Friday, May 03, 2013

Farrah Abraham Says She Made Sex Tape Because She Was Lonely

I'm pretty sure Farrah Abraham has a screw loose somewhere. She seems to think that everyone is going to believe every word she says without question because she is a D list celebrity who was willing to get naked for the world. Previously Farrah wanted the world to think that she and James Deen were dating. Wait, let me stop and go back some. Prior to faking the whole James Deen thing or attempting to, Farrah found a guy and wanted him to be her boyfriend so they could go on Couple's Therapy. he said no, and they never spoke again. Fast forward a few weeks and Farrah tries to get James Deen to pretend to be a couple so the making of a backdoor sex tape would look more innocent and not so commercial. James blew that out of the water so Farrah decided to say that she did it so she would have a record of how she looked when she was young. Well, that excuse has not worked so now she is saying she did it because she was lonely and guys only use her for fame. And her willingness to go backdoor? I don't know. She does not mention that part. She does say James was unprofessional. Umm he had sex with you for money, what else is he supposed to do?


  1. Booty time, booty time, across the USA.

    Booty time, booty time, hey-hey-hey.

    1. @Lotta and FSP, with this trick is more like ( 0 )

    2. It's a party in the big boot-ay! (Sing it like Miley)

  2. Call me old fashioned, but people who want to remember what they looked like use cameras to take pictures and generally don't take it up the ass on film from a porn star. She needs to trot back to her pasture in Nebraska and have some oats...

    1. Low-rent My Little Pony!

    2. @jsara: she took it in the butt right oit of thr gate? Piss poor management team ahe has there.

    3. @Count Jerkula, that management team is obviously the various voices in her head.

      Hospitalization in 3... 2... 1...

  3. Damn, I spoke too soon about the paragraphs. :-(

  4. This slag is such an attention whore that she's surpassing Xtina.

    And in regards to her bolted on painful looking dollar store titty job, I'll share some comments I saw on ONTD yesterday:

    1) Malpractice boob job
    2) Looks like Moses got to her tits
    3) They look like a cartoon a child drew

  5. The whole family is crazy. I feel really sorry for her daughter.

  6. Narcissists always feel lonely. There is no such thing as enough attention for them.

    Whether or not James Deen was unprofessional depends on what they agreed to when they made the tape. If she told him she wanted to have an "accidental sex tape release," then yeah, he was unprofessional to tell the truth. But I doubt she was smart enough to lay out what their story should be.

  7. I have been damn lonely in my life but NEVER did I say to myself "You know, I'd be a lot less lonely if I made a sex tape with someone!"

  8. Now when you say ' backdoor sex tape' are you referring to anal?

  9. This is why I like porn stars.

    They are in the exact same profession as the rest of Hollywood, but they are honest enough to admit it.

  10. @texas rose
    The men don't know, but the little girl understand.
    Originally, a back door man was a guy who was having an affair with a married woman, so he got into her home through the back door and the neighbors wouldn't notice.
    But there's a double meaning that was in some songs and would allude to anal.

    These days, particularly in porn, backdoor clearly means anal. Unless Farrah Abraham is into Howling Wolf and Chicago blues, the title explicitly promises anal sex.

  11. Idiot. Her child has no chance.

  12. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The next step for her is ass 2 ass. It only gets better from there.

  13. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I like pink candles.

  14. Maybe if we quit talking about her she will just disappear.

  15. Not sure if, as Enty says, she has a screw loose or if she's just stupid. As for the "backdoor" thing... guess Enty hasn't heard that a lot of women (and presumably girls) kind of get off on that these days.

  16. Sadly, porn stars are some of the loneliest people out there because they have a hard time connecting to others emotionally due to the nature of the job. Read James Dean's recent interview or watch a documentary on "Life After Porn" (I think that's what it's called). Sad, sad stuff.

  17. "FAME! I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna learn how to fly......Baby remember my name".

    She's going to be in one of those "where are they now" articles yahoo does. in 10 years she'll be working at a donut shop on a freeway offramp in AZ, because that's where she was when she ran out of money.

  18. I wish she had just owned it from the beginning and said, "Yeah, I did James Deen because I'm rich and I could. If you can't too bad. Watch it instead. You're welcome."

