Thursday, May 30, 2013

George Clooney Says He Isn't Cheating

George Clooney rarely responds to any media reports about him. In fact, I can't remember the last time he did. Oh sure, I bet he Googles himself all the time and has assistants rush him the latest news alerts about his name, but he never actually responds. Usually. There is a report in In Touch that last weekend he was spotted holding hands with one of his many ex-girlfriends, Monika Jakisic in London. They were definitely at the same club at the same time and were definitely spotted together inside the club. George responded simply by saying he was not holding anyone's hand and that the story is made up to sell magazines. So, maybe they were not holding hands but were doing other things. If he was not with her, he could have said that. He didn't. He just said he was not holding hands. Not exactly a full denial.


Unknown said...

Don't think he is even with Kiebler anymore- he can do what he wants- why deny??

SusanB said...

Well, George if your assistant is reading this, hope he tells you that mustache makes you look 20 years older than you really are.

auntliddy said...

Weird situation.

FSP said...

I don't see the fascination with this guy.

libby said...

After awhile, being a hilarious, fun charming guy is not enough cover for fans clamoring for details of your life. His soft-shoe distraction routine is getting...routine.

I admit, Clooney fends off his secrets almost as well as Rock Hudson did. I'm not saying he & Rock had the same secret (but who knows, right?!), just that Clooney's level of personal-life secrecy just can't be maintained forever in modern times. jmo.

This denial makes me curious too.

Roman Holiday said...

I used to love him - but he is starting to look a little pathetic with the young girls! I would still do him but I might be too old for him now......

Henriette said...

God I'm tired of his same game plane with different women. I guess he's ready to replace Kiebler.

Anonymous said...

With that mustache, Clooney looks just like Robert Evans.

Henriette said...

I think Clooney is going into Jack Nicholson territory, but not as interesting.

Anonymous said...

I like his new blow out hair do thing he's got going on and the little porn stache. he doesn't do it for me, he seems like a controlling self important jerk, and the Dean Martin nice guy thing is a social cover.

Freya said...

I thought he and Legs had broken up. Guess not. Oh well. He's losing his appeal anyway.

Mango said...

He's very intelligent and charming but he's starting to turn into Hugh Hefner, only his Playboy Mansion is on Lake Como.

At least Stacy Keibler is in her 30's. When he starts dating bimbettes in their 20's the Ewwwww! Factor will be set in stone.

NomNom83 said...

Someone please tell me the stache is for a role.

Also, I couldn't care less if he held hands, made out with or re-enacted Bob Saget's most depraved take on "The Aristocrats" with some ex in a club -- he's a grown man who has doubled down again and again and again on his bachelorhood. His girlfriends are under contract just so there is no confusion about where things will go (nowhere). Besides, maybe this ex is just another contract player?

Topper Madison said...

Hooray! There's a chance he'll pick me this time!

discoflux said...

Discoflux says she isn't giving any fucks.

L'auteur said...

I dislike his 'stache the same way I dislike Tom Hanks' mustache. They both look older and kinda sleazy with facial hair. I can't wait for the inevitable tell-all about Clooney's life. How he keeps it so private in this day and age is beyond me.

nunaurbiz said...

I wish George would stop trying to make me jealous. I am NOT leaving my boyfriend for him!

Hee hee

Sherry said...

I just watched "The Decendents" yesterday. I never really had a thing for him but I do enjoy his acting. This stache looks like the one he had in "Oh Brother ..."

lunaire said...

Isn't there a rumor the girlfriends are really for Cindy Crawford? Interesting if true as I somehow find the arrangement creative.

califblondy said...

I think he's a very good actor, getting older is hard for a lot of people and imagine even harder for an aging leading (closeted??) man.

The Real Dragon said...

That Mustache tho

megan00m said...

Agree...jack is...well..jack. the man got cheered by the audience for arriving at the rolling stones concert, he eats hodies on boats in the south of france with 20something year old models...hes jack...clooneys hot, talented interesting...but this never ending factory line of beautiful nut not too beautiful, working but not too famous gals is a snooze fest...lets look at lady loves...jack: angelica huston, lara flynn canalis stacy kiebler (forgive spelling I just dont give a f*ck)

megan00m said...

* not hooded sweatshirts!

hothotheat said...

I think he's trying to fend off the press following the girl. I also think he'll make the announcement about he and keibler when HE gets ready to, not before. And no tabloid is going to find him out first. BTW, that denial that was issued doesn't really sound like something Stan (his publicist) would say.

elspeth said...

@hothotheat -- Hypothetically, not speaking about a particular person, how could a celebrity be absolutely certain that a tabloid could not 'find him out first'? How would such a firewall be structured? Thanks for any insight -- 'Just Curious'.

Jennmcn said...

Meh, who really cares anymore? George is going to dump whoever is his girlfriend after a certain amount of time. I like Stacy, she's adorable, fun and gained a lot of class unlike his other rent-a-whores. But it all comes down to George just not respecting women and being a weirdo. I haven't liked him as a person or an actor for a long time. He looks like an old man, in a lot of pain and he may not be around too much longer as an actor.

Henriette said...

Jack Nicholson was/is a dog too, but, for some reason, his women didn't seem like a set-up. I couldn't really predict the length of his involvements like I can Clooney. Clooney is like clockwork with getting rid of his women. They all get about a year to a year and a half.


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