Thursday, May 16, 2013

In Touch Weekly Basically Says Kanye West Is Gay

Everyone has always whispered Kanye West is gay, but there has never been a magazine that has gone as far as In Touch has gone this week. While they don't come out and say the words Kanye is gay, they don't really leave much to the imagination and say that he has bonded with another man and that if he is gay that Kim Kardashian will be really embarrassed. I think the rest of us would love it if Kanye West came out. Then some of his past "girlfriends" could probably say a few words and Kim could profess to be shocked and probably get a few tabloid covers for it and maybe a very special episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Kanye lives in Paris right next door to Riccardo Tisci and Riccardo just bought a place a block or two from Kanye in NYC. The pair are inseparable and if you go through a bunch of Kanye photos, there is usually Riccardo really close.


  1. Replies
    1. Let's keep in mind this story is in touch.. So let me get this "straight", a closeted gay rapper who doesn't want to be out or be outed decided the best beard would be one of the most photographed woman right now? oh and he must be dating that guy because rich people never buy houses in same neighborhood, I can really see the director of the house of givenchy purchasing a townhouse in the Bronx. stupid..

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      @Peter .....good point

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Ahhhhh common sense, logic, good reasoning......


    4. I work in Las Vegas and personally saw kanye with a man almost holding hands walking through a closed section of a resort and his body guards threatning all around not to take pics.

  2. Are you implying this relationship was faked and Kim willingly participated in this fraud? That this may all be a publicity stunt? Shocking! Simply shocking!

  3. This is the good yummy gossip.

  4. Hasn't he always been known as Gayfish? Was it dlisted or somewhere else that gave him the moniker?

    1. Dlisted I think and I'm trying to remember if that amber rose chick said something about him and his close male friends ????

    2. No it's a whole episode of South Park that mocks Kanye, called "fish sticks".

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    OT. Devastating storms with tornadoes and fatalities in DFW Texas last night. Is everyone ok. HOOD and Johnson county hit worst. Supposed one mile wide tornado hit Granbury and Cleburne.

    1. Love and hugs to all affected.

    2. Omg. That's where I'm from. Gotta call my moms!

  6. "Gayfish" was from that episode of South Park that lambasted him. This Riccardo rumor is really old but it must be true. We saw how he dressed her for the MET gala. That floral monstrosity had "bitchy queen revenge" written all over it.

    1. "Do u like fish dicks?" Dang, that's an oldie!

      I thought Anna W wanted KimmyKakes in that floral...

  7. @Elita - fabulous! and she totally deserved it.

  8. I love it. KK is getting what she deserves. I also like the idea that Kanye may be making KK take a paternity test (from yesterday's blind). The demise of this family can't happen soon enough.

    1. (sends you a high five through Cyberspace.)

    2. Holy shit I love your avi! Seems like this whole pregnancy, fame whore family, wrecked car & gay rumor is one continual FML for kanye.

      So Kanye, is this the good life you were singing about? Or did you have something else in mind?

  9. I think this is a plan to allow them not to get married and let Kim save face.

    If they don't get together because it turns out he's gay--it won't be her fault--and they avoid the fact that he is just not into her.

  10. Smear campaign via POS Pimp Momma. Once again,the world is laughing at her prized pig.

  11. Kanye is not gay. It is just a bromance.

  12. South Park is pure genius.

    This is some good dirt. And I hate all things Kardashian. Dying to know if it's true.

  13. @Wen, laughing at her prized pig. That's awesome!!! I've heard the jokes about him being gay, but I had never heard this guys name before. Interesting. Can't wait to see how this plays out...grabbing popcorn even though its 9:30 in the morning....

  14. Well, she can always go on Pimp Mama's already failing talk show and cry about it. Pimp Mama can't get any guests.

  15. I refuse to believe that Kanye is gay. There is no way. He is such a manly man!

  16. @Elita,

    Thank you for making snort my coffee! :)


    ^^Link to end of Kanye 'Gay Fish' episode.

    Full Kanye parody song "Gay Fish" (written & sung Trey Parker)(GENIUS):

    (Sorry I can't make links. Totally worth it though.)

    1. Damn that is funny but I could have sworn micheal k called him that

  18. Kanye being gay wouldn't surprise very many people. No man can look that unhappy all the time when he has a beautiful woman on his arm. Amber Rose was well rid of him.

    Kim might be a pretty woman, but even that won't turn a gay man straight. She's overestimated her abilities.

    The smear campaign against Kanye by PMK has begun in earnest. She's going to try to bury him and I hope Kanye wins this one. I think the K-Klan has been loosing followers ever since the sham wedding and it's only getting worse. The clock is ticking on their 15 minutes!!

  19. dreaming of how i'm going to celebrate when the KK 'Klan' finally reaches their .01 seconds...

