Friday, May 10, 2013

Brooke Mueller & Lindsay Lohan Are In Rehab Together

When you have been to rehab as many times as Lindsay Lohan and Brooke Mueller, you start to run into people you know at rehab. Lots of people you have seen before and you both promised that you would never see again except on the outside because you are besties. Then, unless of course you are Elizabeth Taylor and Larry Fortensky, you never see each other again because you don't have anything in common and who wants people to know you are friends with Lindsay Lohan anyway. It should come as no surprise that Brooke Mueller and Lindsay Lohan would end up at the same facility. Who do you think is paying for Lindsay's stay in the facility? Yeah, the same person who is paying for Brooke's and probably has not given up on the idea of having some kind of foursome with his exes and Lindsay when everyone gets out. Free coke for everyone.


  1. Replies
    1. This should end well! Maybe they can be "sober" partners. They should move in together - at least do Charlie a favor and don't make him cut two rent checks...

  2. Ent are you in cahoots with these trolls or what?! UGH

  3. There's always hope for rehabilitation.

  4. Linnocent SO does not 'need' rehab. #YOLO, amirite?!

  5. Bet they'd ass-to-ass for a Starbucks run.

  6. Ugh, they are both wastes of oxygen and need to be put in front of a fucking firing squad. I am going to bring out a BIG BAG OF FUN when these trollops DIE, then I'm going to piss on their graves.

  7. I did, you didn't hear

  8. They should do some lesbian porn. I would pay good money to see it.

  9. RCB--SomeONE is busy today. You know those folks who hate CDaN? This is someone's latest attempt to ruin it. Don't let them. Keep calm and DON'T CLICK LINKS for posters you don't 'know'.

    1. Your armpit looks lonely? Y U shave off its HAir?

    2. Battle of the PITS.

    3. I have been here since almost day one but this level of trolling seems crazy high to me. Yes? What in the hell is going on?

    4. Me too, I read every day, mostly because I love the regular commenters, these asinine trolls need to move the F along. Shouldn't you trolls be in school or ?

    5. What is going on?! I got so excited when I saw the large amounts of comments, I thought maybe Himmm had made an appearance. kinda disappointmented and freaked out.

  10. You were so cute, can I have it?

  11. Libby!!! Wanna go to the mall?!?!

  12. What is this ho-bag wearing on her head? I almost died of smoke inhalation and this bitch is in the news again? AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME FO' THAT!

  13. How many Lohan’s does it take….to screw in a light bulb?
    2. 1 to hold the bulb and 1 to drink until the room spins.

    I’d like to apologize to any light bulbs that were offended by that joke. I expect GE won’t be calling me for an endorsement deal now.

  14. Do you always write on a computer?

  15. Makes you wonder how your grandfather got along; then again, he wasn't writing for trendy magazines, was he?

  16. Reject and libby both of you hush your moufs!

  17. Never worked with LL but did do some kickass lines with her at the Chateau. She looks like shit but she has great connections.

  18. I'm guilty of clicking the links :/

    1. Me too Lotta!

    2. Stay away from the trolls!

    3. Uh oh. What'd ya find? Pics of Emma Watson kicking puppies?

    4. omg Gayeld, I got the biggest sad face when I read that. :(

  19. I got you something

  20. Open it and find out!

  21. Virus scan, Lotta.

    1. The only virus I want to give you Libby is Armpit2Armpit "can't stop loving you" virus!!!!!

  22. Some people see ass to ass and think "How do you win? Is it like a tug of war or something?" I always respond, "You can't win, because that would mean there is a loser. Rest assured, when ass to ass is going on, there are no losers."

    1. I always thought ass to ass took talent. I have learned double penetration fisting is much more difficult, and it hurts more.

    2. Cunts beat ass any day betches. Cum try mine Count

  23. You're going to come to my parents' party on Saturday night, aren't you?

  24. My mother invited you, didn't she?

  25. Please? It's going to be all my mom's boring old friends

  26. libby, It was a sexual GIF. Can't be too dangerous, can it?

  27. When I ass to ass, I always win.

  28. ANY link can be dangerous, Lotta. Today especially.

    It will tire itself soon.

    1. You know what's dangerous!!?
      The beauty of your armpit.
      I CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY MIND LIBBY!!!!!!! That is dangerous.

  29. @libby - i can't figure out if this is newbies trying to be "funny" or old site veterans trying to show the newbies how annoying their comments were getting...

    1. Cathy, I'm fairly new but I feel like its been like this for a bit. The only thing that seems to missing is some jerk face dropping some racial slurs.

  30. According to this article, her stay at the Betty Ford clinic is free this time since it clearly didn't take the first time, and they wanted to uphold their reputation.

  31. Lotta my friend got a sexual virus but she got hers from Michael Bay. Thanks God she has SAG insurance!

  32. Cathy--It's the people who show up to whine about all of us having 'relationships' and in-jokes, as one would from visiting a blog for 5 or 6 years.

    It one of the butthurt. All those keystrokes, fake e-mail accounts, effort--Just for their sad butthurt selves.

