Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Minutes Of David Beckham Photos

I know many of you will miss seeing David Beckham playing soccer, but for many of you, your disappointment is offset by the fact that it will give him more time to run around without his shirt on. For those of you who are in that group, I give you five minutes worth of photos where David is not wearing much and when he is wearing clothes, he is showing off his Hammbone.


  1. sorry guys ,but meh. More pectoral for me but those side shots where that muscle ripples up his side? mmmm

  2. Thank u Enty & God Bless...mmmhmmmmmm

  3. Yum yum! Thank you, Enty!

  4. I don't think Beibs needs masturbation material. Why else post?

  5. Good looking man, but lame slide show. I will say that I saw him play in Chicago when he had longer hair. That man wore a headband like no man would dare! What an awesome player and good looking guy!

  6. Thank you, Enty. I truly love David Beckham, but only in things where he doesn't speak. Still can't hold a candle to his H&M commercial.

  7. Beckham must NEVER speak...he is only to be looked at. Side bar--is it normal practice to play Football sans cup? I would think that would be playing with fire.

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Thank you Enty. A wonderful ending to a horrible week.

  9. Jesus Fuck Me Christ

  10. Day-um! I love me some Beckham!

  11. Ahahahahahahaha @Lurker Girl! Your first sentence is SO true and also hilarious :)

  12. Ahahahahahahaha @Lurker Girl! Your first sentence is SO true and also hilarious :)