    I wanna see shame...embarassment, guilt, sadness, regret

  20. Interesting note, Riccardo Tisci also designed Kim's hideous Mrs. Doubtfire-esque MET Ball dress.

    1. @KaySea. ROTFLMAO! Oh myyyyyyyyy. Now there will be no convincing me that that outfit wasn't straight out payback for putting her hands on his man.

  21. The smear campaign is simple - they don't want Kayne b/c he doesn't want the Kardashians! Despite the Jay-z / Beyonce friendship, Kayne clearly did not understand what it meant to graduate Magna Cum Laude from the FameWhore academy b/c for all of their faults - most of his friends have TALENT.

    Both went into this with eyes (and other parts) wide open. He just underestimated their dedication to their "ART..."

  22. True and slightly related fact: Yesterday died Robert Kinney, Gorton's CEO who invented fish sticks.

    1. I believe this fact would have been more relevant on a Paltrow post ;-)

    2. Hahhahaha yeah I like fish sticks!

  23. YoMismo---That's so sad RIP.

    I really like putting fish sticks in my mouth.

    1. libby, i know you're quoting, but i just had my morning bowl & i would cut a bitch for some fish sticks right now.

    2. Libby's a gay fish!

  24. Where there's smoke there's usually fire.

  25. Where is all that outrage that usually explodes on this board when someone is 'outed', even someone as already out as John Travolta?

    Is Kanye West some sort of special case?

    1. @Nutty. I think everyone is too busy enjoying the K-Klan fail behind this. But you're right, Kayne an ass, but his sexuality and that of Riccardo is their business and nobody elses.

      But I still love to see PMK's plans go so awry.

  26. This show is going to be epic!

    So is Enty going to weigh in on the Michael Jackson / Wade Robson situation? I certainly hope Robson has called and made amends to the guy whose trial he testified for the defense.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Maybe kim duped like everyone else. And lets not act like poor kanye cant get away from k klan. Hes an asshole famewhore in his own right, hes no innocent duped victim here. He made his choices.

    1. And im just gonna sat it. That is gonna be one ugly baby.

    2. I'm giggling over the Seinfeld episode with the ugly baby. No photoshopping the pictures of the offspring- what will they do?

  28. South Park said it with much less subtlety.

    But I agree with those above who said this is smear coming from the matriarch. Almost enough to make me sympathetic for Kanye for getting wrapped up with these losers.


  29. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I HAVE gone through those photos, they are close, they are in each other's personal space, and they both do that sour lemon queeny bitch face, it almost looks like Kanye learned it from Riccardo. Kanye IS Gay, and there's nothing wrong with that. Come on out you fussy, grumpy Queen, come out and be FABULOUS!! Live your life freely like the rest of us, let go of the fear. Can you imagine the Elton level parties those two would throw? How much better his music would be? How that stupid bitchy toddler pout would disappear? Ok, maybe not totally, but a girl can hope. That pout makes me stabby.

  30. I'm waiting for the companion cover featuring Kanye:

    "Kanye West's
    Worst Epiphany:

  31. Of course he packs fudge as he travels the Hershey Highway. Who else but someone who does not fuck women would Have any connection with that far assed bitch who he is having a test tube baby with. All of the Kard wenches have fat asses.

  32. but how would the rap/hip hop community react? isnt that a very closeted/homophobic community?

  33. (also a plain WHORE)

  34. Of course he packs fudge as he travels the Hershey Highway. Who else but someone who does not fuck women would Have any connection with that far assed bitch who he is having a test tube baby with. All of the Kard wenches have fat asses.

  35. How many of your guy friends like each other SO MUCH that they buy houses next to each other? Yeah, none... unless they're banging. At least the walk of shame in the mornings is a short one.

  36. Ah, GemTwist, we have MUCH in common. Except I've never liked fish. And I'm vegetarian completely now.

    Like my lost sister....

    1. @libby I'm about 90% veggie now, but I was vegan for a long time! Goddamn cheese broke me eventually. I just want something deep fried.

  37. I think PMK thinks she is winning right now with her PR blackmail (let's call it what it is, she is extorting him and blackmailing him with these leaks) but he didn't get to where he is (Anna Wintour lives him, etc) without knowing how to pull power plays. I think the Kardashians are about to go down.

  38. If you had big money, why WOULDN'T ypu pick cool neighbors, ive pretty much run gamut of awful next doors...peepers, crazies (yelling through walls), horders (600 lbs of cleaned stacked trash that sherriff removed), nosey (asking who every person coming to my door is , and new one who I seem to have same schedule as ..who tells me he has an asian gf EVERY TIME I SEE HIM. These all "good" neighborhoods, buildings move in the whole damn block! Lol

  39. Micheal K. uses the "Gayfish" moniker for Kanye all the time, he loves it. As for Kanye - apparently he went on a rant last night about how he isn't a "celebrity" and the paps should just leave him the f**k alone. If he didn't want to be papped why the hell would he date a woman that calls them every times she steps out of the house? Her entire career is one big pap opportunity. He's such a hypocritical ass. Let's hope they both drop off the face of the earth (or at least my TV!)

