Friday, May 24, 2013

Katherine Webb Starves Herself

At least Katherine Webb admits she starves herself to try and stay in shape and have her 15 minutes of fame extended. It will probably not do any good, but she can hope. She needs to do something dramatic to extend those 15 minutes or get very lucky. If I were her, I would hope for that call from Dancing With The Stars. she did the minor league ABC reality show and now wants to move up to the big time. By then, maybe her relationship will sour and she could be a Bachelorette. After that, there is not really a place for her to go, but she would have made some money and got enough publicity that she could get promo work and club work for a few years. I know it is ridiculous, but even with that little bit of fame, she is probably talking about $2M over a few years if she got those two things.

She told People that she never eats more than 1120 calories in a day. Ever. It is all about self control. Plus, she works out three days a week so for three of those days it is like she is eating nothing because she burns off everything she eats. Plus, you know she is eating less than 1100 calories on some days. I'm surprised she can function. Oh, and don't forget that she is almost 6 feet tall. I generally eat twice that amount of calories at each meal.


  1. Hmmm. I don't remember who this chick is. Did her 15 minutes expire already?

  2. Oh good. Another pretty girl with no education or career to fall back on. Yay. Ill totally pay attention to you. Good luck getting married for income. Hope he's nice to you, trophy.

  3. I had to Google her but she's the Miss Alabama that Brett Musburger mad a deal out of at the BCS Championship Game (she was dating the 'Bama QB.) I guess she was also on "Splash" (that diving reality show.)

  4. She has a degree from Auburn, I believe. That said, she really does need to eat a burger.

  5. At least she eats everyday. And, not to play the devil's advocate, but if you eat really healthy, you can eat 5 small meals (which we are supposed to do) and still stay under that 1,120 line. My fitness pal told me if I want to lose weight I need to stay under 1,200 a day, and it is actually pretty easy.

  6. I generally eat around 1000-1200 calories a day, is that really considered starving? I had no idea.

  7. I want to fuck her hard and shoot massive loads of splooge in her snatch, mouth, and dirt chute - you know this Alabama slut us a three input woman and loves the taste and stench of baby batter

  8. In a year when she increases her caloric intake to a normal level and becomes a gigantic size 10 (gasp!) she can get a contract with Jenny Craig. (Yes, I am being sarcastic)

  9. And Massive G, you are a charmer. How ever do you find time to comment with all the women I'm sure are lining up at your door?

  10. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I knew he was that same try hard-horndog troll! he showed up that same day, and has been lurking, posting strange things, he never left.

    As far as this Webb person, many more have made much more out of much less. A good body, face, and smile? All she needed was to be born in to a family associated with a big criminal trial and she could have had it made. As it is she can still market herself for something, what are her hobbies? She could easily turn this in to more than a couple mil.

  11. No idea who she is, but I respect that she admits to basically starving herself. I want to punch those asshats in hollywood who laugh in the face of the gym and then claim they eat nothing but ice cream and bacon cheeseburgers.

  12. 1120 calories? I eat muffins or cakes with more a lot of days as a dessert.
    Either she is lying or dumb.

  13. StewMcG - thanks for taking the time to look up who she is so I didn't have to.

  14. I wish I had her discipline.

  15. Must be dumb. 1100 calories is far from starving. And what is up with that room? Very strange. Why would anyone take a pic with that background?

  16. 1100 calories isn't starving.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. No, 1100 calories isn't starving. However, 1200 is the recommended minimum to eat if you're trying to lose weight. Eating that much just to maintain? Noooo.

  19. Don't they say one should not go under 1200?

  20. Can't see her ribs, she probably needs to lose another 15. Might I suggest Adderall or Crack?

  21. I can't believe Brett Musburger's comments has actually launched a reality career. WTF?!

  22. 1100 calories isn't starving, but it does mention that she's nearly 6' tall - she needs more calories to function. I'm short and probably eat around 1000 kcal/day; much less than that and I get tired and dizzy.

    I feel bad for her. I initially didn't like her because it was pretty obvious she got dressed up and that whole thing was staged, but to watch your 15 minutes fizzle out and then try to re-light by talking about your extreme diet... :(

  23. A very talented film/TV/legit theater actress told me that when she was young & living in LA, she only consumed 900 calories a day. I was horrified--she's a tad shy of 6" herself--but she was in a successful TV comedy series & said it was the only way she could remain slender enough to get work.

