Wednesday, May 22, 2013

January Jones Gets Feisty When Talking About Xander's Dad

The New York Times actually asked January Jones a question about who the father of Xander is. I love that they asked the question, because you never know when you will catch her at a time when she would answer and give a great headline. I think everyone agrees that the baby looks a lot like Jason Sudeikis, but that would go in the face of who everyone thinks the baby daddy is. The NYT did not even mention Sudeikis as a possibility. Anyway, January says that it is her son's business and no one else's business. I agree, but still love when people ask or try to find out.


  1. she's just so cold...

  2. I'm voting for Bobby Felay.

  3. Enty already said it was Matthew Vaughn

  4. January Jones has the best lines on Mad Men, which is so trippy this year I'm like WTF every week. So glad that skinny blond bitchy Betty is back.

    1. I agree. I have no idea what the frak was going on this past Sunday night!

    2. The whole episode was like a strange trip

  5. I love that no one knows. It's so damn juicy and mysterious. Old timey, even.

  6. I think Enty implied it was Matthew Vaughn, but he never came out and said it.

  7. @MISCH, apparently she's cold on the outside but warm on the inside, based on her track record.

  8. I wish I had written "Fillette" instead.

  9. I think JJ is a heavy drinker who blacks out and doesn't remember who she slept with. Her drinking was highlighted in a GQ interview she did a couple of years ago. The journalist was shocked at how much she drank.

  10. Maybe she hasn't said because she has no idea. Like the girl on Maury who tested 15 guys & none of them were the father.

  11. I think the baby's ears look like Bobby Flay's.

  12. It isnt anybody's business, and nobody should be asking. Shes right- its her and ger son's business only. Exceptionally rude, crude and gauche to ask.

  13. Hopefully people will quit asking by the time he's old enough to be concious of what is going on. It's sad that this is kind of a joke--about her and her ways--but it impacts her little boy.

  14. I am in no way a fan of hers AT ALL. However, this story involves a small child and it is true, it's his business. Of Matt Vaughn is the father then this child has to live with that stigma for the rest of his life.

    Again, not a fan of hers, but just my humble opinion.

    1. I agree with this, it's nobodies business but Xander's and kudos to January for telling the press that.

      However, if Matthew Vaughn is the father? A pox on him. After what his mother did to him, letting him believe, most of his life, that Robert Vaughn was his father and just wanted nothing to do with him, he should know better.

  15. The dad is totally Matthew Vaughn. Totally see a facial resemblance with the kid these days.


    I have never written this before - but ENTY NEEDS TO STOP W/ the JJ hate.

    JJ's biggest crime is forgetting to act during XMEN- FIRST CLASS! She's great on MMen - but X, yikes...

    Unlike other single mothers (who have adopted / donor/ ex)- JJ has NEVER used her son to sell a magazine - never tried to create a platform based on her "strength for going it alone..."

    You made fun of her for non-stop yoga while pregnant by bringing up her dui - but she was actually taking care of herself! Unlike other stars (Britney, to name one) - I can't even remember a photo of her in a car w/ her son - and definitely not one where he was sitting on her lap.

    I think that celeb's kids are off the table UNLESS the family uses them for promotion!!! Does Travolta deserve a grilling??? YES YES YES! I LOVE him as an actor - but he sold his lifetyle - a HUGE lie - and now deserves the lense on him to ask real questions. So many more of these that I can think of - BUT NOT JJ.

    Is she a nice person? Who knows? If you'd like to tell me about those secrets - great (and cheating with a guy whose foot and other body parts were already out the door doesn't count.) I'm all ears..

    Sigh... rant done..
    Sorry, my rant is complete! :)

    1. *standing ovation*

    2. I will join Gayeld in the standing ovation.

  17. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I've always thought the kid looks like Jason Sudeikis.

    1. I've always thought he looked like Jason Biggs, who isn't even a contender, as far as I know.

  18. I can't believe the nerve of some people going after an innocent child. Vile creatures I say.

  19. Children should always be out of bounds. Always and no exceptions. To use a child or a child's likeness or name is fucking despicable.

  20. RCB +1 times a bajillion!!!

  21. I agree daphne and rcb.
    Leave the kids out of it unless they are being used as a marketing tool (Let's talk Will and Jada..) or on tv/in movies and are placed in the public eye.

    Anything else is out of bounds.

  22. The kid should be out of bounds. She has never used him for publicity. She is a very hands on mother and obviously loves her son.
    People who use and abuse children are vile, disgusting creatures. The lowest of the low.

  23. I agree with daphne. I kinda admire JJ for keeping her private life private. And she does roll old-school mysterious Hollywood. Love it.