  40. Would it surprise anyone if KK participated in setting up the story. I can't see her having a long term relationship with KW. This way she gets a baby, she gets the sympathy, and she get out of the having him around except to write checks for the lifestyle that she thinks the baby will need. Cynical? Yes, but plausible.

  41. While I think this is the Kardashian camp pulling out crap because Kanye doesnt comply with their famewhoring ways
    being a lover to R.Tisci@Givenchy would explain the hell of a LOT why Kim wore that AWFUL mantelpiece to the Met gala

  42. There have new a recent rash of Anti-Kanye stories (treaing Kim poorly...) and gay rumors on the blogs and in the tabloids over the past week.
    To me, it couldn't be more obvious he is through with this circus act and it kinda feels like the stories are planted as a way of making clear how things will go should Kanye quit the circus.

    That being said, not an ounce of sympathy for him.

  43. Gem---I.Love.Cheese.And.Deep-fried.Anything. And am eligible THIS SECOND for that MM card.

    You don't want me to sponge off you right now as a roommate, that's your loss.
    Let's be like the girls in
    "Heavenly Creatures", without the lesbianism and murder, shall we?

  44. Calling the man out for being gay , so much for it being his choice to come out.

  45. That photo, with the "announcement" under it, is hysterical!

  46. Cant two guys be close friends w/o being called gay?

  47. I'm just trying to figure out what Kanye got out of the pairing--publicity, but it is negative publicity. I wonder if he even wanted a baby.

    I agree that this is MPK's revenge against Kanye who probably isn't playing by the rules of the game. He really has no idea who he is up against...makes me wonder how smart he really is...

  48. L'auteur--Don't forget closing the gate 'accidentally' crushing his $$$$$$ car.

  49. My summer is MADE!!! Yes!!!
    Csnt wait to see how this all plays out. I just love watching "As the Gayfish Blows."
    And as for Gayfish---he made his bed.
    As for Kim Kartrashian--she made her bed.
    As for Tisci--his bed is made by both of them out of lots and lots of greenbacks, lol.

  50. Cant two guys be close friends w/o being called gay?
    Not really when one is a flamboyant homosexual French fashion designer. IMO.

  51. I haven't laughed this hard at the comments in a long time. I too think the saga will make a great summer. Sorry Enty, but Kanye + fetus just made the kardashians worth reading again.

  52. Enty says "While they don't come out and say the words Kanye is gay..." Er, it's right there in big yellow letters on the cover.

    This has been whispered (K-Tisci) for ages. Agree that Big Momma K is behind this latest leak. She's become a real ball-buster that one.

  53. riccardo tisci is rumored to be an item with frank ocean too...the supposedly hooked up at the met ball...if this kanye story is true then riccardo defo has a type...

  54. How could Kim be shocked, when Kanye stuck a turkey baster up her vajayjay and not his pepe. C'mon...that's a big clue right there.

  55. I still don't think she's pregnant. I stood in the mirror this morning and pushed my stomach out and I swear I could make you think I'm 5 months along. Not proud of that but that's where my fat sits. Off to do my Pilates workout. Oh and why would she have AGREED to wear the couch dress FFS?

  56. FROGGYGIRL..yes ok but barely made it home from work last was pretty scary..i live about 30 miles from cleburn

    I hate Tornado season.

    Thanks for asking!

  57. Something is definitely up with Kanye and the Kardashians...

  58. Anyone that didn't know or suspect he was on the downlow is not very perceptive.

  59. Riccardo Tisci is FAR too hot for that mouth breather, Kanye. I wouldn't be shocked that Kanye is gay, nor would I give a crap, but I would be appalled if Riccardo was into him!

  60. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Ok but does no one recall the blind about the celeb who hates sex and was happy to be with someone gay so she could have the image of a life but not have to have sex?

  61. I'm late to the party but I'm guessing the reason why KW isn't leaping out of the closet is because of his connection to JayZ and other high profile artists. Those guys aren't the most welcoming crew around when it comes to these things. It could very well be that he hooked up with her on purpose. Besides, I can't remember a time when he's exploded over gay allegations. I don't remember him saying anything at all really. Anyway, someone that concerned would be more careful.

  62. My coworker told me about how her best friends went to Hawaii after finals for summer break during the time Kanye was recording on his My Dark Twisted Fantasy album a couple years ago. When the girls were on the beach Kanye came up to them and asked them if they wanted to see his recording studio. Of course they said yes.

    They went inside and one of the girls asked where the bathroom was. He took her to it and they started making out inside. Then according to my coworker he unzipped his pants and whipped it out. Then he started to "helicopter" it if you know what I mean. After she said she wasn't going to have sex with him they both left the bathroom.

    THEN he takes the other girl and leads her to the bathroom where he does the EXACT same thing to her. Crazy right?? Thought my coworker was lying but she swears by it.



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