    They forget this internet box gets more than 3 channels.

    1. My internet box only gets 2 channels :( Am I the only one?

    2. This has happened before Libby?

  33. nananananananananananananana BATMAN!

    Told ya.

  34. They're not in rehab. They're in "Look at me while I don't get high for 30 days."

    1. That about covers it. I wonder if either one of them has started carving their countdown calender in their arm yet.

    2. Barton - I see Brooke coming out and hooking with the Cracken.

  35. But a lot of the people complaining about the in-jokes are people who have been visiting the blog for 5-6 years

    1. I agree. The not so cute little inside jokes about A2A and boobies are annoying, but are easy to skip over. Unfortunately I think they have begun to attract a bunch of trolls. I have been coming here for years - before coke mom and MV, though only started posting recently. Can't you take all the inside jokes to the forum or whatever was created and leave the posts to blind answers? Off topic now and again made the site great. But all this preoccupation with inside jokes is making the comments sections unreadable.

    2. Oh I forgot one more thing, I don't think this Himmm is the original Himmm. Does blogger allow for duplicate user names?

    3. It does. I used to be in here only as Erin until I noticed another Erin poster so I added an initial to differentiate us.

    4. @Cathy

  36. Unfortunately Libby it only gets one shirt with long sleeves and I guess it's never been your turn to wear it.

  37. I'd heard that Betty Ford had offered her free treatment. No?

  38. I agree with you Barton. 30 days is nothing to these 2. They will just pass out until it's time for their meetings and then sleep again. They won't learn how to live again. Not clean. They need to be there for at least a year. They need to refocus and readjust. 30 days is nothing but ample time for them to plan on how they will reconnect with their dealers.

    1. People can get sober with or without rehab. It's not about the length of time it's about the willingness and the readiness. I don't mean that snarky. I'm speaking from experience.

    2. Ll basically describes it as a "break" from it all. Doesnt sound like serious work. Maybe its just scary...idk.. Owning up to mistakes is super daunting. I think spoiled for her but bms probs are pretty substantial to put children in detriment. Addiction is difficult, fo sho

  39. Damn....people are going nuts today

  40. Ha ha the buthurt. "Just for their sad butthurt selves."

    Ha ha ha - SUCK IT BUTTHURT PEOPLE!!! We live here.

  41. They don't serve coke at the Betty Ford Center. Pepsi is the official sponsor.

  42. Cathy--I know which 5-6 year person (singular)you're talking about. Not her.
    No, I'm talking about the randoms who pop up and tell us how we all suck. I won't name names,but it's one of those randoms who pops up to complain we're hogging the blog and they're always 'scared' to post here, because we all know each other!

    Where oh where can I find more gossip on the internet?!?!

    1. You know, I lurked (here and elsewhere) for about a year before I posted. It gave me a chance to figure out the *culture* of the sites, which ones I liked, how some of the inside jokes worked, whether I thought I'd fit in (I tend to be a teeny tiny bit of a smart ass. *shrug*) and then didn't expect everyone to go "Oh, haz, have a cheezburger" when I made my first post.

      But then I'm not 16 and buttsore.

  43. Thank you, EL. Finally some real gossip.

  44. I click the gifs, too. They've all been hosted on tumblr. Safe as milk.

    I would not say no to a few m/m ones, o kindly gif provider...?

  45. Interesting, Libby. For the record, I too am butt-hurt but that's just because I fell down some stairs a few weeks ago and cracked my tailbone.

    1. Oh, well, if we're talking about that kind of butthurt, I am recently recovered from giant bruise across my ass from a less than graceful landing while sledding with my kids.

    2. Can I join?

      I fell buttfirst down some stairs 5 months preggo, like the whole set of 15 or so. And now if I sit too long on hard surfaces, my tailbone cracks when I stand up. :/

    3. Your chiro can adjust it. Horribly painful, but better than suffering for a couple years, like I did... sorry for the butthurts.

    4. @Sophia - my chiro told me the only way to adjust it involved a procedure that is illegal to do in NYS, where I live, because it's... "internal"

      It involved Count's safe place.

  46. Anonymous7:32 AM

    @Robin Take Me With U

  47. Cathy--OUCH! I did that once. You start to notice how much of you body motion connects right through your tailbone--like even reaching with arms, etc.

  48. Wow what happened here today? Crazy!

  49. Lindsay and Vikram….shitting in a tree. R-I-M-M-I-N-G
    First comes blow, den comes boozes, den comes Lindsay wit a torso fulla bruises.

    Whaaaat??? She gets paid to be a punchin bag. Some hewers are inta dat and don’t gotta be paid. I had dis one hewer could take a left hook betta den Earnie Shavers. Get da feck outta here.

  50. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize for my aggressive commenting behavior over the previous year. I guess I have a lot of anger inside, and decided to take it out on strangers who had the nerve to enjoy themselves on a gossip blog. I'm sorry. I hope you guys can forgive me for using the word "retard" too. That was COLD and HEARTLESS

  51. Yikes, Brooke! How long ago was that? In addition to the regular pain, mine also does this "clicking" thing when I shift my weight.

