Monday, May 27, 2013

Fast & Furious Beats Hangover

I It was never going to be a close race between Fast & The Furious and Hangover. However, both of them did make a lot of money this weekend. Fast & The Furious which looked dead in the water a few years ago when Vin Diesel left the franchise for a bit had the second biggest opening weekend of the year only trailing Iron Man 3. When the top two movies are sequels and the biggest opening of the year is a sequel and the number one movie last week was a sequel, it shows you why Hollywood has no desire to make any new movies which cost a lot.


  1. I love the F&F franchise (minus, of course, the crap ones without the stars) - welcome back! And thank god the Hangover 3 came in behind it & got sh*tty reviews... hopefully this means the end of these atrocities. And now maybe Hollywood is getting as sick of Bradley "I'm Not Nearly As Talented & Attractive As My Agent Says I Am" Cooper as the rest of us!

  2. hangover 3 was probably one of the worst movies I ever seen! Like its definitely in the top 5. My little brother made me see it with him and I honestly think gouging my eyes out would've been more fun.

  3. I've heard there's a lot of animal mistreatment in this movie (not actual mistreatment of the animals while making the movie, just showing mistreatment). That's enough to make we want to avoid seeing this.

  4. I hated the first Hangover, enjoyed the second, and will wait until Brooklyn's Bootleg Chinese have it on DVD to view the 3rd.

    1. I loved the first Hangover, thought the second was a yawn, and wouldn't think about seeing #3. There are some exceptions, but generally a sequel is never as good as the original.

    2. The first one sucked and I had no reason to see two, three or whatever. I kept thinking how funny it could have been, but like most comedies these days it was just dumb.

  5. Oh, and I watched the first F&F, and wouldn't subject myself to the torture of any that followed.

  6. Count- Fast and Furious had gotten so much better since the early days. Fast 5 and the most recent were seriously good, and not just about tits, explosions and cars- although they're still present thankfully.

  7. Saw F&F. Thought it was great mindless entertainment, pluuussss Michelle Rodriguez is back, can't get better than that.

    Saw first Hangover, thought it was funny. Second Hangover looked stupid so didn't see it. Will wait to see 3 on Netflix...maybe

  8. Or...maybe the reason these films are the top grossers this weekend is because they're the only things in the theaters this week?

    Seriously, I wanted to catch a film, but I'm just not into these sorts of action/dudes-behaving-badly flicks, so there really was nothing for me to justify shilling out $10 on.

    I bought beer instead.

  9. Still waiting on Scream 5

  10. I saw FF6 Twice. Glad it beat the H3

  11. I'm ready for Battleship II. I hope Taylor Kitsch is getting in fighting shape for the start of production.

  12. i saw hangover 3. yeah the mistreatment of animals got me a little queasy, plus all the really weird, disturbing personality flaws in each character made the humor go out the window.

    i think i'm the only person that thinks bcoop is cute. so is ed helms.

  13. @T.E. Cuz,

    I like both of them. Bradley Cooper's character on Silver Linings Playbook is in direct opposition to his character on the Hangover movies (loved the first, bored by the second, probably won't see the third).

    Ed Helms is working his way up. They miscast him as the "new Michael Scott" and then he was absent for multiple episodes. Whoever was in charge of the final Office season should have been flogged and laid in a Schrute short grave.

  14. I'll watch FF6 on DVD. Star Trek was good, Iron Man didn't come to my theater(very small town) and I'm not going to the next town over to see it because I don't want to put up with screaming, texting, talking, and crying. DVD for that too.

  15. @TE... I think he's good looking too. I think he doesn't photograph well for some reason because I generally don't think he's all that good looking in photos.

    And to whomever above who thinks he's a crap actor...clearly you haven't seen SLP. He deserved every nomination he got and had DDL not done Lincoln last year, I wouldn't have been surprised tosee him win.

  16. I know its just a movie and I'm sure I'll get shit for saying this- but come on- there are several scenes in FF6 where I laughed and just said 'come on!!!'. They are not superhero's but they are jumping off of cars going 100 mph and landing in other cars, catching people and landing ect. I enjoyed the action and special effects and realize we all have to suspend the laws of physics in all action movies but it was just toooo much unbelievable.

  17. My Stepson Loves F&F, But Then He's An 18 Year Old Boy, Their Target Audience.

  18. I saw Star Trek. It was amazing and sinus Benedict Cumberbatch.

  19. Sinus Benedict Cumberbatch? Is this a new sex act I have not heard of? Come on & SPILL IT!
