Thursday, May 16, 2013

Britney Spears Wants A Baby Girl - Will She Be Allowed?

Since watching Britney Spears on Extra tell Mario Lopez that she wants a baby girl, I have been wondering if she will ever be allowed to have kids. I have no doubt that Britney probably would like to have more children. Her answer seemed honest and she probably would love a baby girl considering she already has two boys. I just don't think her dad and whoever follows him as conservator are going to allow her to have kids. Make no mistake, they are in charge of everything about her. They get to decide her social contacts and get to control who she has sex with and whether she is on birth control and everything else about her reproductive functions. At the same time, Britney does not even have custody of her two boys, so is she prepared to be a full-time mother? Yes, she would have nannies and bodyguards and other help, but she would have custody. This is all very interesting to think about and so many issues just by her saying she wants a baby girl.


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