Saturday, May 11, 2013

Brooke Mueller Can't See Her Kids - Will Remain With Denise

Brooke Mueller's attorneys were in court yesterday. You know what is funny about that last part. Brooke has no money she makes on her own. None. She has no job. her one skill she has not used in quite sometime I don't think. I have not heard any rumors of it in awhile, so she has no money coming in, except what Charlie Sheen gives her. Charlie wants the kids to stay with Denise Richards so is probably paying for Denise Richards' lawyers and his own lawyers too. Also, because Brooke's money all comes from Charlie he is technically paying for Brooke's lawyers too.

Brooke wanted the two boys to be removed from Denise's care and placed with her brother. The judge said no. Brook wanted the kids to come see her on Mother's Day. The judge said no, because Brooke is in rehab and it is not a proper place to meet with the kids. When she gets out of rehab, she will only have supervised visitation with them, which means someone will have to watch her with the kids at all times.


  1. This is all a money grab. I figure most of the child support if she could get at it was going up her nose.

  2. I don't want you to have to do that either, enty, but since I hate trying to read the comments here now because of the bots and/or trolls, I say do what you have to do in order to restore the previous delightful witty repartee of the wonderful commenters. I miss the great sense of community that was once here. :(

    In response to the post itself, GOOD ON THAT JUDGE! Why couldn't the LoHag get this judge. I say Denise should adopt those little guys permanently if she feels capable. They would be SO much better off with her!!!

    Love you guys!

  3. Isnt she very very good friends with Paris Hilton? hmmm

  4. Good for that judge.

    Right decisions on every count.
    The boys are in a stable environment and with family (their sisters) and have been with Denise before.

    Hope Brooke finally gets it together but I am not hopeful. If she does, it should be a long and slow process of returning custody to her, with first supervised visits, then day visitation without the supervision, move to overnight visits, then joint custody with Denise, etc. All contingent on her passing mandatory drug tests, going to parenting classes, and staying stable and clean.

  5. If the kids are no longer with her then Charlie needs to stop paying her child support and maybe she won't have enough money to buy all those drugs. She'll probably just resort to prostituting again. It's a sad state of affairs for everyone involved, mainly those poor children!

    1. You nailed it. Shall going to die either in rehab after a binge or just plain old OD. So why should Charlie pay for that and why subject little boys the grief of getting to know
      her when it's obvious she's only going to die. She loves money and drugs, the kids are a means to her own ends.-

  6. What a sad story. I hope she cleans up her life for her kids' sake.

  7. I didn't want to make Enty resort to this. But I SOOOOOOOOO totally did! Moderate me, Enty!!

  8. She looks like the joker in that picture.

  9. Yea for the judge. I hope she gets cleaned up and back on track. Those kids need her but will be well taken care of with Denise until then. Also Denise deserves that child support because she IS taking care of them. Atleast it's not going up her nose.
    Oh, and Enty I will weather through this storm with you until YOU can resolve it. Smoochies.

  10. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Probably right about it being a money grab. I wonder if her brother's had any drug problems? Thank Goodness the Judge has a working brain.

  11. If Mindy McCready could make it to 37 then Brooke and the Cracken will too. Many more years of entertainment. I still feel it's like watching Sharon Stone in Casino. I have no idea what a normal society should do with these people. I guess it wouldn't happen if the dealers could be removed, but there is always legal alcohol.

  12. I don't know how CA is but I have long term chronic pain and when I was getting divorced my Ex slandered me so hard b/c I take vicoden for pain I had to do almost all these things, just b/c he made outrageous accusations and had the money to force the issues. It was hell, but I did everything and had to do and was found to be "fine" by the courts, but it cost me $40,000 to defend myself (never be out of credit card debt). So as I had to go through it and I am not a messed up 20 times rehaber like Brooke, damn straight she should have to have supervised visitation till she can prove herself.

  13. And no, rehab is not a place the boys need to see her for Mothers day! WTF is she thinking? Selfish, selfish woman.

  14. Do whatever you have to do Enty when the good commenters go away the lurkers leave and before you know it fewer clicks and fewer advertisers!

    1. I thought it was just me... I was so confused with comments one day. The site seemed so off.

  15. Does anyone know why they can't be with her parents? I'm not defending them I'm just asking as I was always confused on the issue. Are they drug addicts too?

  16. Anonymous10:21 AM

    It seems that Brooke's family is really messed up. Being with Denise seems to have provided the boys with some much needed stability. It's best that they stay with her.

  17. Yes. Do what you have to do, EN'TARD. Except don't tell the truth. YOU CAN'T DO THAT. No advertisers anymore. Boo.

    1. You need to shut the fuck up and move on. What is your problem? Are you obsessed with enty? Your beyond annoying. Get a life dumb fuck.

    2. You need to shut the fuck up and move on. What is your problem? Are you obsessed with enty? Your beyond annoying. Get a life dumb fuck.

  18. ENTY. "canopener" (stupid name) is one of your main problems! Why is this stuff being posted?

  19. Besides bang charlie, what's this trick known for? I have no idea

  20. CeeeeeeeeeeeeeeKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (brilliant name):
    I have power.
    I have influence.

    1. LiLo is that you? You must be bored out of your mind at Betty Ford :/
      Hang in there gurl!

  21. Poor little boys. They are being shuffled around like pawns.
    It probably is the best for them to be with their sisters at Denise's house and good on Charlie for recognizing that neither he or their mom are in a place to take care of them.

    It's still very sad for them --both parents are kind of a mess. Denise is probably being compensated well but she's earning some really good karma--not every ex would put herself out like this for another woman's children.

  22. So she was hooking? Interesting. I thought her parents were loaded?

  23. I don't post that often, but I'm not one of the pests.

    Denise is doing what is best for all the children. Her kids need to know their siblings and is teaching them what family is. That is hard to come by in Hollywood.

  24. Ha ha ha @Surrender !!

  25. @canopener - you're starting to sound like Trump - oops, I mean Fuckface Von Clownstick.

  26. Denise is clearly getting lots of money from Charlie - but, to her credit, she seems to be spending most of it on the kids. She's as good a mom as those boys are likely to find in this very sad situation, and she seems to have her priorities in order. Happy Mothers' Day, Denise! Those boys should be with you in your comfy home, with their sisters and toys. Not with their self-absorbed "mom" in rehab.

  27. *happy sigh*
    It's so nice and quiet on here today! Reading the comments has been rough these past two days. It's just so pleasant. I didn't realize how much I depend on the comments here until it all went sideways.

    Long time lurker, rare commenter.

  28. Denise has had them alot in past; they are used to her, and their sisters, and im sure feel safe and secure there. Why wld charlie take them from that kidcentric envoirment to live just two of them in charlies house when he works alot?
    I dont know what planet brooke is on, because sheisthisclose to losing her parental rights altogether,much less getting them back. The support money rightfully goes whereever kids are.
    From what ive read, brookes parents are solcialite social climbers who really dont hv time or inclanation to take in the boys.

  29. Ugh. Some people cannot hold their meth.

  30. Every time I see this woman's name I hear Ben Stein's voice chanting "Mueller?...... Mueller?........ Mueller?....... Mueller?......."