    I also like Katherine Heigl, so I know my likes and dislikes don't exactly jive with the consensus around here. Oh well.

  24. ITA, this is so crass to ask about a child.

    daphne--ITA about JJ. I saw her first in X-Men, and then was shocked that as Betty she could really act after all.

    ...My theory is, that she WAS schupfing her director for X-Men, so he didn't DIRECT her in her scenes. If he never corrected her EVER, her performance in that movie vs. MM would make perfect sense. Because MM has many directors who aren't all sucking up to her for sex like Vaughn was, presumably.

  25. It doesn't matter to me one way or another; I'd just like to add that I worked with a woman, unmarried, who had a child and kept the father's identity a secret. She wasn't famous but people talked, just like they talk about JJ. It just happens - right/wrong. It makes the child more interesting.

    Above child turned out to be from a fling she had with a priest while on vacation.

  26. I like Mikey's answer. Xander is from a priest while she was on vacation...Amen JJ Amen!

  27. I like her response. Have no feelings for/against her one way or the other, but she's right about this. It isn't anyone else's business. A lot of Hollywood people could save themselves a lot of grief and embarrassment if they felt the same way.

  28. @Susan,

    I like Katherine Heigel & JJ, too! They do seem to roll it old school Hollywood, great description!

    People who take advantage of kids are loathsome. Using a child to further your own interests/vendettas is even more horrible.

  29. @Susan,

    I like Katherine Heigel & JJ, too! They do seem to roll it old school Hollywood, great description!

    People who take advantage of kids are loathsome. Using a child to further your own interests/vendettas is even more horrible.

  30. All babies look like babies to me. It makes me larf when people think a 4 month old looks like someone. I never see it.

  31. the only reason i even know who she is, is because of the "who's the dad" thing. there is difference between a secret and keeping something private. everyone knows who their parents are. when the child starts school there will be school projects about who your family is, and events where family is invited. kids say "i have 2 mom is dead..i live with my grandparents", etc. doesn't really matter, kids don't care. saying "i don't know" will just shine a spot light on the issue. secrets are shameful. privacy is not. if she didn't want to talk about it, she should have said she used a sperm donor.

  32. That kid is the spitting image of Vaughn.

  33. I don't think she's a good actress, not even in Mad Men, I suspect she seems believable as Betty because their personalities are so close but she deserves her privacy and her kid should be kept out of it.

  34. I would respectfully disagree with some of my co-commenters. I absolutely believe she uses her son and the surrounding mystery for publicity. She gets papped with her son A LOT. When that happens you are either going to 1. heavy pap places 2. calling them and tipping them off. Don't believe me? Let's pick another actress of about her stature with kids -- Busy Phillips or Melissa McCarthy or even more Sandra Bullock. How often are they papped? Even with Sandra, they seem to stalk out Louis school rather than catching her at odd moments.

    Ms. Jones is playing the celebrity game and her son is one of her tools..

  35. should be off limits. It's just plain creepy using them to make a point or for spite.

  36. That sentence should have had 'children' at the start!

  37. Sudeikis doesn't fit the baby daddy timeline anyway.

    Definitely Vaughn.

  38. Well it is not any one business.

  39. C'mon, Enty. Obese losers shouldn't involve the children of others in their business. Your hatred of JJ is showing.

  40. I agree with January. It's no one's business to know, if she doesn't want to tell.

  41. I know it's no one's business but JJ's and her son's, but I'm throwing in my .02. For what ever reason, every time I see a picture of her son, he reminds me of James McAvoy. Just throwing it out there.

  42. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Its so juicy. I love it
    Every era needs a January Jones

    sepinwall has a great review of last sundays madmen. I needed cliffnotes. It was trippy and went over my head till the last line.

  43. She looks cold, so she deserves to be harassed? That's pretty fucked up. Leave the lady and her kid alone.

  44. I don't watch Mad Man and I would not know who she was if I passed her on the street. Minnie Driver kept her son's identity a secret and no one really questioned her all that much.
    I don't think January Jones is really an important enough person to care about, and the kid should have some privacy.

  45. Whether he is the father or not, I think Jason Sudeikis should send January a big bouquet of roses and balloons to thank her, because before her kid was born I barely heard of the guy and now he is in the news ALL THE TIME! His name recognition has gone way up thanks to her kid. In fact I am actually sick of him now and I've never even seen him in a movie.

  46. I never even think about this until it's posted here but I like the Jason Sudeikis guess. I loved the episode of 30 Rock he was on when Liz Lemon has a root canal and hallucinates. Jason, Jon Hamm and the Allstate Mayhem guy all talk like Jamaican women at the end of the episode and it never gets old. lol
