Thursday, May 23, 2013

Farrah Abraham Is Filming A Reality Show

The good news is that Farrah Abraham's reality show has not been sold and she is filming with producers who have only one credit to their name which is "I'm Still Sally." Yeah, I bet you didn't watch it either. It was following around Sally Jesse Raphael. I remember when she was on at the same time as Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones and Oprah had not gone all Oprah-ian on us yet. Those were the glory days of talk shows. Geraldo was on too. Montel and Maury. You could turn on the television at almost any point in the day or night and watch some show that made you feel good about yourself and there were people in this world who were way more f**ked up then you could be on your worst day. I don't know where they kept finding them, or how many of them are related to Snooki, but they were all there, everyday. Anyway, the bad news in all of this is that Farrah Abraham is filming a reality show and someone will probably order a few episodes, but I don't know what they will show. Of course what do they show in any reality show. I guess this is how she thinks she can afford a $3.5M home.


  1. Napoleon Dynamite spent like 5 hours on the shading on Farah's upper lip...It's probably the best drawing he's ever done.

    1. Hahahahahahaha..that comment just made my entire morning.

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      @libby - hahaha! made my morning too!

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM


  2. She's going to crash and burn.

  3. IDK, betch, er Lotta---her Bright Lights/Butt Sex escapade is halfway to crash and burn already, right?

  4. I heard it is going to be called Around the Cock in 80 Ways and feature the best sex positions for love, money and fun.

  5. I love you count - that was hilarious!

  6. I still say she'd probably do better, make more money, if she'd just stick to porn. The girl's got serious sex skills.

  7. Has anybody tried her spaghetti sauce? I didn't think so.

  8. Anonymous7:13 AM

    wait to put yourself at the bottom of the hoe barrel, betch.

  9. Talk shows have gone downhill ever since Phil Donahue went off the air.

  10. Man, she is starting to circle the drain.

  11. Amen, Lola. Remember when women were on tv for their opinions and input, not their exploits? Good times.

  12. Lib, lola, plus those shows were soooo negative. Never watched 'em. Why wld anyone want to spend time to see people shouting, cursing, yelling, being nasty to each other is beyond me. You r both right,- as usual:)

  13. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Hey, that looks like Jodie Arias w/out the glasses!

  14. Oh please, not another sex-tape-to-reality-show loser we're going to have to hear about for years. We're still stuck with the damned Kardashians. Mercy!

  15. I'm going to be sick if this betch becomes another Kim K!

  16. This woman is a perpetual line stepper! I like what Libby said: women used to be on TV for way more interesting reasons!

  17. Whats realy sad is my daughter has watched teen mom..she is now 18...but a generation of kids watch this and sadly think these girls are "stars"..and some girls may see them as role models..luckily my daughter does not and thinks Farrah is horid..but all may not..guess it depends on parenting

  18. She looks like a frickin gremlin. DO NOT give her water!!

  19. I was obsessed with Sally Jesse! In middle school, I would lie to my friends & say that my mom wanted me home by 4, but really it was just so that I could watch that Sal. I was devastated when it was cancelled!

  20. Only in America,

  21. We used to watch Sally, such fun!
    Farrah needs to shut up and just go away. Not enough people are sympathetic to her for her to have her own show.

  22. Let her buy a 3.5 million dollar house and then fast forward two years when she has no money. Even if she can pay cash for it now, the property taxes here in Cali are atleast 1% so that would be 3k a month in property tax plus, utilities and the cost to up keep a house like that is huge.

  23. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Farrah was horrible to her mom and dad on that MTV show... so disrespectful and nasty. It's a shame she is getting all this attention.

    I used to love Sally Jessie's sassy red glasses!

  24. $3.5 million dollar home? Oh hahahahahahaha, this bitch is fucking delusional and will not have a penny to her name by the end of 2014.

  25. The drawing is amazing- this girl is so pathetic. What an unhappy spoiled rude little girl- with a child of her own looking up to her. get a therapist sweetie. Spoiled little girls become spoiled entitled adults. Thanks for the perspective Farrah.must not waiver from raising strong,respectful,thoughtful, independent,self confident daughters.

  26. Anonymous2:06 PM

    If i wore glasses, Id have red ones like sally

    These reality producers know exactly what their doing. Taking all her money. SHe will be broke in 3 months
    She got fucked in the ass..and soon will have NOTHING to show for it

  27. Love the artistic rendition. Horrified to think someone might actually perpetuate this madness and produce a show. Remember when you thought the recipe for success was ethical behavior and hard work?
