Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fan Gets Herpes At Rihanna Concert

It kind of sounds like one of those urban legends. I love urban legends. I didn't like the movie so much, but, before the internet, urban legends were the thing. Anyway, I guess MAC is one of the sponsors of Rihanna's tour and they were trying to get people to try a new lipstick line. This involved applying the lipstick to the lips of random people. Every random person. One of the people had herpes so everyone who tried the lipstick after got herpes. Well, one of those people has sued. I would sue too. What kind of idiot would do something like that? I know it is just oral herpes but it is going to be with that woman forever. MAC should pay.


VIPblonde said...

Fan gets herpes at a Rihanna concert? Must have been sitting in the front row!

Unknown said...

Ok yeah. If you're trying no lipsticks at a concert, you deserve herpes.

sylmarillion said...

She'll have a hard time proving that. You can get it from dirty glasses just as easily.

discoflux said...

She should consider the herp a Stupidity Tax and move on. Who tries on lipstick at a concert?

parissucksliterally said...

Who tries on lipstick without wiping off the top layer?


chemical said...


Cathy said...

When I worked at Victoria's Secret in college, there were all kinds of training videos on how to use the sample make-ups on customers. We used the middle part of a Q-tip to scrape some lipstick off the stick and then apply to their lips from that. The actual tube of lipstick never came into contact with their lips. I would think that a company like MAC would have better training for their employees.

Arlett said...

Shame on the MUA (or whoever) who was too dumb to sanitize a lip stick...

FSP said...


SKOR said...

@Cathy I used to work for MAC a loooong time ago, and the standard practice back then was to dip the lipstick in 70% isopropyl alcohol first; wipe off on a tissue; then work off the cleaned lipstick with a brush.
But that was a long time ago; Idon't know if that has since changed.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Sometimes the employees do stuff like that, ignore the safety issues with lip products. I went to a makeup counter where some Russian chick was working. I had white streaks in my hair, and she told me it made me look old and I need to dye them. (!!!) When I walked back through a bit later, she was using a lip gloss tester on herself, like it was her own makeup.

(Not trying to insult Russians, it's just culturally they are very direct, moreso than you find in the US usually. I don't think she got it, re: the cultural differences.)

Mari said...

I think we have a laxness at a concert we don't have in the MAC shops or counters as the problem, temp staff, move the line etc.
Kinda OT rant, ignore me;
Also my pet peeve, people going into Sephora or Shoppers and trying things, eg opening mascara, trying it, putting it back... Not using the testers mind you, then they don't use the cotton swabs they bloody well make themselves up, then leave!
This is why I don't get makeup there anymore, and it's disgusting, so apologies, this rant slipped out before I could stop it!

Freya said...


AndrewBW said...

At least they didn't slap Rihanna's butt. Who knows what that would have led to.

Snapdragon said...

Sponsor or not... I would never ACCEPT an open lipstick being passed around at a concert. Dumbest promo idea EVER.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

The headline conjured up images of Rihanna putting on a Gallagher-esque show where the front rows are given umbrella-ella-ellas to hide behind. But to give the herp, I don't wanna know what she'd be smashing!

Freya said...

Waiting for the next headline: Fan Gets A Contact High at Snoop Dogg (Lion) Concert


La Descarada said...


califblondy said...

She's an idiot for using the lipstick.

~Z~ said...

Um….That’s why my Mom taught me not to share makeup?
Was she forced to put it on?
Couldn’t she tell it was USED?
GROSS, but unfortunately your own fault imo.

Cocokitty said...


SophiaB said...

The ad at the top is for Abreva (cold sore 'remedy'). LOL.

Freya said...

Next Headline: Fan Gets Beat Down at Chris Brown Concert

Fan Becomes Pretentious While Reading GOOP

nevermindthat said...

Don't let people put used lipstick on you; especially at a Riri concert.

I don't even let the people at the make-up counter in Macy's do my make-up with their testers. I just don't trust it. I'll buy my own and then they can do it, using the make-up applicators that I purchased. I have no issues with the perfumes by the way.

Claritysk said...

I don't think she is an idiot, I think the person putting it on her was. As a aesthetician this makes me angry!

Makeup artists should be cleaning their brushes, palettes and lipsticks between each person, no exceptions at all. It's the principal of the thing. That's really disgusting.
Even when I do bridal parties with family I still clean between each person. Professional pride, I'm really disappointed in Mac. Tho to be fair, their make up isa mostly used by drag queens lol....

Frazzled said...

This reminds me of the crazy people who put the lipstick samplers directly on their lips at the Sephora store in Times Square. It's all I can do not to yell "Are you freaking crazy?!?"

High Heels said...

BTW: 9/10 adults carry the virus. It's just that most people will never get any visible symptoms. The lipstick could've been the factor that caused the sore, but the girl probably already had the virus in her body. I get breakouts 1-2/year due to stress. Though it never happened until my mid 20's. It will be really hard to prove, that the lipstick was her first contact with herpes.

califblondy said...

Unless the make-up artist ambushed her or held her down while applying the lipstick, she's still an idiot. I wear MAC and I'm no drag queen not that there's anything wrong with drag queens.

Anonymous said...

People should test foundations on their face.

Brian said...

I read a Tweet of Rihanna's and my smartphone got herpes....

Upside Downunder said...

A Rihanna fan as plaintiff? Ouch, that is going to be an uphill battle for proving actual cause for the attorney.

pipslap said...

She could have just as easily gotten the herpe the old fashioned way too. She can't prove this.

pipslap said...

She could have just as easily gotten the herpe the old fashioned way too. She can't prove this.

FalseProfit said...

Rihanna is herpes music for people who don't like music.

CrazyCatLady said...

I'm not buying that MAC would let that happen either. BUT, if they did, the people who thought it was OK to share lipstick are just as stupid

Jenn said...

Why didn't they just hand out those teeny sample lipsticks like Avon used to have?

MadLyb said...

Stupid gimmick. Yes, you can get herpes from sharing a lipstick. My daughter got foot and mouth from sharing a soda when she was 14. Makeup is probably one of the most disease-ridden things out there.


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