    Problem is, you can't live like that forever. She still works constantly in character roles, but has had to battle weight problems ever since.

    In fact, tho' she doesn't seek publicity, Enty dissed her appearance at a premiere in the photos about 6 years ago. And yes, I'm still pissed about it, so am going O/T to rant a bit.

    She was one of my late mother's best friends, is highly respected by her colleagues, & a classy lady who's made time each year to take me to lunch on/around the anniversary of my mom's birthday--bearing a fresh bouquet of flowers. Here endeth my rant; sorry.

  24. Not starving-actually healthy. Its not impossible but you do need to stay until 1200 to lose weight, and I would imagine, keep it off. I mean I love food, but in an ideal world, I too would be able to consume only 1200 cals in a day. Drinking on the weekends makes that hard.

  25. Spinal Tap typo: 900-cals-a-day lady is 6', not six inches tall :/

  26. Jeeze lady...i eat 1200 calories at Burger King once a day. No wonder I don't lose weight.

  27. 1100 a day!! Does she take a dump every three days:)

  28. @texas rose: Only with the help of a colonic.

  29. I wish i could be thst disciplined!!

  30. Chomp my chunk and slurp my splooge, Tigerlily. I know you love to be coated with baby batter - your father told me.

  31. @Ashley O'Connor That's what MFP has for me as well and I'm way shorter than this girl. I'm just glad you get calories for exercise or I'd be eating 1100 calories per day. I tend to go over Carb and sugar per day though :(

  32. I don't know how small you guys are, but generally your body will start to go into "starvation mode" at less than 1200 calories per day. That's for an "average sized" person. If you are teeny, like 110 lbs or so, then yes, you can eat less. If you are more, like 200 lbs, you need to be eating at least like 1500 calories a day to avoid starvation mode and avoid totally screwing up your metabolism.

  33. 1120 is not starving. One can easily eat breakfast for 200 calories, 2 snacks at 110 calories a piece and dinner and lunch at 350 calories a piece. That's plenty of food if you're not spending the day eating junk.

  34. The body doesn't go into starvation mode until one consumes under 800-1000 calories depending on weight and metabolic rate.

  35. I completely agree with what @Char said. I am pretty petite and MFP was telling me to stay under 1200 in order to lose weight too. After a few weeks of being very diligent, I wasn't losing weight and was always fatigued when I went to the gym, so I saw a nutritionist. He said that I was messing with my metabolism and for someone who is as active as I am, I need to be eating more calories if I don't want my body to hold on to every ounce of fat.

    Just an FYI-- everybody's body is different. I still love and use MFP to keep track, but don't hold it as bible-- I'd suggest asking someone in the know, seems like it might be a bit generic, especially if it's told us all to stay under 1200.

  36. She already came out and said the story wasn't true. And the original article said she was eating healthy things just very restricted calorie wise for someone that was 5'10.

    She doesn't look anorexic to me actually I thought she was a healthy and fit size for height.

  37. I just ate a half gallon of ice cream. Well, I guess I have to throw up half of that and stick to 1200 cal. Thank you blue bathing suit chick.

  38. i'm going to take a guess that most of the females on here have gone through a time where they were constantly hungry because they wanted to be thin/thinner. i swear there will be time when a womans weight and or dress size will be in her obit.

  39. @Me: LOL! I could see some vain betch putting it on her tomb stone.

    Vicky Vain 1978-2034
    34C Size 1 Fuckerz

  40. I use MFP too and am at 1200 per day and it is quite easy to eat healthy and feel full on that many calories. Sometimes when I am real busy, I find I still have 400 calories left and I make myself eat more because I know it isn't good to go below the 1200 mark. But if I am not tracking my calories it is really easy to eat a piece of pie and some crackers and have no idea what you are doing.

  41. She's on the skinny side of healthy but definitely wouldn't be starving. Maybe a bit hungry for some of the day.

  42. Calories and nutrition are not the same thing.

    If you eat a grapefruit for breakfast, snack on some carrots, have a salad for lunch, snack on an apple and a pear, and then eat a salad with grilled chicken for dinner, you're probably around 1200 calories.

    That's far from starving yourself. That's what a healthy 22 year old model's supposed to be eating.

  43. Wow...a female "celebrity" who actually admitted what it takes to maintain her very thin frame!
