Friday, May 31, 2013

How Did Amanda Bynes Get To Buffalo?

You know what I think would be way more interesting than watching some choppy video of Amanda Bynes at a trampoline park in Buffalo? Talking to the person who took Amanda to Buffalo. Last I checked, Buffalo is a good 400 miles from New York City. It is highly doubtful Amanda took a plane because someone would have spotted her in the airport. The same holds true for a train. That means someone drove her there and drove her back? Where is that person? I would love to know what was discussed on a six hour drive there and a six hour drive back. Does anyone know if she spent the night? Are we sure it is Amanda? It just seems random to show up at a trampoline park in Buffalo and stay for an hour and then leave. Is she just going to pop up in random cities now? If so, that would be pretty cool.


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