    1. @Cathy - about 2 years ago. Yea, I know the clicking sound, I don't think it goes away. And since I was pregnant, I couldn't get any good stuff like libby got. :(

  52. Gayeld--I slipped on black ice on the street, and landed dead-center, all my weight, on one square inch of tailbone. Deadly!!!

    Not really, I just got some good meds for awhile.

  53. This should go well....

  54. Something needs to change for these two to be successful at Rehab. I keep holding hope for Brooke because of her boys. But Charlie is writing the check for these people, and I don't care what you say...the Warlock delivers!

    (just trying to keep up with the trolls this a.m.)!!

  55. What the $#^&@ happened to this site?! Who fed the trolls while I was away?!

  56. @Cathy - OUCH! I did that when I was a kid - like @Libby, on the ice down cement steps. You would think in this day and age there would be something they could do for it. Gah I can still remember the pain and you can't sit, stand or lay down with out it. Get a "donut" it might help. The blow up sit on kind - not the dunkin kind.

  57. @CUNextTuesday: Height and location babe. Maybe throw age in too. Click on my profile and get in touch (I added an email so Bynes could reach me but she must still be shy).

    I'm always down to take a test drive. Hope you don't mind me using rubbers, I use them in any hole that a baby can come out of. Just let me know if you like slow and intense or hard and rough. I need to get myself in the proper mindset.

    1. 5'8 Venice Beach 26

      I can shoot ping pong balls and very flexible. Rubbers a must can I peg you? How big is your cock

  58. enough with jr high school sex crap.

  59. Shoot, I'm late, and all the good ass to ass jokes have been made!!!!

    1. No such thing as too much ass2ass VIP. Bring it on.

  60. @cocokitty: Because I dig short chicks. My ex was 5'3. If this chick is shorter than that, she goes to the top of the list. I'm a pretty sturdy guy, a lil chick could use me like a jungle gym.

    Not that I'd pass on a taller broad. There is more to women than physical appearance, at least that is the rumor I've heard. It is just a thing.

    I'm fairly easy with my criteria. Pretty face/smile, nice ass, druck enough to go home with me. Then if she's cool we can try hanging out sober sometime.

  61. CUNextTuesday: You are pretty far, I fly to you or you fly to me?

    Which hole can you shoot ping pong balls out of? I have a fetich thing I'd like to try, involving a Skittle enema and an over sized wine glass. Think you could shoot Skittles from your bum?

    My cock? You really gonna call me out on that? OK, its about the size of a roll of nickels. That's why all the ladies let me in the backdoor, it is a good starter cock for anal.

  62. I can't even try to hook up with the count?!

  63. Every time I see 'ass2ass', I cringe and my butt squeezes shut.

  64. Are you with someone tonight? In rehab? Do not question your love. Take your lover by the hand. Release the power within yourself. Go ahead! Tame the wild poon with a whisper. Conquer heaven with one intimate touch. That's right. Don't be shy. Whip out everything you got and do it in the butt!!!!!

  65. Leon-ass to ass!! That's what I'm talking about!

  66. I believe a love conx was made here. Perhaps Tuesday should email the count. I kind of feel like a voyeur and parts of me are feeling funny..

    OMFG..Brooke and Lohag. Oh man, to see them in therapy would be a treat.

    And Nothanks and Barton: You are correct. Unless they want to be sober and stay that way, this will just be 90 days detox before they relapse again. I think Brooke may make it but Lohag will not.

  67. Wow the site's being bombarded. Looks like a coordinated thing. I don't believe that's the real Jerkula posting in this thread, the original didn't have an avatar and the commenting somehow.

    Yes you can hijack someone's else posting name on Blogger. I at 1st posted a few times as Pookie but added-on once I realized there was already someone here with that handle (apologies to the original Pook).

  68. Anonymous2:14 PM

    count jerk..your the best poster!

    soooo charlie paying for lilo stay?!!

  69. @nudibelle: thank you. You may have the cutest screen name on here, so it always makes me happy to see kind words from you.

    @Pookie: what I nail the gay jedi blind, then corrctly second the tyra banks one. If the site needs to be livened up, I try to if it needs on topic guesses I do that to. Pretty soon enty is gonna have to PayPal me a hooker or reveal the blind about the blackmailed actress who made a porn at 18 but the director fucked up the tape. I'm guessing Minka Kelly.

  70. I'm guessing Charlie Sheen. And I totally agree with what you said about this, +1

  71. I dunno what those tight-assed midwestern bitches have against the Count. He's my dream boyfriend. He's respectful towards women, he has a clinical knowledge of our bodies (hell YEAH for a man who know where to find a G-Spot!) and he has a sense of humor. Get me some ribs and beer and I'd hunker down for a weekend or seven with the Count!

  72. I never did ribs on the grill, but if you are down to party, we can get some baby backs, toke some reefer and get down. I have a big backyard. We can take the grill some place secluded and get busy on a blanket while we are still covered in Swee Baby Ray's BBQ sauce.