  19. whatever her story is, she achieved her goal. i now know her name despite having any idea who she is.

    But seriously honey, if you want to do porn, do porn. But just own it for god's sake.

  20. @Nope, THANK YOU. If you wanna make a sextape, just make it and own it. Don't front. People look like idiots when they lie.

  21. Well, as much fun as it always is for 13-year-olds to call any boob-job or possible boob-job they ever see the worst boob-job they've ever seen, the fact is, her sn00bs look pretty nice. Not the greatest in the world, but not bad at all.

    And I'm here to tell you that every guy who's posted snotty comments about how terrible her breasts look will totally be fapping to the vid. (Don't bother to deny it, I'll call you the liar we both know you are.)

    Is she a stupid kid using the wrong role model to try to maintain her fame? Yeah, probably. On the other hand, the only reason any of us ever heard the name "Kardashian" is because Kim did a done-in-one porn with Ray-J, and Enty is still posting about her every week, so, guess what? It might just work. And while you and I roll our eyes about how pathetic the K Klan is, bringing to bear the incisive wit of third-graders by spelling their name "Kartrashian," they're making more in any given week than most of us will make in a year, so I'm not sure we're getting the last laugh.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      I'm holding out for the hamnaconda videos myself but russell/katy might be hot

    2. Anonymous1:47 AM

      Yeah because having alot of money is all that counts in life

  22. Farrah has been to the fame whore faucet one too many times. Go away.

  23. "NOW she wants to do anal"- sophias paternal side

  24. Wow she keeps milking her 15 minutes

  25. She's a total narcissist and a bad liar. Go. away. Shoo!

  26. Farrah Abraham made a sex video, because she's desperate for attention...any kind of attention.

  27. Anonymous12:09 PM

    She's got a case of my parents ignored me and I'm too dumb to do anything but try to get famous to fill the yawning vacuum left by my absent brain, heart and personality... but hey it worked for Kim Kardashian.. so who knows.

  28. Wow Mooshki must be really lonely then.

  29. Maybe she'd actually have some friends if she wasn't such a facking betch

    1. Which one, Jacq? Mooshki or back door Farrah?

  30. Farrah, spend time with your daughter. She's lonely and I would hate to see her end up like you.

  31. Here I figured she did a porn scene because she's a pig with no other talent than being a cum dumpster. Glad to know it was because of lonliness. That should be her tag line on backpage. "Lonely cum dumpster for rent"

    Deluded twat.

  32. +1 for cum dumpsters!

  33. @JAS No amount of money is worth my self-respect, so yeah, when it comes to the Kardiashians I AM getting the last laugh. (Also, just to be picky, the reason most of us know the name is because Robert Kardashian was O.J.'s defense attorney. His family has since turned it into something even more hideous and embarrassing.)

  34. Wonder what she'll do in 18 months when she's run through the money again.

  35. What I think is funny, now knowing the title is Backdoor, is what she said about the size of James Deen in that video TMZ got of her and her mom in the airport. She said it wasn't that great or that big.... Which begs one to ask - exactly what has she had in her back there??

  36. Some one needs to unleash Shorty Mac on this whore. Dude would mess her guts up.

  37. So Vivid released a 5-minute "teaser" video online, and there are a couple of noteworthy elements:

    They actually put some effort into making this look like an actual home-made "sex tape." Deen holds the camera through much of the teaser, and it's on a tripod or a table or something (and not in the hands of a cameraman, moving around to get better focus or a clearer view, which is a dead giveaway for fake "sex tapes") for the rest of it.

    And, while we hear his voice, at least in the five minutes Vivid put out there, we never see Deen's face.

    So, yeah, if that's indicative of the whole thing, her plan could have worked if they hadn't been photographed together outside of Vivid's offices.

    I'll also mention that, for someone trying to model her career on Kim Kardashian, she did a much better job in her porn premiere. She's more active and engaged than Kimmy ever was, and talks dirty like she's been studying porn vids for years.

    So, hey, well-done, Ms. Abraham. You seem to have succeeded admirably in what you set out to do: This looks to be some pretty decent porn.

  38. Sorry, it looks like Vivid took it down again. But there are probably copies out there on the porn boards.

  39. @Count Jerkula

    On the other hand, at risk of looking like I'm arguing with my own phone, it may be out there.
