when the popular one decides who is the answer to blind item, although it doesn't really fit( like carey mulligan, who wants a baby with her husband, and even more important, is at least A), and it HAS to be that person. Or shen someone has an objection( and says so politely), and then 10 people gang up on the person. No matter what Mooshki did before, his(?) point stands.
    And I'm sorry, Count J, but some of your posts are so offensive (the abortion one?), that I just want to vomit. That's beyond humor, funny, satire and provocation.

  64. @powerstufgirl: thank you. I was waiting a whole day to find somewhere to shoe horn that in. Enty doing an abortion post was fate smililng down on me.

  65. Oh, and "+1" needs to die in a fire.

    I don't do the "+1" myself but I don't understand the hate against it. AFAIK it means, "I agree", right? So what's the big deal?

    @ Mooshki, what's the difference between typing

    I agree
    Co-sign or

    I mean, why the hate over something so silly?

  66. I remember being able to come here years ago and read intelligent, thought out comments. I looked forward to receiving follow up comments. Now, all I get is the same crap over and over. I can hear more intelligent debates at he middle school bus stop 7:00 in the morning. People post, thinking they are funny, but they aren't.
    The same people make the same dumb comments over and over.
    You may not always agree with Mooshki, but her posts are knowledgeable and worth reading. I wish I could say the same about everyone else.

  67. @lutefisk: Day late and a dollar short, honey. Put yer head back in the sand.

  68. Count, don't "honey" me. I find your comment repulsive. Maybe you should get out of your parent's basement more often and have contact with some genuine people, rather than people you don't know that you think you are impressing with your um, vast wit. There is nothing amusing about your comments.

  69. Yer in the minority there, Sweetie. There are plenty here that I make laugh, and untold thousands laughing at home who don't comment. #Fail #WaaaaEverybodyDontThinkTheSameAsMe

    Much like your friend Mooshki, yer taking it to a personal attack instead of attacking what I said. Shows you got no ammo and no creativity. #FAIL #DERP!

    Yer chiming in 3 days later to try and get the last word so you can pound yer chest and say, "I told them." You aint tellin no one nuthin, Sweets. Yer hiding here away from the action in the Paris Hilton post, because yer scared of an actual exchange. #Fail #Fraidy Cat #UGotNoGame

    Yer outta yer depth here, Sweetie. Keep yer head out of the sand, and just stick it in an oven. #BOOM

  70. You just keep trying to convince yourself of that.

  71. Another stellar response. You certainly showed me, Sweetie.

    You should post more often, your contributions to the dialogue are amazingly insightful.


  72. Again, don't call me "swwetie." I am not part of your fan club. Before the blog was taken over by morons like yourself I was a regular poster for many years. People like you come and go. When you realize no one is amused by your comments you will crawl back under the rock that you came from, and perhaps the rest of us can have our comment section back.
    In the meantime a blog that started out with wonderfully intelligent people commenting ended up being infested by posters like yourself. Have a good night.

  73. I just want to say...I'm a proud Jerkulady!! ;)

  74. Sorry, Doll, but i guess this is all goin over yer head. People are amused by me. Look around, I get way more LOLs than WAAAAAs. Maybe you aren't amused, and that is fine. I could care less about you. #MiseryLuvsCompany

    Also, it isn't YOUR comment section, Doll. It is the CrazyDaysAndNights comment section. Lil feeling of entitlement, eh? If the site owners don't like what I am saying, they can delete my comments or ban me. To think that the entire comment section has to bow down to the Misery Mob is ludicrous. Maybe you control freaks had that kinda stroke at one time, but it don't seem to be the case now, huh Snookums? #HoldYerBreath

    In summation, websites are fluid organisms. They rarely stay the same forever. Quit grasping at the past, because tomorrow it will only be further away. #AdaptOrDie #YerStrugglingInQuicksand

    @MizzSpiritualTramp: Thank you for your support. I am honored to be able to make you smile from time to time. There are some on here worried that if they smile their faces will crack. #JerkuladiesRock!
